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Posts posted by CraigS

  1. 5 minutes ago, Big girl said:

    Do you agree that if a person is noncompliant they should be executed? I didn't know that resisting arrest is punishable by death. Aren't cops taught to deesculate a situation?

    If by non-compliant you mean attacking an officer or resisting by fighting with the officer once other means are used........then YES, the up to and including taking that person life is justifiable to prevent injury or even death to the officer at the expense of a non-compliant law breaking criminal....white or black / male or female . YES, ALL DAY LONG.

  2. Not to be accused of plagiarism I put the following in "quotation" marks!

    I found  this to be very clever. Bold for emphasis.


    "Did Melania Trump put air quotes around her words and do an air parenthetical around "Melania Trump"? Perhaps when she said she "wrote" the speech herself, she meant that she literally took a pen and copied Michelle's speech. It depends on what your definition of the word "wrote" is. So, while we find her actions extremely careless, and a person in her position should have definitely known better, we find no clear evidence that she intended to do anything wrong and therefore believe no reasonable person would prosecute. *Sips Tea* "

  3. 18 minutes ago, thetragichippy said:

    That is not the way law enforcement works. They do not have to say pretty please, they have to do their job. 

    I respect your opinion of what you THINK should happen, but that is not the law. The officers are enforcing the law, and people are getting killed mostly for resisting, or attacking, or giving the cop to feel they are about to attack.

    We can debate as long as you want about what should happen, but if the laws are not changed, neither will Police procedure. I don't see how the laws could change. If someone does not want to get out the car once ordered, I can't see a cop going sit in his car and waiting him out........

    I literally laughed out loud..........oh the visual!

  4. I believe EVERYONE looks at things from "both sides" - The difference is 1 of 2 things or maybe even 2 of 2 things......perhaps even a 3rd - Culture and/or theology / Religion.

    For the sake of the original discussion, it's my reasoning for initially being against biracial relations, due to "cultural" differences. I was WRONG. I've learned that there are very conservative American blacks. Meaning this, not all blacks refer to, or even care to refer to themselves as "African-American" - they are American. But like all Americans, there are some differences, however, differences that can be learned/shared/ accepted, etc. without fundamentally changing ones belief/stature/outlook/person.

    The "cultural differences" are what I believe to be the hang-up between certain people. Be it clinging to the "African" heritage, the "Muslim" heritage, the "Mexican" heritage, etc. This is America, people believe one should be AMERICAN (as do I) when you come here (or choose to stay, however you got here) one should assimilate to the culture of America...Period. My family are immigrants themselves, I have no desire to carry on that heritage or move back to country of origin.....I AM AMERICAN! I don't celebrate (or even recognize) holidays or events from that country, I don't fly their flag or try to dress like them, or even learn the native language.....I AM AMERICAN!

    The second is theology - some conservative and others liberal, some farther left or right as opposed to middle/ moderate. The extremes are usually the ones at odds, or mostly so anyway.

    There could also be a third - Religion - to believe or not to believe will cause great debate or disagreements.

    On this note - I do believe everyone "looks" at all sides- they just simply disagree and will argue to change the world to their belief or at least defend their view of life, and how things should be done.

    I can accept and have constructive conversations with anyone, I at least feel has America's best interest at heart. If I in any way I feel or sense they are trying to fundamentally "change our culture" I do have a problem with that.

    As most of you know, it is very difficult to discuss / debate behind a screen....to much to type to make a clean point. to much taken out of context, or misunderstood. I am in no way saying racism, sexism or bigotry is ok or should be fought to better those problems in "America". I am, however saying, we live in the greatest country to ever exist, and people should realize that and focus on the greatness of our country and work together on the FEW things (by comparison of other countries) that need improving, and stop making mountains out of mole hills, causing all this damn drama.


  5. 7 hours ago, REBgp said:

    Exactly what me and a black friend of mine use to talk about.  It shouldn't be black against white, it should be good against bad.  I've seen more than my share of white trash.  And between the meth and crack, people's lives are turned inside out, and they do what they have to to get their next fix.  Rob a store.  Rob your house.  Rob you.  Add them to your regular bad person, and those who for whatever reason are racist, and the good guys are under siege.

    Whhen I was a youngster and we wanted BBQ, we always went to a place in Beaumont called Dean's (absolutely, hands down, the best I've ever ate).  I still remember a sign inside - Let's live together and love one another!   A dream that is ageless.

    Yes, the point is......we all have a "fear" of the unknown, difference, change, etc....Whether it's the police that say they have "fear" or the black man saying they have "fear" - it's true and it's real.

