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    smitty got a reaction from jv_coach in SIx Conundrums of American Society- agree or disagree?   
    Also, it's amazing how people wants the government to solve the problems that government caused in the first place.  Incredible!! 
  2. Like
    smitty reacted to 77 in Obama's Broken Border   
    She would follow Yobama over a cliff if he said to its strictly a black and white thing with big girl!
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    smitty reacted to TROJANSWIN in Birthright Citizenship Unconstitutional?   
    Except for the fact that when a state tries to enforce immigration laws, Eric Holder and Obama's justice department sues the state over it. So in answer to your question (see how that works), no a state cannot handle it. Besides, since you won't answer the question I have repeatedly asked you, I will answer for you. One of the few legitimate jobs the federal government has is to secure the borders and protect the country militarily.
  4. Like
    smitty got a reaction from CraigS in obama's Bizarre Behavior!   
    obama -- aloof, bizarre, and detached!  Well, Democratic Congressman, welcome to the realization of something we already knew!
  5. Like
    smitty reacted to stevenash in Obamacare   
    Smitty, when you are googling " Business owners who like Obamacare" it doesn't tell you the political predilection of those mentioned.  Rest assured the list is extremely short.
  6. Like
    smitty reacted to stevenash in obama's Goal: Destroy The Rich?   
    To what extent to do we go to make things "fair".  Half of the country pays no income tax at all.  Why aren't they part of Obamas "shared sacrifice"?
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    smitty reacted to stevenash in obammmmmmaaaaaa   
    Yes, Obama is really brilliant. Except when it comes to economics and telling the truth.
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    smitty reacted to PN-G bamatex in obama's Thugocracy...   
    Not to mention that many of the Clinton administration's signature achievements are as much a result of the Newt Gingrich's work as they are Bill Clinton's.
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    smitty reacted to stevenash in Big girl- the discussion was hypocrisy/lying   
    Big GIrl, now that you have finally acknowledged the the debt is in excess of 17 trillion, lets go back to what was originally being discussed about said debt and see how you feel.
    When Mr. Obama was campaigning prior to being elected, he criticized Mr. Bush for the amount of debt the country had accumulated (around 10 trillion at the end of the Bush presidency)  Mr. Obama stated, in a campaign speech( easily verified) that what Mr. Bush had done was mortgage the future of our children.  He further stated that to accumulate that much debt was irresponsible and unpatriotic.  In another campaign speech, Mr. Obama promised that, by the end of his first term, the debt would be cut in half.  We are mid way through the second term and the debt is 70% higher since he began his presidency rather than 50% lower.  Does that suggest that Mr. Obama simply lied or that he doesn't understand ( in your "friends" words) macroeconomics?  P.S.  I would prefer your opinion rather than that of a relative or friend.
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    smitty reacted to bullets13 in Big Girl, PamFam, Westend, Newtobie, DaDove   
    I get tired of hearing people accuse anyone who doesn't support Obama of being racist. Slow economic recovery, the IRS scandal, Benghazi, Obamacare, handouts, and many other issues are sufficient reasons to not support Obama. Personally, I don't think he's had a successful presidency. This does not make me a racist. The fact that I voted for him in the first election CLEARLY shows that my vote is not affected by race. I often butt heads with conservatives on here because they sometimes post questionable (at best) "news" articles, but the fact that Smitty or Nash or 77 or other similar posters don't support Obama is not race-related either. Why would someone who holds conservative views vote for Obama? It doesn't make sense. Obama could be lily-white and would still not be supported by the majority of this board. Claiming racism does, however, allow one to ignore the real reasons that he is often criticized.
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    smitty reacted to 77 in BigGirl Ain't Gonna Like This...   
    Think real unemployment rate is around 12%!
  12. Like
    smitty reacted to Eagle11 in First Lady Would Be Proud...   
    I wish our veterans got the treatment that the poor, needy and children get here. The very guys that protect yours and my freedoms get the shaft when it comes to being cared for. Heck, prisoners get better treatment than Vets get......except for the around the clock sex from Guido the killer pimp.
  13. Like
    smitty reacted to thetragichippy in Hobby Lobby   
    Where was all the grief about this BEFORE Obamacare? 
  14. Like
    smitty reacted to LumRaiderFan in The View   
    Yea...we would rather have mental giants like pelosi, boxer and Lee.
  15. Like
    smitty reacted to stevenash in Orange County Judge   
    Yes and we also elected the smartest man in the world as our President.
  16. Like
    smitty reacted to PN-G bamatex in Saddam's WMD Confirmed!!   
