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Everything posted by WOSdrummer99

  1. One of the best things about our country is if u dont like where you are... you can leave. I know people who have moved to Colorado and California to smoke cannabis, New Mexico for cheaper health care. And Louisiana for... state income taxes?
  2. How is that not age discrimination?
  3. Scott Kelly will be potus when the truth comes out.
  4. Hagar, let me first thank you and your son for your service and sacrifice defending the rights and freedoms afforded to us by many others like yourself. I agree that the Quran is one book I have no interest in reading. Although perhaps we should. Maybe it would give valuable insight into their culture and beliefs. This religious war has been raging for millennia. I have had many discussions about Masons being devil worshipers because they take an oath on both the Bible and Quran. I believe it is more in an effort to be mindful of the past. In my earlier post I used the wrong term. It's not racism, it Islamophobia and religious bigotry. Sorry for the mixup.
  5. From the article: It also notes that the proposal's goal is "to get to net-zero, rather than zero emissions ... because we aren’t sure that we will be able to fully get rid of, for example, emissions from cows or air travel before then."
  6. Really, "Notorious RBG in Song". Almost as funny as yesterday's post about KH smoking weed and jamming Tupac in 89
  7. She could be aware of a secret technology the govt has been hiding from us that will make conventional air travel obsolete. Every time I think of her I hear the twilight zone theme song
  8. What is normally done with this amount of seized money? I cant imagine it not being used in efforts to curtail the flow of drugs into the country? The wall (or lack of one) is the exact thing these cartels have been exploiting for years. He did say Mexico would pay for it
  9. Maybefor the comical value. Save some of what you've been smoking. You might need it for medicinal purposes afterward.
  10. He won't do either. He has been very confrontational. Even with his fellow BC peeps. But quite entertaining. Hurry up and set a date so we can all make arrangements to be there.
  11. Even if they could read, look again at their sources of information. Politicians know how to take advantage of the people. They dont want well informed educated voters.
  12. Sweden said that you should change your name to 55galDrum to hold more of your s***. Maybe you feel threatened by people that you dont know or come in contact with. But it is a serious problem that you think they are all the same. During the sotu someone pointed out pence and Pelosi both Catholics on both sides. Not the same type of people at all. Or are they?
  13. Ring ring ring. Hello? Sweden? Hey we need to talk.
  14. The govt run VA isn't doing too good for them. What would make anyone think GRHC for all would do any better?
  15. Nolan Ryan warmed up before every game by throwing a football. I think he had a longer career and less injuries because of it.
  16. That's not always the case. I know of a kid that elected to have surgery and sit out baseball to be ready for football next season.
  17. Very strange phenomenon. I have also heard these loud canon like explosions recently. 3 times in the last 6 months. Last weekend, at work, it sent people scattering to see what happened. But there was nothing. So it was attributed to either local refineries or perhaps an accident on the interstate. My theory is small EMP burst to test the power grid and the defense of major local refineries. But that too seems like a stretch.
  18. 3 sides to every story. Yours, mine, and the truth. The message was lost by people turning good news into negativity. Congrats DT. Can't wait to see him in the league later this year.
  19. Others were still in high school. Although FB season was over. Kids were suspended and lost scholarships. The victim was an innocent bystander that payed the price for the group he was with. Always seems to happen that way. But this incident was carry over from the 2017 game in which neither team could shake hands after the game. Bc player tweeted racial slurs that week.
  20. Someone at my work says they gonna be good enough to beat wos. So maybe they already know who they want.
  21. We haven't forgot about the victim. If you only knew the real story. They pointed the finger at the wrong man. What about those other mustang athletes that lost everything they worked so hard for? All because of racial tensions between the 2 schools.
  22. Like his young son, I fell asleep. Hope yall can feel me in on anything I missed.
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