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Ty Cobb

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Everything posted by Ty Cobb

  1. I would really like to hear from biden supporters and anyone who voted for him. I truly want to know what they think he and his admin are doing that is positive for Americans. There really may be something that I missing. 1. Letting thousands and thousands of illegal immigrants into the country? No, that's not it. Or is it? 2. Letting terrorist organizations like antifa and blm take over and destroy American cities? No, that can't be it. Or is it? 3. Having extremely high crime rates/murders in areas like new york, california and chicago? No, that can't be it. Or is it? 4. The debacle in Afghanistan? No, can't be that. Or is it? 5. Allowing the worlds most powerful military to become woke? No way that's it? Or is it? 6. Trying to force American citizens to have an ID for everything except to vote? No, that's not it? Or is it? 7. Trying to force American citizens to take a vaccine, that no one knows the long term side effects of, all while allowing thousand and thousand of illegal aliens into the country without being vaccinated? No way that's it? Or is it? 8. Not tweeting mean things? No, that's not it? Or is it? If I've missed something, please let me know!!!
  2. 1. North Shore 2. West Brook 3. PA Memorial 4. Katy Paetow 5. PN-G 6. WO-S 7. Liberty 8. LC-M 9. Lumberton 10. Vidor 11. Coldspring 12. Tarkington 13. Orangefield 14. Buna 15. Crockett 16. Hardin 17. Kirbyville 18. Newton 19. Deweyville 20. San Augustine 21. Somerville 22. Bmt. Kelly 23. Tatum 24. Grapeland 25. Groveton
  3. I don't think it's a coincidence. The problem is who is actually responsible for the release of COVID and why has no one been held accountable?
  4. What exactly does this mean? I don’t know the procedure for the FDA to approve the shot but I would think it takes years of testing to get results.
  5. I said this in another thread but I’ll say it again. This administration has only 1 goal, erase anything Trump. Oh wait, they do have a 2nd goal, do anything possible to stay in power.
  6. Absolutely nothing!!! Can’t wait to hear what others think.
  7. This same thing happened at a daycare that my son used to attend. The vans were for transporting the kids on field trips. I can't stand thieves of any kind but to steal from a church or a daycare is about as low as it gets!!!
  8. I read today that the antibodies last between 7 and 9 months. I had kung flu late January, early February. I guess I'm good for a little while longer.
  9. This administration is sick. They have one goal in mind, erase Trump and anything that he stood for. It doesn't matter how bad their decisions are for America as long as Trump is gone. What makes it worse is there are people that actually support this administration and the horrible things they are doing.
  10. I still don’t understand why people spend their time on facebook. Maybe it’s because I’ve never been on it. The company has too much power and it’s because people give them this power by using their product. Stop using facebook and it will go away.
  11. Thanks for the reply but what about the 2nd question I had. If a person has had covid how long will the antibodies stay in their body. I’m asking because I had covid at the end of Jan and into early Feb. Do the antibodies take the place of getting the vaccine?
  12. In an earlier post you stated that you received the vaccine in Jan. How long does the vaccine last? Will you or any other vaccinated person have to get another covid shot? Also, if a person has had covid and has the antibodies in their body, how long will the antibodies remain in their body?
  13. The LCM defense will be very good in a couple of years, if not sooner, and they will create turnovers. Coach Davis is a very good DC!!!
  14. This is the type of good news we’ve been waiting for. A mural for a criminal has been destroyed by Mother Nature. 🤣🙏 I can already see the headlines from the media, “Racist Mother Nature destroys mural.” “Must be Trump’s fault”
  15. Wouldn’t you hate to be these community organizers that have to knock on someone’s door and try to convince them that they must have/need this vaccine. What a crappy job. Does this job come with good insurance and hazard pay?
  16. Are we really the UNITED States of America anymore? As of the last couple of years, I would answer no. The States are very divided on many issues, but none more than what this country was made of. Good people with Christian beliefs. To be 100% honest, Im more proud to be a Texan than I am to be an American.
  17. Instead of arresting these DEMONcrat, piece of crap politicians, I wish we could just ban them from ever entering the great state of TEXAS again. Leave their sorry butts in dc.
  18. If I see this charge on my check I will never return to that business.
  19. Spin it however you want, forcing a company to interview based on race is racist!!!
  20. The same can be said about the Rooney rule in the nfl. Teams MUST interview a person, for a coaching position, that is not white before they can hire anyone. How on earth is this not a racist rule?
  21. Let’s make it a 2 for 1 Reagan. My card is up for sale as well.
  22. Man you scared me. I don’t wNt to lose Gallup but I can’t see anyway they can pay him. Here’s the problem with the early trade deadline in the nfl, which I think is either week 6 or 8. If the COWBOYS are playing well they won’t trade him and will then lose him to free agency. Which of course means they get nothing for him.
  23. The word on the street is that the Hamshire Fannett coach is taking the Lumberton job. Any truth to this or is it just rumors?
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