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Posts posted by InMAGAWeTrust

  1. 3 hours ago, 5GallonBucket said:

    81 million Can’t handle crude or rude words but can handle less or no pay.

    pussification of America.

    I make more Money now than 2020, so you must be doing something wrong snowflake.

    its called PULL UP YER BOOTSTRAPS. I swear you snowflakes have excuses for literally everything 

  2. 25 minutes ago, CardinalBacker said:

    Ummm.... the crying after this election cycle is worse than anything I've seen in my lifetime.... without a question.  The President refused to concede, skipped the inauguration, his supporters attacked the capitol, and the trial for starting the insurrection starts 2/8.....

    Repubs have far exceeded any snotty nosed dweeb behavior that we've ever seen before.


    Nice try, though. 

    It’s not crying, it’s just allergies bro. Trump 2024 stay tuned for the master plan #refilltheswamp

  3. 1 hour ago, baddog said:

    Well genius, tell us the good news about your new savior. Speak about his policies and fill us in on why they are good for America. A troll wouldn’t even attempt it.

    I’m good I’ll pass on defending someone I don’t support lol 

  4. 50 minutes ago, Hagar said:

    No excuses, unless you consider the fact that I’m not rolling in dough an excuse.  Perhaps you’re one of those people that looks down his nose at people that don’t have as much as you.   But if you’re referring too inflation, that has to be a stipulation.  Carter had it over 14%.   At that rate, yep, S&P will be well above the current record, but the buying power of that money won’t equal what you have now.   Based on your limited history on here, doubt you’ll still be on this Forum 4 years from now.  Lol, and at my age, I may not be on this Forum 4 years from now.  In that case, CB gets the whole $40.

    Let’s define inflation as CPI, then bet is on? 

  5. 23 minutes ago, Hagar said:

    On the S&P being higher than it is now, was the original statement/bet, but that also is based on inflation, so it could be higher, but I’d win since inflation could run wild (worst case scenario for me, whether I win or lose bet).  Also, I said a large bet for me - based on his post, he’s talking big money.  I live primarily on SS, so $20 is a large bet.   Feel free to invest that $20 for 4 years, but I’d invest it in gold, not the Market.  😄

    Lol already making excuses , it’s cool. I ain’t worried about it that much 

  6. 1 minute ago, CardinalBacker said:

    That doesn't matter.  

    When a candidate is so repulsive that a majority of people vote for a senile person and a communist, you KNOW that the candidate was a genuine piece of trash. 

    Give these guys a break.. their peanut brains literally cannot comprehend anything besides R v D. I even saw some wacko say “demoncrat” in one of the above replies, to which I just busted out laughing 

  7. 16 hours ago, Hagar said:

    You ever been to watch/bet on thoroughbred races?   There’s always a horse that jumps out with the lead.  Thing is, most of the time that horse is well back, if not last, at the finish line.  So I’m looking forward and based on the Democratic agenda, Covid, and the executive orders signed just today, I see the Market dropping like a rock.  If there is massive inflation (google Jimmy Carter) the Market may go up, but the value of that money won’t match the loss of real buying power.  Our Govt dollars could be better spent on our economy, not the Paris Climate 🐂💩, not on WHO, but on America.

    Let’s put money on it then smart guy. Pick your number that you feel comfortable betting. 

    I do propose we use a 3rd party escrow officer in case you want to reneg (or back down completely like snake oil Steve Nash did). I nominate @CardinalBacker , If he would be as kind to accept, under the agreement that he (or whoever the escrow officer is) receives the greater of (i) $100.00 or (ii) 2% of the overall pot, for his time and attention on this matter. 


    Please let me know if you have any questions. 


    Warm regards,


  8. 7 minutes ago, baddog said:

    These two quotes will be the answers from the left because they already can’t defend their new savior from his first day of  layoffs. 

    More to come......

    Keep em coming precious snowflake 


  9. 4 hours ago, baddog said:

    Yours will be duly noted in the coming months.

    Y’all wackos planning ANOTHER terrorist attack in D.C?

    jesus Christ get it together, your lord and savior got BTFO by sleepy joe. Stop crying and move on with your life

  10. 1 hour ago, Hagar said:

    Yep, at the end of Trump’s four years, despite Covid, the S&P hits an all time high.   Anyone care to guess where it will be four years from now?   I’d be willing to bet a large sum of money (large for me), that it won’t be at or above this level.  I’ve been wrong before, but not when I’m willing to bet a large sum of money.  😄

    Markets are forward looking, old man 😘

  11. 20 minutes ago, Chester86 said:

    You flip flop between sincerity and instigation.  He has not and  seems only to exist to try and ruffle feathers.  You occasionally set forth valid arguments and seemingly try to be positive.  The only thing you seem to really have is an EXTREME hatred of Trump.  This is a message board based on opinions, and this is only mine - provided because you asked.

    How am I not sincere? I sincerely believe the majority of you guys are absolutely brainwashed into a cult, been saying it for years now 

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