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Posts posted by InMAGAWeTrust

  1. 1 minute ago, baddog said:

    Decent, moral? Who Tf are you referring to? Don’t come at me with decent and moral when you are taking the liberal side. 

    Being completely serious - are you like 85 years old? Have you ever, just once, stopped and considered maybe you are being brainwashed too ?? You are no different than the far left you’re always crying about. Keep the poors fighting each other while these politicians siphon off the taxpayer dollars 

  2. 11 hours ago, Reagan said:

    If I recall right, the obama/biden economy never grew above 2%.  BUT -- the welfare rolls increased dramatically.  This is "compassion", Demo style.  obama was a community agitator and biden served off the government teat for 47 years.  But yet they know more about capitalism than Trump?  SMH!    

    Stop making excuses

    my income doubled under Obama. You can either sit and cry about your precious feelings or you can get off your lazy A and pull up your bootstraps, snowflake 

  3. 4 minutes ago, stevenash said:

    Perfect example.  Censor all whataboutisms unless they bolster the case I am trying to make.  You got in trouble once for playing the racecard so often.  It wont be long until the RNC/far right/wacko insults will provide you with a similar result, master " chainyanker"

    Wait - are you implying mods/admins can run their site however they want? Interesting.. thank you! 

  4. 8 minutes ago, stevenash said:

    Sorry, you are quite wrong.  Not claiming victimization caused directly by a Gay, but rather by those using Gays to advance their own political agenda.  But I wouldnt expect any more from you.  

    So you are victimized by gay people advancing their political agenda.. of wanting the right to get married?? 


    You might be a closet homosexual, or homophobe, if you’re that sensitive and easily triggered by gay people wanting to get married. Seriously. 



    Everyone come take a look, I think snake oil Steve just outed himself 😂😂



    @new tobie @CardinalBacker @Big girl @PAMFAM10 @UT alum

  5. 5 minutes ago, stevenash said:

    Interesting.  Seems like only about 6 months ago where lots of police and law enforcement was told to stand down and that there was a lot of police brutality.  Now it is the complete opposite.  Not much different than the NY Governor and the Chicago mayor saying, quite suddenly, that we must open the economy.  Give me a break.


    Oh look, another whataboutism reply from snake oil steve.


    Are you guys on the RNC payroll, or you just out here shilling for free? Bunch of SUCKERS 😂😂

  6. “This has become a cult. It’s no longer a political party. It’s a cult. It’s the kind of a cult that when the leader of the cult does anything, no matter what it is, or how awful it is, they voted,” Edwards said. “They voted to question the election results even after people came into the Capitol, tried to kill them and 

    This is the hidden content, please
     who was trying to protect them. And they did that.”


    This is the hidden content, please


    Curious to hear what the normal conservatives like @tvc184 have to say about this whole situation 

  7. Just now, stevenash said:

    And how is it, exactly, that you "know" what I actively search for?   Far right radical wack job?   Do tell, how do you know this as well?  Just because you are at one extreme, doesnt mean I am at the other if I dont agree with you.  It is the far left radical lefties who believe that any belief other than their own is totally unacceptable and unworthy of consideration and must be censored.

    Bro you and the other wackjobs are on here talking about how much you’re victimized by gay people being gay


    Who caresssssssssss what they do???

  8. 11 minutes ago, stevenash said:

    The government, the left and the media   (what a surprise)

    Maybe you should stop actively looking for gay people stuff and stop trying to be a victim

    Turn off the tv and smartphone. No one cares what gay people do except you far right radical wack jobs 

  9. 1 hour ago, stevenash said:

    And you shouldn't have to have that "belief" shoved down your throat daily by those who think you should believe as they do

    ... and who is doing that?


    Most normal people do not care at all what gay people do.. in fact, most normal people don’t care at all about what others are doing.  idk why conservatives, the party of small government (lol ya right), are always getting their snowflake panties in a bunch over it

  10. 2 minutes ago, baddog said:

    It doesn’t take u bravery at all to handle a snowflake like you. 
    I could go to DC to protest. It’s my right. I don’t need to scale the Capitol building but I would like to say a few things to Schumer and Pelosi. 

    So how come you aren’t?


    You said you’re brave and you fight back.. how?? On the internet? Trump needs you down in DC on Jan 20th brother, don’t let him down!

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