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Posts posted by InMAGAWeTrust

  1. 4 minutes ago, baddog said:

    What a lie. That is not the interpretation of most Americans. The 222+10 can all jump off a cliff. They have been doing that since before Trump was president. People like you, who think you know everything and everybody else is a fool ( except for maga....lmao) play both sides for the sake of argument. Brave people fight back, like me. There is not a conservative bone in your body. 

    Wow you’re so brave! 🥴 🤦🏻‍♂️ 

  2. 14 minutes ago, CardinalBacker said:

    And that's not even going into the fact that Trump has repeatedly made allegations of a "stolen" election to his loyalists without providing any evidence.  Not in court, not in public. Not a bit of EVIDENCE that would in any way prove election fraud.   

    Just allegations, then pointing at the allegations themselves as "proof" that something happened. 

    The only actual interference that we've documented was done over the phone by trump on 1/2/2021 on his call to Georgia. 


    But my dear friends Reagan and Baddog saw a post about the libs cheating on maga.com , and maga.com would never lie to people. They aren’t like the mainstream news. They’re different. They don’t have an agenda to push. Truth hurts. MAGA2024 5D CHESS stay tuned this is all part of Trumps plaN (plz don’t  forget to donate)

  3. 25 minutes ago, CardinalBacker said:

    I really felt like we'd made a lot of progress, but it seems as if lately it's all gone down the drain. 

    Well.. certainly doesn’t help when Trump, the president of the United States, literally re-tweets a video of a white (old and fat) supporter of his yelling “white power” at BLM protestors 


    but that’s cool.. trump didn’t say it himself, he just re-tweeted it. No big deal. Bigliest uniter this country has ever had. Thank you to the lord and savior DJT who strengthens me 

  4. So glad to see we do have some real PATRIOTS out there, unlike the traitors who rioted and cried like big snowflake babies to overturn the election after Trump got BTFO by a dude with dementia.

    what say you??


    This is the hidden content, please
     coach Bill Belichick said Monday he will not "move forward" with the Presidential Medal of Freedom that Donald Trump planned to present to him on Thursday.

    Belichick explained his decision in a statement:

    "Recently I was offered the opportunity to receive the Presidential Medal of Freedom, which I was flattered by out of respect for what the honor represents and admiration for prior recipients. Subsequently, the tragic events of last week occurred and the decision has been made not to move forward with the award.





  5. 52 minutes ago, Ty Cobb said:

    I voted for President Trump twice and I have never been on the wrong side of history or am I racist.  This is simply what the DEMONcrats and media want people to believe.  It's easier to hate someone if they are racist.  But remember, these are the same people who are fine with the openly racist hate group blm.

    You supported gay marriage and de-segregation? Well, bravo to you sir! 

  6. 16 minutes ago, SmashMouth said:

    Because ultimately the expected upfront spending from a Democrat controlled administration will be huge and it will boost the market until businesses begin an earnings decline because of the restrictions and impositions placed on them by the federal government. Then, you would generally see a decline. 

    But you’re real smart. You already knew that...

    Interesting - I recall the stock market doing very well under the Obama and Trump admins as well. Maybe they all have something in common 🧐🧐

  7. But the Deep South small town SETX pol mega genius savants say otherwise..


    Doug Leone, a billionaire investor who donated big money to Trump and even served on a White House task force, is making his first public comments to date about his years-long support for Trump. Leone, a longtime head of the elite venture capital firm Sequoia Capital, has tried to keep a low profile but has 

    This is the hidden content, please

    “After last week’s horrific events, President Trump lost many of his supporters, including me,” Leone said in a statement to Recode. “The actions of the President and other rally speakers were responsible for inciting the rioters. We need to find the best way to move forward as a country, get behind our newly-elected President, and start working on the many difficult issues facing America.”



    This is the hidden content, please

  8. 1 minute ago, Reagan said:

    You tell us how it feels!  The KKK was the police arm of the Democratic party.  Check your history, my friend!

    History lesson - Deep South racist democrats are now the Deep South racist trumplicans 

    id say the switch happened sometime in the last few decades. What you think? 

    Or maybe you legitimately think those people at the trump rallies are democrats 💀😂

  9. 1 hour ago, CardinalBacker said:

    There's no violation of free speech.  The government wasn't involved and did nothing to restrict anyone's speech. Now you might find ample grounds to prove that an anti-trust breakup is needed, but you'll need a sympathetic Justice Department to do that.  

    These snowflake crybaby trump worshippers went MIA when I get banned from SETX POL, but then throw a tantrum when Trump gets booted off Twitter.


    phew the mental gymnastics these guys perform is just astounding 

  10. 8 minutes ago, Ty Cobb said:

    I didn't say anything about President Trump winning the popular vote or anything about fraud.  President Trump received 74,223,744 votes which comes out to 46.9%.  As I stated, half the country doesn't want biden/harris or their policies.

    Is that the moral victory you’re going for? Trump got BTFO by a dude with dementia lol 

  11. 27 minutes ago, CardinalBacker said:

    That's not true. Nobody is claiming that Trump won the popular vote.  Just that he would have won those swing states.  Isn't it crazy how there wasn't any fraud in the other 46, just the ones Trump needed?  Lol. 

    His poor legal team couldn’t even decide on which states to stop the count, and which states to keep counting 😂😂 


    bunch of corrupt morons. So much for draining the swamp (and throwing Hillary in jail.. balancing the budget.. Mexico paying for the wall.. etc etc)

  12. 4 minutes ago, CardinalBacker said:

    I hate to use the word "cult" but they are definitely removed from reality.  Just last week I saw them beat a Capitol Police Officer to death with a fire extinguisher because the President directed them to bumrush Congress and overturn the results of our Presidential election.  

    "But it was a perfect speech" the soon-to-be ex-President said yesterday.  "YES!!!! PERFECT!!!!!" they all yelled in unison.  "Stop the Steal!"

    "You won bigly, Sir!" they all yelled as one.  "It's all fake news!" they responded as state after state was declared for Biden.  "Everybody knows we won by hundreds of thousands of votes" Trump cried to the Republican Secretary of State in Georgia.  "Just find me 11, 780 votes... are you going to help me?" Trump begged.

    "He's a TRAITOR!!!!" Trump's minions all yelled.  "He was purchased by China!  CHI-NA!!!!" they all exclaimed, with bare faces in displayed in protest of tyranny and nature, too.  

    Yeah... I'm gonna go with cult.

    Busted out laughing at “You won bigly, sir!” 😂😂


  13. 1 hour ago, Realville said:

    Yep, an Parler just so happens to be a conservative platform. What a coincidence.

    Well since you Trump worshippers are 4D backgammon mega geniuses, surely you’d have no trouble replicating  another cult website on your own cult servers 

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