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Posts posted by CraigS

  1. 2 minutes ago, REBgp said:

    Absolutely!  When I first heard of this book, I'd posted wondering if I could buy Life Insurance on this guy.   Certainly better odds than hitting the lottery :) 

    It wouldn't work...he'll be found dead with multiple gun shot wounds to the back of the head, with hands and legs bound behind him....then ruled suicide. Insurance won't pay for suicide....

  2. My point is this. UNTIL the accused are actually charged....what can the school or it's administrators do? I hate it...I fought it...yet, don't know what can be done to protect the victim AND the accused, which by law is presumed innocent.

    Once the administrators found out that others knew or knew more, they acted by firing or demoting...what more could have been done at that time? 

    SO, at this point, with all said and done......Baylor .... the institution itself did nothing, it  was the people....and THOSE people are gone.....so what's left to want to leave or not enroll.........not to mention....due to this, it's probably the safest place to be......so other than "because the coach has been fired" what other reason is there........I'm not defending the people's actions...believe me...I can't stand Briles...didn't like him or his roomie even before this....

  3. 13 hours ago, ST413 said:

    Excellent question!!  If the kids are expected to follow through with their commitment to a school found to have covered such acts shouldn't he school have to uphold their commitment to the athletes that have committed criminal acts?

    Having been on both sides of this question, having had years to reflect and learn some things, it's a no win situation, (for everyone involved) if not handled 100% correctly. Anything short of 100% opens them up for grave consequences.

    The law states, a person is presumed innocent until proven guilty....the people convict in the court of public opinion......so what is the school to do? If they discipline, then the justice system either finds not guilty or even screws it up and lets them off, even if they did do it.....the accused sues the school...IF, the school does not discipline, the accused is convicted, then the victim sues the school. 

    Then comes Title IX (most think it is just a sports rule) where females are protected, and are to receive equal opportunity, not just in sports but also for an education. So,one might ask how do sexual crimes and Title IX coexist? That's the real question. How do you remove the threat of the female (the accused) as to keep her feeling safe, and knowing the school did all they can to provide such protections, without violating the accused rights of "presumed innocence" until they are actually found guilty, if they even are?

    This is a similar situation we were faced with, I did what I thought was right, so did the SISD.....I think we both got some things wrong, in the end....there were NO winners....



  4. 27 minutes ago, Big girl said:

    I think you guys need to worry about the problems in your community; instead of, attacking Muslims. Why do white youth murder their class mates by shooting at everyone at their school?White do white men shoot innocent people in theaters? 2 of the most infamous shootings were done my a white person. (Abraham Lincoln and the Joker dude. )Why are 98% of serial killers  white males?. You guys need to have a discussion as it pertains to the aforementioned problems. They need to be addressed 

    Fair enough...I'll agree to put all white nut jobs away for life. You agree to put all black gang members away for life. and we all agree to put followers of Sharia Law away for life.

  5. 13 minutes ago, Big girl said:

    Are you saying that their are not any white gangs? Did you forget about the skin heads and the kkk?

    Did you read that in my post? NO, likewise you didn't read that there are no black serial killers, but you didn't ask that question...and you also didn't read there are no black or white terrorist....just saying in most cases when a person says those terms...a certain group of people come to mind. Sure we can go back to 1500 BC and the stats would vary...but we are talking today...during a time that we..the living can fix the problem.

  6. 1 minute ago, Big girl said:

    93 %of blacks kill other blacks. 87 % of whites kill other whites it is a known fact that people kill within their demographic population

    Except muslims they kill everyone that doesn't believe how they believe.

  7. the bottom line is political correctness.....lets call it what it is

    Whites are predominantly your serial killers - that kill
    Blacks are predominantly your gangsters - that kill
    Middle Easterns are predominantly your terrorist - that kill
    Everyone - will have some that will randomly kill for various reason, but you take away these 3 things from society, you've stopped a large percentage of the killings.

