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Ty Cobb

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Everything posted by Ty Cobb

  1. Will Frito Lay be forced to change the name of these products since "cracker" is a racist and derogatory term?
  2. Amen to that!!! I'm extremely sick of the woke movement.
  3. This is great news!!! Wish the cali morons would have done this earlier!!!
  4. There's no need for more gun control laws. What we need is culture control laws. This is about one of the shooters: Smiley Martin, 27, was taken into custody Tuesday morning as he recovered at a hospital from injuries suffered during the gunfire that broke out in the California capital's entertainment district early Sunday morning, the Sacramento Police Department said. Martin faces charges of possession of a firearm by a prohibited person and possession of a machine gun. These thugs didn't follow the existing gun laws, what makes Brandon think they would follow new ones.
  5. Another racist rule by the nfl. I thought we were trying to do away with racism?
  6. Deweyville will get it before Orangefield.
  7. I’ve just read that he will be released from jail. How sick can this world get? He lied, then lied under oath(which obviously means nothing) was charged with multiple felonies( which obviously means nothing) and will be released. Why?
  8. There's men's sports and there's women's sports. Why can't these confused individuals have their own division or category? Why do they have to try to take over women's sports and why are there no confused woman trying to get involved in men's sports? It's because they know that they can't compete. These are just a bunch of losers that can't make it in the men's world so they move to women's sports to make themselves feel better. Make a "Confused Division" and leave the rest of the sports world alone.
  9. "Knock his penis (he used a different word) in his watch pocket!!!
  10. More examples of why I call them DEMONcrats!!!
  11. I hate that it ended this way but I hope the Hawks and Coach Fogo can appreciate what they accomplished this season. Congratulations Hawks!!!
  12. I’m voting for Abbott
  13. Man I HATE the eagles, but gotta give respect to this man. What a wonderful example of being a kind and caring human!!!
  14. That's one of the funniest things that I've read in a long time, yet very disturbing to think about actually doing it. Makes a great "would you rather" Would you rather trust a DEMONcrat or dip your nuts in honey and sit on a fire ant hill? 🤣
  15. Dang, talk about hitting the nail on the head. Those 2 dudes spoke the truth. A truth that the liberal/DEMONcrat "World" doesn't want to hear right now. Not exactly the image that I agree with but they send a very REAL message. Would love to see them on the main stream media(FOX news).
  16. The problem is that nothing will happen to this sorry administration. Nothing, absolutely nothing. They do whatever they want and no one will hold them accountable. I can't wait for the American people to grow a pair and take power away from these crooked politicians!!!
  17. I was just typing the same thing but you beat me to it. The idiot in chief and his administration are so bad that I'm thinking about running for President. Heck, I couldn't do any worse and I would get votes simply because I actually care about America.
  18. I agree, but liberals mess up all communities, not just the black communities!!!
  19. They have one, named Will McClay. He just signed a new contract earlier this week.
  20. It’s fixable, but I don’t think today’s patriots can do it. It would take people willing to give up their way of living, their families, and for some their lives. As you said, voting can’t beat these sorry, crooked politicians. They only care for themselves and have proved it over and over. There just aren’t enough people willing to fight.
  21. Playoffs round 1 vs the 49ers. Not a good matchup.
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