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Posts posted by CraigS

  1. 9 hours ago, TxHoops said:

    So did the Arizona Republic (conservative paper that hasn't endorsed a Democrat for President in  its 126 years).  So did the Dallas Morning News (the first Dem its endorsed for President in more than 75 years).  And the Cincinnati Enquirer endorsed her as well (the first in almost 100 years).  

    Trump is that bad...

    Fair enough. BUT....Clinton is a career politician, has the household name of a past President (husband at that), most career politicians back her (even some big name GOP).....first potential woman president......yet.......she still may lose..even with all of Trumps gaffs..No tax return (not that matters anyway)........Clinton is that bad...

  2. 13 hours ago, PAMFAM10 said:

    Again you swing but you miss it have nothing to do with white people my post wasn't to condemn whites nor slave owners. Poor whites who came over still had the privilege of being white. They could go to schools they could find jobs they had it way better off than blacks.... I know this might be hard for you to just admit. You keep throwing out silly stuff like. Oh what about the poor whites. Ok

    This part I can agree with.....but that is no longer true today....or at least doesn't have to be...that was my only point about "my" family and JUST 3 generations........do you agree, that IF a black family today that is poor of the poorest just up and decided to "fix" their family tree...push love of God, family (don't get pregnant, both parents raise their kids)....respect, hard work and education that in as short a time as 3 generations their grand kids could be pretty well off even as a black person in todays society and rules.

  3. This whole slave owning thing is absolutely terrible.... it happened, it's a bad part of our great history...a very small part I might add......but the numbers you choose to argue are similar to the narrative that cops kill unarmed black men.......what is that statistic...like 1%.......come on man! 

  4. 38 minutes ago, PAMFAM10 said:

    My bad for not giving whites credit on freeing slaves they enslaved I mean it only took a war right? Lmao. Texas will be apart of the U.S. You can leave if you want. And the forefathers wasn't ignorant to the fact they in they own words said all men are created equal. Liberty and justice for all. Then went home to slaves. By the way why have no one yet to answer my question on family x and y ???


    I did answer your question.....you left off a letter (choice) "Z" ... poor white immigrants that didn't get a damn thing handed to them..wasn't a part of the history you speak of....yet in just 3 short generations became a successful contributor to society. You just didn't like my answer....

    So, I'll pick (from your choices) "X" ... because more than likely they did it just how I explained family "Z" ....came here, worked hard, got educated, and improved the means in which they existed...from one generation to the next....very FEW Americans "owned" slaves by comparison to the entire population.

    "At the peak of black slavery in the South, only 6 percent of Southern whites owned slaves. If you include the white people in the North, it means that only 1.4 percent of white Americans owned black slaves at the HEIGHT of slavery. "

    Now you answer my question:

    Family "X" is the most discriminated against, persecuted, hated people in the history of the world (JEWS) .... Family "Y" is the same family "Y" you speak of....Which family do you choose?

  5. 8 minutes ago, stevenash said:

    The dems have convinced so many to embrace the " I am a victim" stance

    and they are victims, no doubt about that. there's is a saying.... everything happens for a reason....sometimes that reason is you're just stupid.... they are victims of their own choices....no one else's PERIOD!

  6. I don't know about all that.....But I can say, I'm a 3rd generation immigrant...legal immigrant that is. My Grandfather came here and worked as a brick mason, raised 5 children and then soon to be disable grandmother....needless to say pretty dang poor.

    For the most part all 5 children, the 4 boys anyway went to work in the oilfield AFTER serving in the military (not a single college educated one among them) and raised the level of living for my generation of brother, sisters and cousins.

    Today, in my generation we are a cross section of retired Marine Officers, Brain surgeons, Engineering, and nurses, with anywhere from no college education to umpteen years of med school......

    ONLY 3 generations.......the main reason I see this success in my own family is as follows:

    1) Faith
    2) Family values
    3) Belief in education
    4) Love of country
    5) Hard work

    I can't accept it when a family or an individual in this GREAT country says things like, it's not fair...we were to poor......it is the fairest country in the entire world, it has more opportunity for the poor than any other country in the entire world.......it's ALL about choices...and choices have consequences...effort has consequences....

  7. 4 minutes ago, PAMFAM10 said:

    Dude let it go. It's a shame you seem more concern about pointing the finger at Obama than anything else. Radical Islam is a threat and pointing fingers will not do anything.

    Pointing fingers (by obama) AT the "Radical Islam" would certainly help. Which is what obama will NOT do....that's my only point......he STILL hasn't recognized it as terror, much less Islamic Terror........

    AND - It is him who continues to provide sanctuary for these idiots here in our country..in many cases after they go back to radical countries, and some even on the watch list..and could be prevented..so YES, he does share the blame.....an ounce of prevention, is better than a pound of cure!

  8. Since you still haven't provided a link, and I STILL can not find one...this may lend blame to obama...Had the chance to deport and didn't.


    "In 2011 he and his father attempted to sue the city of Linden for discrimination, after numerous court cases involving allegations of noise disturbance at the family takeaway.

    In 2014 he was arrested for unlawful possession of a weapon and aggravated assault, but was never charged. The attacks quickly became political fodder."

