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Posts posted by Gasilla

  1. 39 minutes ago, LCMAlumtiger32 said:

    Thats true. I think LCM is better then last year. But good luck on the season. Hopefully both teams can make farther then last year 

    I think they are too. I was wondering about the QB replacement, but it looks like they have not missed a beat. Peevey is the man in that respect. Hopefully both go farther! GL!

  2. 1 hour ago, LCMAlumtiger32 said:

    Yall held Morris to 95 rushing this year. Last year he ran around 170 yards against the 50 defense. We will see what it does against other talented opponents. 

    It's not that simple. The Mustangs were up at the half by 3 scores last year. That changes your plan from stopping the run to containing it to make sure you don't give up any quick scores. Both games played out differently.

  3. 2 hours ago, LCMAlumtiger32 said:

    I mean you think a nose guard makes that much difference? I think it would opened up the pass more but the game is over. The difference was probably not adjusting on the defensive side of the ball. CT is heck of a coach.  

    The 50 and the 40 are different philosophies. Yes, in highschool football, it makes a difference. CT thought so as well.

  4. 2 minutes ago, AggiesAreWe said:

    I'm just saying it's too early to make any call. If this Mustang defense ends up giving up an average of 20 points or more this season, then the change to 4-2-5 can definitely be questioned.

    I think some folks are going to realize just how good this LC-M team will be come playoff time.

    I dont disagree with you. That's why I stated in my original post that I'll reserve saying too much. I HOPE it works out. But, what I saw against LCM was what I was afraid of when I saw we were running that defense.

    I agree that LCM is better than most give them credit for.

    You know I bleed Blue and Silver. I hope they DO have a good grasp on the changes they've made. Time will tell.

    I think we're going to learn a lot more about it this week.

    I saw more that bothered me other than the scheme, hoping it was just an off night for the boys. That happens. Hopefully they are still doing the things in practice that made us fundamentally sound. Again, time will tell on that.

  5. On 8/26/2022 at 11:39 PM, Dat Brook said:

    Both teams went to the state quarter finals last year only to be bit by the injury bug, so let's squash the "they can't carry our jock strap" trash talk. 

    Both programs have great athletes, dedicated coaching staffs and fanatics for fans. Lots of strengths on both sides of the ball with only a few areas to improve on. 

    It's going to come down to who makes the least mistakes and if the other team can capitalize when they have the chance. 

    For the Bears, Dean with Morris and crew will need to have a stellar night and the O-line must keep the "chain gain" in check.

    WOS will be forced to double/triple team #90 as they lack some size at the tackle position. This will only leave one-on-one assignments against the other trenchmen. LCM's secondary has been in question with loss of Pete from last year but I've be pleasantly surprised at how they can shutdown the passing game. 

    In the end, this game will only help identify those gaps before heading into district and hopefully long playoff runs for both team. Iron sharpens Iron?

    LCM 28

    WOS 27 with a missed PAT


    P.S. Guaranteed that this one sells out early so gettem' while they're HOT!!!

    Only thing I'll disagree with is the score and the comment about the WOS line size. The O Line is big, especially at the tackle spot. The lineman on Washington's side is massive and a 3 year starter (Heard). It'll be a battle in the trenches.

  6. From everything I've heard, WOS will stay in the 50. We've always dropped the rover into coverage in situations which would give you a 4 man front. I didn't see the scrimmage, but I'd guess that's what happened. If WV was throwing it around or were in passing situations often that would explain it.

  7. 11 hours ago, WOS1986 said:

    I agreed with 2wedge exactly! 

    Toby does have a big heart and passion while other don't! Simple plain.

    It will very sad if they decide not hire Toby. They should know better and it is all about kids to success.

    My gut feelings tell me that it will not Toby to be next head coach but I hope my gut is telling me wrong. I know coach Thompson will involve and part of it but board is more power than him. I hope he is fighting and support for Toby. Again, Toby is deserve this job.

    Also, I have to be honest and I don't see if Toby is not hire then fans will go down and small. It will destroy Mustangs tradition and embarrassed whole the Texas look at WOS and laugh so I don't want that end yet because there is still and keep carry if they hire Toby. 

    I would not come to watch WOS game if they don't hire Toby because I am not going drive there from Houston. I tend to come watch WOS 2 to 3 games in Orange.

    I just tired to see and wait too long so they need make a decision sooner! 

    I really don't see how it WONT be Toby. The community has made it known who their choice is. To go against them would be professional suicide. I don't think the sup will have a choice in the matter if he has a lick of sense.

  8. 9 hours ago, Reagan said:

    Look, I don't mind people lobbying for a coach, since it's their tax dollars being used from top to bottom.  BUT -- what's being lobbied for has to be warranted.  But, if it's who I think it is, they better think twice!  If it's not -- then more power to them!

    Mr Reagan, this is pretty simple. You've obviously, stated your dislike of Toby due to what you perceive as failure in the win/loss columns. If you are a resident of the WOS district then make your feeling known in the community. Spend your dime on promoting who you'd like to see in there. If you aren't, then why are you so concerned? You know the community wants Toby, if they are wrong, then, it's on them. If the sup/SB go a different route, then I'm not sure that the other coach could EVER achieve the level of success it would take to appease the constituents. That's just real talk.

    I've said all along I think it should go to the most qualified individual. From what I know of those who've applied, Toby is it, hands down, when you apply the standards the district has posted publicly COMBINED with the fact Toby is home grown. He stands alone in either facet. 

    If you're an outside fan, get behind the community because I have a feeling it'll be Toby unless something more sinister is involved. And, if your not, pray your right and you have something to look forward to for the next few years. Lol

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