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Everything posted by WOSdrummer99

  1. Yes but start at midfield. They should at least have to get a 1st down to kick a long FG
  2. Shadow government and major industry controls our country, if not the majority of the world
  3. No dealer puts a gun to customers heads and makes them decide to take a different drug. In Texas all posession is illegal. May be decriminalized and only ticket but I can only imagine how big the fines would be. In one case, a paraphernalia fine was over $600. That was an expensive zigzag.
  4. Don't forget to give the drummer some. I saw there drum feature in the playoffs. I was impressed considering how far they have come in the last 5 years or so.
  5. If there is not a good replacement already on staff, I know they will spend the money to bring in someone who has proven to be a winner. But personally I would love to see a former player or coach that knows the system carry the torch.
  6. There was news recently about horse racing at Ford park, what a joke. Louisiana definitely has a better chance for legalization. They already have 9 dispensaries for medical patients.
  7. I've always said Texas would never fully legalize it the way Colorado an California have. Vidor just legalized the sale of alcohol in 2011. And I think there is another "dry" county in the area. Do you really think they would allow marijuana use?
  8. Pleased but would still like to see bipartisan effort to get something done.
  9. It's sad but true. They real question is why does the house speaker need to take foreign trips for public relations? Doesn't she work for us? Or is this just another vacation? Congress only works about 140 days per year as it is. Horrible
  10. Kepler telescope has broadened the view of planets. We now know that every star has some type of planet. The drake equation is probably into the billions now.
  11. My coworker was a credit analyst for one of the largest lending companies in Houston during that time. He says they lied on documents and knew people couldn't afford it. But the government was throwing so much money to get these people hooked in. That it was crazy not to take advantage of the situation.
  12. How can these judges blatantly disregard the constitution and not get fired?
  13. Where is their respect for the laws of our country?
  14. Im sorry I couldn't get past... "Ross had said the question - which has not appeared on the decennial census since 1950 - was necessary to enforce federal laws protecting eligible voters." Does this mean we've been counting non us citizens? Then this... "The plaintiffs - 18 U.S. states, 15 cities and various civil rights groups - said that asking census respondents whether they are U.S. citizens will frighten immigrants and Latinos into abstaining from the count." Why would it frighten immigrants if they are here legally?
  15. I think its game plan and trying not to get hurt. Too many players are playing it safe once they get the job or the contract they want. As rookies they dominate. Then the league figures out how to stop them and they never live up to the hype.
  16. No it wasn't to be taken literally. Apparently I must have touched a nerve. But I do believe in global warming. Man made or not, we are in a time of climate change. It has taken millions of years for our earth to be in harmonic balance. And our industrialized society is not working in conjunction with her needs. Take it however you want. It's just a non informed layman's opinion. Please enlighten the rest of us.
  17. Yea because we been pulling the life out of her for years. Imagine running your car's engine with no oil. It's about to blow
  18. That's exactly my point. In local govt they have special elections for things such as allowing alchohol sales. In which the citizens vote directly for or against. Why can't we the people do the same thing for the term limits or the wall?
  19. Yea I can understand the decision and will support him either way. Football is losing alot of talented athletes. Kyler Murray for example.
  20. Because I would like to see him play football again
  21. The old sect will try to shut her up by throwing money at her. I'm glad someone is shaking the tree. Some nuts are bound to fall out.
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