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    Bobcat1 reacted to BCbandit in BC @ OF   
    BC-3 OF-6. Great game! Two good teams trading shots.
  2. Like
    Bobcat1 got a reaction from Mr. Buddy Garrity in Indiana's Religious Freedom Law   
    Governor aims to curb religious freedom bill  
  3. Like
    Bobcat1 reacted to Softball IQ in Orangefield is open   
    It all amounts to this......
    If the players are working hard during the off season and all year long on the skills they will need, OF
    will be back where they were years ago. In my opinion, Coaching helps but you cant build players in the 
    few short months during the HS Season. It is up to the players and parents to get the players in a position
    to make a run at State. True talent helps alot and a good coach will attract the talent to get kids to play
    and buy into the system but it is all about the off season.....PERIOD.
    You could get the best Coach in the world to Coach HS Basketball but if you have no players that have
    prepaired themselves for the long road to state, then OF basketball will continue to be what it is.
    Nothing against the OF team from this year. It had a bunch of kids with tons of heart and would never
    give up but that is only a PART of what  takes to WIN STATE!!
    Little Dribblers program and playing in a few off season tournaments help but it takes a HUGE
    OFF-SEASON 100% Commitment from the kids!!!
  4. Like
    Bobcat1 reacted to Mr. Buddy Garrity in Rand Paul Tops CPAC Poll   
    Are both of you done slap-boxing behind keyboards? I suggest both of you PM each other. 
  5. Like
    Bobcat1 reacted to thetragichippy in Everyone Here Is An Atheist With Respect To 99% Of All Religions/Gods   
    I happen to work in a place that I see a lot of different professions on a daily bases. Today, a pastor walked in and I brought up our topics on religion.
    What stood out the most in our entire 45 minute conversation was something he said when I ask if Gay people would go to Hell or "Little Johnny", our Buddhist friend from the other thread would go to hell......His response was, "I don't know, I don't judge. It is not in my job description to judge. It is way above my pay grade, I will let the Man upstairs make those decisions. My job is to love my fellow man and let everyone know the word of God."
    Which brought up Luke 6:37:
    Do not judge, and you will not be judged; and do not condemn, and you will not be condemned; pardon, and you will be pardoned. 38"Give, and it will be given to you.
    So, why are some of you condemning Little Johnny? Why are you judging Gays?
    Is that not above your pay grade?
    I think those are valid questions and worth a discussion......
  6. Like
    Bobcat1 reacted to thetragichippy in Does God Love Homosexuals?   
    Exodus 35:2 Six days work shall be done, but on the seventh day you shall have a Sabbath of solemn rest, holy to the Lord. Whoever does any work on it shall be put to death
  7. Like
    Bobcat1 reacted to bullets13 in Does God Love Homosexuals?   
    I understand the thinking, but I've known too many homosexuals that have told me differently. And considering how disgusting the idea of homosexual sex is to me, "choosing" to be homosexual would be impossible for me. Could you make that choice? There have also been too many kids that I've known when they were very young, and I could already tell, and then sure enough, 10-15 years later, they turn out to be gay. Our sexuality is the strongest urge we have, and I can't imagine any straight person making a CHOICE to be ostracized by society, shunned by religion, and in general be thought of as a lesser person for the reason of... just because?
  8. Like
    Bobcat1 reacted to PN-G bamatex in keystone pipeline   
    Yes, the Republican Party, with all the tens of millions of dollars Republican candidates receive from the major oil companies in every election cycle and the massive number of Republicans who hold office in districts where oil is a major part of the local economy, would be against the Keystone Pipeline if it had simply been the president's idea. That makes total sense.
  9. Like
    Bobcat1 reacted to stevenash in Ferguson   
    I had heard that they chose the time to make sure everyone was home from work and all kids home from school.
  10. Like
    Bobcat1 reacted to tvc184 in Illegals   
    I know that it is easy spit out that "others did it" but what was the orders under Reagan or Bush that gave blanket amnesty to aliens by declaring their status? 
    While it is easy to say "others did it" because you read it all over the internet from quips made by Democrats, what was those orders? They never name them. 
    Congress under Reagan passed a bill that he signed into law, which strangely is the way the Constitution says that it is legal. Again note, Congress passed an immigration law and Reagan signed it. 