    All this BS media, presidential, talk when jumping to conclusions is in the most part causing all this FEAR between us. It has been said that racism has always existed and will always exist....that's true...but I'm not sure it has been at this level in a long while.

    It is my opinion that since this "terror" thing started, or at least hit the homeland, it has gotten worse.

    I saw a meme on FB that said:

    That "Love thy neighbor" thing, I meant that - God

    Just getting really tired of everything having to be or at least seem racist.....I know I'v stirred the pot also, if for no other reason to be argumentative....but in the current atmosphere I've decided to take a different route, and I challenge everyone to do the same. At least we can do our part in stopping this craziness.

  6. Now that several have read this, I'll say...This is my daughters FB post. Her "loved one" is a football player at SHSU. He graduated in 3 years, and will have his masters by the time his scholarship is up. He is the most well spoken, nicest, smart, respectful and caring human being one could ever meet.

    Some of you may remember me stating on this site - I am against interracial relations, due to cultural differences. The unnecessary hardships brought on by society. A generation of children (biracial children) that doesn't seem to "fit" on either "side".

    Whereas, I can't and won't pretend to understand the racial hardships that minorities face daily, I am very aware that they exist. I can admit, that as a parent (especially of a daughter) I wasn't very receptive to having my daughter bring these "hardships" into her life, our family.......life and relationships are difficult enough.

    Once she told me of her choice, (they've  been dating for 2 years) I decided, I at least need to meet the guy. I at least needed to know the person dating my daughter. I can also admit my fear...not of him as a person, not of his skin color (I have several friends of color that I'd give my life for) but of the hardships in society that are spoke of in the FB post....I asked myself....why? why would anyone WANT to invite these difficulties into their life. The answer was simple...it was a hardship most of us would endure for anyone they care about...it doesn't matter what they are or why you find yourself in these situations....you will stand with them regardless.

    My daughter taught me a lot about life....not just having friends of different races or backgrounds...but of truly excepting, loving and caring about another human being.

    With that said....let's not forget that in the frenzy of hatred being portrayed on TV are but a few in comparison to the many who are NOT at these "protest" that are in their homes or at their jobs worried, upset and grieving the loss of the innocent.

    May God bless everyone in these trying times.

  7. This a Facebook post I thought I'd share.


    This will be a long post but just stay with me. I want to share the perspective from a girlfriend and one day a wife to a black male:

    You all post about how your husband, wife, girlfriend, boyfriend, brother, sister, son, daughter, and other loved ones are cops. Although I am extremely grateful to have such awesome people serve our communities I also want to state that it was a CHOICE to follow that career path. I do indeed know that these men and women are brave and very needed. However, it was a CHOICE. And though my boyfriend chooses to serve the community in a different way - an educator, coach, and mentor, my loved one did NOT get to make a CHOICE about the color of his skin. Your loved one can come home and easily take off the uniform, the badge, and all identification of being a police officer. Mine cannot take off the color of his skin. You hate that that they get criticized by doing their job but my boyfriend is criticized for the color of his skin. He did not have a choice. No, all cops are not bad cops, like all people are not bad people BUT racism is very much so alive in our society. You may fear for their lives as they leave the house with that uniform on but i fear for my loved one because he has NO CHOICE but to proudly walk in his beautiful skin day in and day out. So as I am considerate to your feelings, please remember that not all black people are wanting revenge on your loved ones and to be kind to those who are not rioting about these situations. Do not assume that my boyfriend is a bad human being because that is what you see throughout the media. Racism is radiating across the country but remember; not all cops are bad cops and not all black people are out for revenge.

  8. I hardly see the lack of compassion. A lot of us buy meds and supplies "from the money we earn" that our PAID FOR insurance will not cover.

    Mississippi Legislator:
    "I am sorry for your problem. Have you thought about buying the supplies with money that you earn?"

    Diabetes Foundation:
    Mississippi Diabetes Foundation told the paper she was “shocked at the lack of compassion” in the lawmaker’s email.

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  9. 1 hour ago, Mr. Buddy Garrity said:

    Why are they deadset on being in the SETX area? 

    My understanding is for 2 main reasons:

    1) The guy starting it up is from Bmt. (The same guy who brought Hillary Clinton to Bmt)
    2) Needs to be close to a port for shipping in live animals from China.

    With that said....not sure why Bmt hasn't been looked into.