    It's against my better judgment to become involved in this thread at all, but I think I have a moral duty to the truth that requires me to, even if some of the people who read this post would prefer to stick to an inaccurate narrative in the face of inconvenient evidence.
    This is a link to a blog post on the website of the United States Naval Institute - not Fox News or MSNBC or any news media organization that could be perceived as biased either way, but rather a 140 year-old non-profit think tank based on the grounds of the United States Naval Academy that counts several retired US military leaders among its membership.
    The actual blog post contains direct quotations from a number of significant figures in the international intelligence community. Perhaps most notably is a statement made in 2003 by James Clapper, a retired general in the United States Air Force and current Director of National Intelligence under the presidential administration of Barack H. Obama, in which he made a very convincing case based on satellite imagery that Saddam Hussein had moved his chemical weapons stockpiles out of Iraq and into Syria in the months leading up to the beginning of Operation: Iraqi Freedom in March of 2003.
    The blog also contains the assertions of former Iraqi Air Force General Georges Sada, who claimed in his memoirs and to the New York Sun that two separate Iraqi Airways jetliners were covertly converted into cargo planes and used to funnel chemical stockpiles by air to Syria in 56 separate flights under the guise of Iraqi aid following a Syrian dam collapse in 2002.
    Additionally, and most damningly, are the assertions contained within the blog made by the Israeli Director of Military Intelligence, General Moshe Ya'alon, who provided evidence of Iraqi truck convoys carrying chemical stockpiles into Syria from December of 2002 to February of 2003 under the direction of former Soviet KGB Chief General Yevgeny Primakov, who headed the Soviet Union's special envoy to Saddam Hussein's Iraq in the evil empire's dying days.
    I don't know how much more plain I can make this. It's obvious at this point that Saddam had his chemical weapons, and that he got them to Syria before the US invaded - even one of his own generals admits this. Further, the evidence strongly implies that the Russians were involved in helping him do so.
    The only thing these assertions lack is the indisputable proof necessary to carry them over from reasonable suspicions to credible charges, which would likely be found if US troops were deployed into Syria, thus explaining Putin's position of defiant opposition to US involvement in the Syrian crisis after remaining utterly silent about US involvement in the same kinds of situations in North Africa.
  17. Like
    smitty reacted to LumRaiderFan in Protesters turn back busloads of illegal immigrants, as border stations overwhelmed   
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    smitty got a reaction from Eagle11 in Bill's Fault...   
    It's funny how things come back around eventually.  This recent Supreme Court decision concerning religious freedom was sweet poetic justice.  And, it drew out hypocrisy at it's finest.  This was not a Constitutional ruling.  This was a "statutory" ruling.  The sweet irony is that obama was being sued for violating the "Religious Freedom Restoration Act."  But, I wonder who signed that into law??  Well -- Bill Clintonista in 1993!!  The House and Senate voted for it unanimously!  One major hypocrite?  Hillary Rodman Clintonista!  You should have heard here whining about the decision.  Why can she get away with it?  Because she knows there are a lot of "Low Information Voters" out there that does not have a clue!!     ;)
  19. Like
    smitty got a reaction from 77 in First Lady Would Be Proud...   
    BigGirl -- the War On Poverty -- poverty is winning.  So, government is obviously not the answer, right??
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    smitty got a reaction from thetragichippy in Enlightened/chosenone   
    I'm sure Jimma Carter thanks the Lord everyday for obama.  Now he won't be the worst President in history!
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    smitty reacted to stevenash in For PAMFAM...   
    Big Girl- When is the average family going to realize the $2500 premium reduction the President promised?  Or was this just another case of he hoped it would happen?
  22. Like
    smitty reacted to stevenash in Enlightened/chosenone   
    You are correct, Big Girl.  Being a financial planner does not always make one financially or economically astute.  Neither does being a community organizer.
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    smitty got a reaction from LumRaiderFan in Sauce For The Goose...   
    What's sauce for the goose, is sauce for the gander.  Let's see how the IRS like's there own medicine.  LOL!!
  24. Like
    smitty got a reaction from 77 in Enlightened/chosenone   
    The Bible doesn't say anything about being forced through government coercion.  It should be left to the individual, churches and families. 
  25. Like
    smitty reacted to Baba Ganoush in Bam!!   
    But he taught Constitutional Law! How could he have missed something so obvious? Supreme Court is a joke, what do they know? I'm sure biggie will be here soon. She might not be up from roflhbo. Or sore neck from all that smh.
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