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Posts posted by InMAGAWeTrust

  1. 3 minutes ago, baddog said:

    Now I’m msm and a dem congress? Wow, what a comparison. I never made monkey jokes about his wife. I made fun of his ears. Did that make it back to him? Awwwww.

    That’s your answer to all of my post?

    To be honest - I stopped reading after the very first sentence of you being a snowflake and defending your lord and savior Donald J Trump 

  2. 20 minutes ago, baddog said:

    So, you are spewing off at the mouth about having too much income. Wooooo, we are all impressed. I have plenty of money, and I have God, my family and friends....oops, don’t forget my guns. What else is there? Spewing self gratifying remarks on a sports message board?

    Did you already forget that you literally brought up this whole side topic? Mega genius alert 🤡🤡🤡

  3. 24 minutes ago, CardinalBacker said:

    C'mon, man..... if he was trying to steal he would have accepted his salary at the very least. 


    All jokes aside... can you imagine how much the media would be fawning over Biden if he said "no, thanks" to a salary?

    I disagree - refusing a (relatively) pitiful 250k salary or whatever in return for making hundreds of millions is a great trade off for him. And it looks good, optically, to people who aren’t really paying attention 


    This is the hidden content, please


    If only there was a way to fact check that website.. (oh wait)


  4. 35 minutes ago, CardinalBacker said:

    Bannon and Trump are going to try to create  a new media conglomerate together. 
    "The Patriot Network."


    Oh no doubt, grifters gonna grift.

    I wonder how many hundreds of millions he made (aka stolen from taxpayers) while funneling official government business trips through his real estate properties over the last 4 years.. guess we’ll never know. 

  5. 17 minutes ago, Chester86 said:

    If we really wanted to cut spending, how about the majority of spending going to America.  We can improve roads, bridges, parks - all of which would put Americans to work.  We could then stop sending obscene amounts to overseas countries for incubation of anti-American hatred.  However, with Biden’s stated objective of opening up the borders we will just continue to invite those in which hate us.

    Spoiler alert - conservatives aren’t conservative. No one will cut spending, but at the least democrats don’t even try to pretend that they will 

  6. 2 minutes ago, Chester86 said:

    I don’t really pay much attention to your posts, although I read them.  Your sole purpose is to instigate and be a  left-wing protagonist, but that list is laughable.  To ignore the shortcomings and not have Obama at the top of that list just proves it.  Now, to your point, yes to term limits but no thanks for age limits.  The elderly have a lot to teach and show us and to exclude them, solely based on age is not something I’d be interested in.

    > left wing protagonist

    >> top 5 worst politician list has more democrats than republicans 


    I swear you baby boomers are down right incompetent at literally everything 

  7. Think about it.. the worst 5 U.S. politicians (in recent times anyway) are all BABY BOOMERS.


    1 (tie) - Hillary / Trump

    2 - Biden

    3 (tie) - Pelosi / Mitch


    Are Americans simply that stupid to where we keep electing DINOSAURS into these positions and actually expect things to change??? 


    My personal opinion - age limit should be set at 65. Ideally, we’d have a healthy mix of 35 - 55 year olds running the country. No more fat, old, senile, diaper-wearing politicians who can barely put on their slip on shoes running for Congress or President. 

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