    This is also a 2nd chance program....meaning felons will be hired, it only pays $12/hr so not exactly "career" income, then of course it's under the Islamic faith in which the slaughters will be done.....We've also heard that HUD housing would be built to house the imports of Muslim workers that would be required to work here. ALL "killings" must be prayed upon and sacrificed to allah......while facing east...for some reason.

  10. This has already been denied in Winnie and Port Arthur, now they are trying to come to Hardin County. Fierce debate and division within Hardin County over this possibility.


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    This is the hidden content, please

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    This is the hidden content, please


  11. 19 minutes ago, nappyroots said:

    Things seem to be brought up in threads all the time.

    If you must  know it was in response to craig s. above on black lives matter and don't shoot

    And I only said that, because of the comment about "right wingers" ..... the whole "hands up don't shoot" (left narrative, false I might add) and "black lives matter" ("lefty" movement)........one has been dis proven and the other is a result of the fairy tale of the lefties.

  12. 13 minutes ago, BLUEDOVE3 said:

    Who wrote this report? From the news I heard on tv this morning, it was all right-wingers who wrote this report.

    More importantly who provided the intel to write the report....ANSWER: the people on the ground and those trying to communicate with the State Dept. for more security and back-up.

    7 minutes ago, stevenash said:

    Then I guess it has no credibility.  Would the same standard apply to a report written by all left wingers?

    NO, because we all know his hands were up yelling don't shoot, and the cop was just out to kill a black kid that day, and ONLY black lives matter, and to state otherwise is offensive.

  13. This is the hidden content, please


    Here's your answer......another bleeding heart liberal democrat...He was the prosecutor that didn't think the charges were even warranted......even after 2 victims, DNA, police investigation, etc......Of course I understand this......Hardin County has the same problem...of course our very own RINO (switched from Dem to Rep in 08) 

    As mentioned in the Stanford case...I guess they just couldn't make themselves ruin the boys life....never mind the victims........

  14. 13 minutes ago, new tobie said:

    Harvard Law boy is a two term president. If trump can't beat clinton he will be the biggest loser ever

    That used to mean something, it meant you were the leader of the free world, the most powerful nation on earth....and in 2 terms BOTH have "change(d) you can believe in", as far as biggest loser....no one will EVER surpass the the current president......EVER! not sure even Clinton would be as bad...she may ponder to the thugs for their vote....but she doesn't really care for them, she isn't one of them, didn't sit in their church, get married by, or her child baptized by a person who truly hates America and Americans like the sitting president.

  15. 1 hour ago, new tobie said:

    Trump having to use the teleprompter to keep from saying stupid stuff

    You mean like er er er er er er er or build a wall to keep "ILLEGALS" out, fix trade with China, Keep people who want to kill us from being imported into the US, or is it Hillary is the worst presidential candidate in history....maybe it's Hillary takes millions from countries that rape, kill and make women second class citizens while "claiming" to be the women's choice....I think it's the affirmative action Harvard law boy who needs to worry about saying stupid stuff....that's was evident when he didn't use one and all we got was....what was it....oh yeah.....er er er er er er....Harvard must be proud.

  16. 8 minutes ago, baddog said:

    Maybe someone can find this for me. Wife showed me a poster that had a pic of a ratchet and a pneumatic impact wrench. It said, this is a ratchet and this is an assault ratchet. Funniest thing I have seen in while. If they ban the assault ratchet, can you imagine the lines at Discount Tire?

    It was on Facebook and I don't do Facebook. Maybe one of you has seen it. Wife says this board is my Facebook.

    I've seen the same thing with a cigarette lighter........fully automatic matches

  17. 1 hour ago, new tobie said:

    He didn't just go to harvard, he was at the top his class. (he wasn't a "c" student and his daddy did't get him in) we all know that he can speak without a teleprompter but the republican talk show people use that statement in their hate rhetoric. This man was a United States Senator and President of the United States for not one but two terms, if he could have ran in 2016 he would have mopped the floor with trumps hair piece wearing head

    That's exactly how he got in.....it's called affirmitive action. You know racism, all packaged nice and neat into a little package whereas someone gets something for nothing other than skin color to meet a quota.

  18. 57 minutes ago, stevenash said:

    Big Girl- you havent the foggiest idea who the writer was or whether or not they went to the event.  Since the subject matter goes against your case, you will simply say you dont believe them.  How convenient.  At the same time, we are supposed to believe you when you say you have some brilliant economic friend who told you I didnt understand the difference between macroeconomics and microeconomics. But that is supposed to be accepted as the gospel truth, right?

    you have anything past a 3rd grade education..........ifify

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