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Posts posted by InMAGAWeTrust

  1. LYIN TED is the absolute worst.. idk how people can trust the man after Trump called his wife UGLY and speculated about his dad being involved in the JFK assassination.. then Cruz goes on to be a Trump lap dog for the next 4 years trying to “win grace” from the lord and savior DJT.

    Dude is a traitor to his family and the country. 

  2. 1 minute ago, LumRaiderFan said:

    Exactly right, intervention while a problem with trade was fixed that was created by years and years of bad government decisions.  I guess we could have let the farmers go under and then get our grain from...where?

    Interesting - I had wrongly assumed you were a free market capitalist. Apologies 😘

  3. 6 minutes ago, LumRaiderFan said:

    Why don't you try talking to real farmers instead of googling your nonsense.  Renegotiating the trade deals in 2017 and 2018 was painful for farmers (they knew it would be) so the gov stepped in, as they should, in the interim.  You wouldn't want to deal with the year to year stress that farmers do, the myth that they are all rich is nonsense. 

    So... big government intervention right? Just want to clarify. Thanks!

  4. 7 minutes ago, CardinalBacker said:

    BTW... Roe v. Wade was almost 48 years ago.  Nothing is going to be revisited, and until the minority of y'all that falsely claim to care about the unborn shut up about it, Rs will always have trouble in general elections.  I'm going to go out on a limb and guess that you haven't actually adopted any of those unwanted kids that were actually born.  Heck, I'd doubt that you've dug into your wallet and donated the funds to cover the first adoption, either.  What about just donating clothes to an orphanage?  Probably not that either.  Worry about your own decisions and leave others to make their own.  More and more of the voters in America were born AFTER abortion was legalized.  It literally sounds to them like calling for a return to Prohibition when they hear people raising hell about it.  It's legal.  It's been legal. It's always going to be legal.  Get over it. 

    I think it’s about time the “pro-life” term gets rephrased to “pro-birth” - because we all knows that’s what most republicans are really thinking. Not only do they not adopt or help out people in need, they actively campaign to make life as difficult as possible for the less fortunate by cutting the various social programs including food stamps, health insurance, etc.. 

  5. 6 minutes ago, LumRaiderFan said:

    Not even close, tell that to the farmers that are getting good money for their corn and soybeans.

    You mean.. the SOCIALIST BAILOUT that big corporate farmers got while the little guy went bankrupt as the result of a failed trade war? Oh wait socialism and big spending is cool and accepted under (R), I forgot. 




    • U.S. trade aid mainly benefited large farms in its latest round, undermining a key pledge by the Trump administration and leaving family producers at risk of collapse as the economy entered a recession.
    • Roughly two-thirds of payments went to the top 10% of recipients at the beginning of the year, according to an analysis of U.S. Department of Agriculture records obtained by CNBC through the Freedom of Information Act.
    • The top half of recipients collected 95% of total payments in the $28 billion Market Facilitation Program.



  6. 4 minutes ago, baddog said:

    You bring absolutely nothing to the table with your regurgitated comments about Trump. What a broken record. I guess your comments have so little effect, they need continuous repetition.

    What do you bring? Besides non stop crying like a snowflake.. 

  7. Trump is by far the bigliest sore loser in the history of U.S. presidents 4 years of blaming everything on everyone else - always the victim! 


    Not only is Trump the ultimate snowflake, he also got outsmarted and beat down by SLEEPY JOE. 😂😂😂

  8. 16 minutes ago, SmashMouth said:

    You say that like a 5 figure tax bill is a lot. Lol. 
    That’s very impressive though. Tell me some more about yourself. Is it because you live with your mommy that you feel the necessity to tout your supposed wealth and success? 

    Brother I am simply stating I pay way too much in property taxes to be living with mommy. I don’t know why you’re getting all butthurt lol 

  9. 15 minutes ago, baddog said:

    Thank God for conservatives. You drool over leftist views and denounce conservatives, all the while building capital that you seem to flaunt. No wonder you’re as dizzy as a termite in a yo-yo. You don’t even know who you are. You should follow Biden. He doesn’t know his own family members. 

    Yikes when did you get so sensitive? 

    you must have BDS - Biden derangement syndrome

  10. 58 minutes ago, CardinalBacker said:

    You really, REALLY need to mix it up a little. Spending all day on the Internet looking at extreme right-wing websites while Hannity and Limbaugh play in the background isn’t healthy. It warps a person’s view of reality. 

    “A source close to the polling firm (not the firm itself) says that Trump’s approval rating popped to 51% the day after the riot? That is ludicrous. Impossible. Didn’t happen. 

    Over half of America hates Trump. There’s no disputing that fact. A lot of people that make up the other (almost) half that did actually like him were completely turned off by the actions on Wednesday and the fact that Trump’s actions in the last nine weeks were directly responsible for that attack. Yet somehow his popularity is soaring? There’s no way you can be serious.  

    Stop for a second. If you actually believed this article upon reading it, then you really need to do some self-reflection. You’ve let the lies and conspiracy theories overwhelm what most of us call “common sense.” You might possibly need medical intervention.  It’s bad, bro. 

    Boomers believe everything they read on the internet.. especially the low IQ ones. Easy targets for scamming, manipulating and brainwashing.  


    But.. but.. mUh AnTiFa 


  11. 13 hours ago, CardinalBacker said:

    I don’t know what you do for a living, but do you think somebody who’s never been in that industry would waltz in and be the best fit for CEO/President of your company, or do you think it would be a little bit of a disaster?

    Let’s not forget.. 


    Trump inherited his money, he didn’t make his money. His dad saved him on numerous real estate deals. He is a trust fund baby who managed to BANKRUPT A CASINO. 

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