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Everything posted by TrojanWarrior08

  1. You could either put both Coldspring or Westwood at 2 or 3. The only reason why I have Coldspring at 2 is because of the higher classifications they played opposed to Westwood.
  2. We got after next week until district starts... Since we just got football back I'm not rushing the season.
  3. Plus in this week's game against us if they don't have a run game against us then they're in a whole wide of trouble as I alluded to in my thread. Our secondary has been better so we know that H-F likes to throw the ball with their QB so they are more prepared for it this week.
  4. I had to do this because not too much light has been shown enough on this district and I think at least 2 teams out of this district can compete during playoff time with Woodville being one of the 2 teams (because I do believe that they will district by default unless something dramatic happens) or Coldspring and Westwood (I low-key have those 2 teams evenly matched for now but also understand that Coldspring is running a new offense so it will take time getting adjusted to.)
  5. Thanks for the input... I really haven't looked at Newton's size just yet but on Woodville's schedule as far as I can tell only us Westwood and Franklin are the biggest size wise they will see for at least the regular season. The next opponent in Liberty are very undersized and Woodville should fare way better than Coldspring did against them. This @jds82 is what I was referring to about common opponents no matter how each team plays each but I do bother to look at the teams and the score although on any given Friday the outcome can be different.
  6. Been meaning to do this but had a family member being in the hospital but now since I have some time I can tell you guys my rankings and thoughts. So with that being said let's get started with my first pick: 1. Woodville - As I stated in another thread before they have played 2 teams that are state ranked and perennial playoff contenders and played them close both match ups. They will be fine for the rest of the season as the schedule gets easier with next weeks game against Liberty (Only thing I would have to ask myself is Newton is better than Franklin right now because of the score differential but we won't know because of the different classification they're in and hope Franklin keeps scheduling teams out here in Southeast Texas in pre-district). 2. Coldspring-Oakhurst - In the first game of the season I realized that our secondary has improved drastically from last year I think 3 picks against Liberty but I also noticed that the past 2 games the Trojans are not really a good second half team as they will do most of the damage in the first half and get too laxed after that once they put up a comfortable lead. It could be that the defense may be tired or what but next week will be the hardest game outside of Woodville we should have all season in the Longhorns but this time this will be at our house. I do have the Longhorns winning this one but I think we will hang with them better than last season at our house. 3. Palestine Westwood - They blew out 2 teams so far and if the stories I keep hearing about their QB is true then this team is going to make some noise and put the whole district on notice. This is my dark horse pick to win district. 4. Diboll - No knock on the Lumberjacks but this is a completely different team than last season but when district competition rolls around expect them to compete as I feel every team outside of Huntington and Crockett has been better than last year. 5. Shepherd - I had the Pirates either securing the 3rd or 4th slot in district but the loss to Tarkington changes that. The Longhorns are much improved so I expect them to get a playoff spot in that district. But don't count out Shepherd yet because the RB is the trust over there. I expect a win next week providing that the team can correct the mistakes in the Tarkington game. 6. Crockett - This teams is very young and against a state champ in Mart the week before showed that. Last week game didn't do much for them either and I expect for them to be bottom dwellers of the district this season. 7. Huntington - Well the team speaks for themselves but they have played spoilers before in this district and they can do it again. I'll will try to keep this updated every week so stay tuned as I stated that these are my personal opinions on each time regardless of fact or opinion.
  7. Lovejoy is usually a pain in the arse come playoffs. They always play spoiler for a very good team trying to make it to state.
  8. There's a lot of truth into this but also realize this that some teams in the same district that may play common pre-district opponents and it's something that you can go by own. However with that being said sometimes teams play each other differently to their strengths and weaknesses for example next weeks game when we play H-F. Now East Chambers isn't in our district but they're in our bi-district and we can possibly play them in the playoffs providing that both teams make it. Now take both Coldspring and East Chambers schedule the common opponent is Hamshire-Fannett and EC has played them a different way then what we will play them (we run the Slot-T don't know what EC runs) but it's the same opponent so I can't speak for nobody else but I take stock when it comes to pre-season opponents common or not.
  9. Yes because looking at the other games in district inspired me to do this.
  10. Hmmm well I expect for them to compete for state the rest of 5A-D2 better look out.
  11. Absolutely not... The teams they played are perennial powerhouses where you like it or not which one is a defending champion and the other one has won a few recently. Woodville played the 2 games on the schedule and for them to be hanging around in both games speaks a lot about them. I've teased @Woodvillian1980 all night but I'm a realist and not a fool so DO NOT count them out as the rest of the schedule is "fairly easy" and that's start with Liberty next week and I will pay attention to that one.
  12. I will try something new for myself... Starting this week I will compile our district results after each Friday or Saturday and post about each team bias to my own opinions. Stay tuned because I may post up this week tonight.
  13. Congratulations Newton and Woodville yall almost had it. (BTW I had Woodville winning this one). Once our game is over I will update my personal rankings for our district.
  14. Splendora D has been good in this one. Sometimes I don't see why this isn't a rivalry game as much as we have played them and the score has almost always been close.
  15. Oh wow... That's very good for C.E. King I'm very glad that they won.
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