    Doesn't make all of any group a serial killer / gangster or terrorist....but if we aren't willing to identify the problem as what it is, it can not be resolved, which is Trumps point against the liberals.

    Simple solution - Lock up the crazies (whites) lock up the gangsters (blacks) and lock up the religious freaks (Middle Easterns)

    If you are mentally ill, belong to a gang or follow sharia law - you WILL go to prison....no need to wait until these things cause you to commit a crime...being associated with any likelyness of these will land you with a life time of lock up.

  8. 15 minutes ago, Dick Vitale said:

    See the difference is simple. Blacks kill over things such as money, passion, etc...and don't get me wrong, it's WRONG, however, there are some sick folks that rape and kill children for fun...and whats the profile of a pedophile? WHITE MALES....whats the profile of a serial killer? WHITE MALES...How about the profile of a mass murderer? you guessed it, WHITE MALES...Get the common thread here? Its a sick race of people out here! and they aren't brown skinned, thats for sure! Oh by the way,....Make that your last insult toward me...I don't play those games. Call me stupid again and we will have a real life issue. Have a great day.

    you need a dictionary...calling out your stupidity and call you stupid are not the same....which shows your ignorance of the difference....see how that works...using and understanding words in their context and definition. 

  9. 9 minutes ago, Dick Vitale said:

    What you don't understand is that Clay is not REALLY his family name.  It's some white man's name that was GIVEN to his family..So he fixed it.

    so did you change your "white man" name?

  10. 1 minute ago, Dick Vitale said:

    NO. His name was Muhammad Ali....I will be happy to explain it to you face to face....

    No need...Cassius was a trader to his family as well...I would NEVER change my family name, to proud of my father and what he did for me, taught me, etc.

  11. 6 minutes ago, Dick Vitale said:

    Tell you what...I am having a get together Thursday in Beaumont with some friends...They would love to hear your views in person about Muhammad Ali....Loser? Wow, thats possibly the dumbest thing I have ever heard about the Champ, but hey, look at where its coming from....what do ya say? You don't have to be so strong willed over the internet...Share your thoughts with us.... 

    You meant to say Cassius Clay, right?

  12. There are plenty "losers" that are great athletes, even rich....but you aren't capable of understanding that i see.....and why would I want to surround myself with such people...please share!

    I don't hide behind anything....just not a punk that makes threats due to opinions...you crack me up.


  13. 27 minutes ago, Big girl said:

    Did he dodge the draft? He didn't hide or move to Canada or Mexico. He merely stated that he wasn't going. Isn't there a difference?

    NO, NEAUX, NOT, NADDA, UH-UH, NOPE, NAY, NAH, NO WAY, NEGATIVE, and any other word that means he did not, refused. didn't go, dodged, the draft........which all translates to LOSER along with all the others that shunned their responsibilities to this GREAT nation.

  14. Not everyone that kills in mass are terrorist, unless you just have a limited vocabulary or an agenda. All killers may terrorize...but terrorist....surely you can understand the difference.

    Serial Killer over the years were certainly terrorizing people
    Jeffery Dahlmer - 17 kills
    Ted Bundy - 30 kills
    John Wayne Gacy - 29 kills
    Gary Ridgeway - 49 kils

    Mass murders have certainly caused terror in and around the areas in which the struck
    Columbine (Erik Harris and Dylan Klebold) - 13 kills
    Sandy Hooks (Adam Lanza) - 26 kills
    Charlotte NC (Dylan Roof) -  9 kills

    Terrorist - also cause terror ***main thing here is the are associated with or at least related to an organized terrorist group, act in the name of, etc***
    San Bernardino- Syed Farook - 14 kills
    Orlando - Mateen - 49 kills
    Fort Hood - Nidal Hasan - 13 kills
    Boston Marathon - Tsarnae brothers - 3 kills

    sometimes I wonder just how low the IQ is on this board.....

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