    Then there is this:

    "His older brother Qasim, is believed to have returned to Afghanistan after getting into a fight with police in New Jersey "

    AND - THIS

    "He is thought to have made multiple trips to Afghanistan and neighbouring countries. "

  9. 1 hour ago, PAMFAM10 said:

    So this was one of the 800. I'm still waiting on the Obama link to this 

    Maybe, or any number of the 10's of thousands of not vetted, wrongly vetted, or poorly vetted refugees his policies have allow into the US.

    This is the hidden content, please

    This is the hidden content, please

    I can go on and on, these specific articles are about Syrians, however there are equally as many from other threatening countries, regions and religions wanting to KILL US. 

    This is being done under the orders of YOUR president....so yes, blood is on HIS hands! However, he doesn't care, unless it's some hoodlum getting shot by the police.

    AND...if the evil witch is elected...it will continue, possibly even worse.

  10. 4 hours ago, new tobie said:

    their is fault in both major political party's  and every race. I just argue the point because most on this board accuse one side of everything wrong in the world

    Trump being elected as the GOP nominee is a direct result of the last 7 (soon to be 8) years and KNOWING Clinton would be the Dem nominee. 

    Not one single choice in the GOP lineup was capable of beating Clinton, nor did any one of them have the brass to speak so boldly against the current admin.........

    Clinton "should" be kicking the crap out of Trump.....so called experience, the "Famous" last name, first woman president following the first black president......the stars are aligned.......but she is just that BAD! and the worse the Dems call Trump...it actually make her look even worse...cause if he IS as bad as the Dems keep saying.... and she is losing to HIM....how bad must SHE be......

    Trump will win (not saying that's good...just better than the she devil) and will undo all of the bad that has been done to our great country over the last 7 years......Make America Great ... AGAIN!

  11. One of the best worded explanations of the left I've ever read......

    "The use of loaded epithets like "racist, sexist, homophobic, Islamophobic, xenophobic" is a favorite strategy of the left, a shotgun approach to marginalize large segments of the population who don't happen to agree with their agenda. 

    These are ter
    ms without any content. Most often, they are used to stifle an honest discussion of the issues, and alternative ways to address them. 
    When they are invoked, they are intended to shut down rational debate and intellectual rigor. 

    What exactly do these words mean, objectively?
    Nothing. Which is precisely the reason they are levelled against the political and cultural enemies of the left. When a word is devoid of specific meaning, it is completely malleable, and can mean whatever it needs to mean at a particular time and in a certain context. 

    Is it racist to cite facts about the deterioration of the family unit in the Black community? Is it xenophobic to oppose the immigration of substantial numbers of people from regions where a large percentage of the population supports ideas that are opposed to our culture and traditions, many of whom might intend violence against our citizens? Is it sexist to be appalled by the murder of millions of unborn children in the name of "choice," which is itself a word lacking substance if not paired with a specific action? Is it Islamophobic to acknowledge that Islam has a long history of aggression against the West? Is it homophobic to resist attempts to advance not merely tolerance towards a minority group, but approval of a lifestyle that is counter to traditional morality?

    Hilary Clinton has publicly stated that those who oppose her policies must abandon their religious beliefs where those values run counter to the secular paradigm. Is that not a direct threat to their freedom?
    Many more examples of leftist prejudice could be cited, but I fear this post might already be too wordy.

  12. 23 minutes ago, Englebert said:

    We all know Hillary is mentally unfit. Now it looks as if she is possibly physically unfit also. But the sheeple will still vote for her regardless.

    She could die tomorrow, be dead for moths before the election....if her name is still on the ballot....she'd have plenty votes I assure you......that's just how dumb the majoity of her voting block is

  13. 29 minutes ago, thetragichippy said:

    If we don't win? Seems odd that someone who "made a fool out of the republican party this year" would even have a shot, right?



    It just speaks volumns as to how bad HC is, they know it, and they are scared to death that the freebies or social wrongs will be righted...they will either lose free stuff (or family/friends will) or they will be deported (or family/friends will) or they will be killed (or family/friends will) or they will be kept from coming here in the first place (or family/friends will) and the list goes on and on and on..... but they know HC as their candidate is there worst nightmare...... and TRUMP just might win it.


  14. 1 hour ago, new tobie said:

    Who told you that my black friends or relatives or even myself support all of these things. I support Bill Clinton, would vote for him right now, but don't approve of everything  he has done. Would not vote for trump or hillary, might have considered a moderate family man like John Kasich. Often defend dems because folk on this board defend every Republican 

    Wasn't the question based on "Godly" from the original post? I strictly stated the things that the entire platform of the liberal dems support.... so to say you support that "party" and that "party" supports such things......it's safe to say that one party is more Godly than the other.......I do realize individuals have things you can like and dislike about them.........but that wasn't what was in question either...... You asked if God only picked Republicans? I responded with maybe only Republicans pick God......so tell me how can a person supporting a party who's platform includes supporting the things I mentioned and be Godly.........

  15. 11 minutes ago, new tobie said:

    All my black relatives and friends believe in god. Have you ever talked to a black person face to face, or is this am talk radio info

    You mean like my daughters boyfriend? I think I've spoken to him a time or two or three.... 

    But I would like to know how your "black relatives and friends" support the liberal democratic platform, yet claim to believe in God... I couldn't care less, to each their own.... but I'm quite certain God doesn't approve of  "Abortion, same sex, drugs, enslaving people, lying, cheating" so to support a platform that does openly support these acts, would not be very "God like" IMO.

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