    Parts of that law did not specify how to obtain the results and Reagan is reported to have issued orders on how to execute the law passed by Congress and signed by him into law legally.
    I have been a police officer the entire time that G W Bush was president and also under Obama. When Bush was the president we could detain and bring in any illegal alien for something as minor as a traffic citation. I even arrested some working at chemical plants that had been here for years late in Bush's term and they had not violated any law other than being in the country. When I contacted ICE agents they had me bring them in for deportation. So where was the executive order from Bush stopping enforcing of laws? Again, it is easy to say it because Nancy Pelosi and others have put out this information on the various news channels. But what is it based on? Name the order that Bush gave that stopped deportation of millions of illegal aliens and gave them legal status to stay in the country by coming forward and declaring they were illegal. 
    Under Obama and even before this executive order we can no longer detain illegal aliens that commit crimes that can land them in jail for up to a year. I can arrest an illegal alien DWI, get him convicted and serve time, arrest his again and have him serve time again and he will not be deported. All the talk is that we are now stopping more than ever at the border which may be true. But if they get past the border, there is no enforcement.  It is like a cop saying that if he catches you in the act of shooting someone he can arrest you but if he finds you two blocks away with gun still in hand, he cannot. That is ridiculous but it is the current rules we are under. It is no wonder that the Obama administration was against of detaining illegal aliens and reporting them to ICE, which by the way the Supreme Court found was legal. 
    This executive order issued by Obama grants legal status to about half of all illegal aliens. He has no such authority under the Constitution under Article I, Sec. 8 which says all naturalization laws are under the authority of Congress. The exact same Sec. 8 says that Congress can assess taxes. Under Obama's reasoning, he can simply issue an executive order and raise your taxes. He can use the same reasoning, that Congress has not acted and we are running up debt. I have a funny feeling that if he did that from the same section you might feel that it is unconstitutional as the president has no authority to enact legislation but in this case of illegal aliens that is exact what he has done. 
    What is really revealing in the Supreme Court case of AZ v. US when Arizona passed their own immigration law, the Obama administration contested the law under Sec. 8 saying that only the US Congress could pass naturalization and immigration laws. Hmmm..... when it fit their argument, they used the Constitution saying that only Congress could pass laws but when the Dems just lost the last election, the same administration is making the opposite argument for Obama. Go figure. 
  11. Like
    Bobcat1 reacted to stevenash in Good analogy   
    I bought a bird feeder. I hung It on

    my back porch and filled it with seed.

    What a beauty of a bird feeder it was, as I filled it, lovingly with seed.

    Within a week we had hundreds of birds
    taking advantage of the continuous flow

    of free and easily accessible food.


    But then the birds started building nests in the boards of the patio, above the table,
    and next to the barbecue.


    Then came the poop. It was

    everywhere: on the patio tile,
    the chairs, the table...


    Then some of the birds turned mean.

    They would dive bomb me and try

    to peck me even though I had fed them out of my own pocket.


    And others birds were boisterous and

    loud. They sat on the feeder and squawked and screamed at all hours of the day and night and demanded that I fill it when it got low on food.


    After a while, I couldn't even sit on my

    own back porch anymore. So I took down the bird feeder and in three days the

    birds were gone. I cleaned up their mess and took down the many nests they had built all over the patio.


    Soon, the back yard was like it used

    to be... quiet, serene....
    And no one demanding their
    rights to a free meal.


    Now let's see...
    Our government gives out free food, subsidized housing, free medical care

    and free education, and allows anyone
    born here to be an automatic


    Then the illegal's came by the tens of thousands. Suddenly, our taxes went up to pay for free services; small apartments
    are housing 5 families; you have to wait

    6 hours to be seen by an emergency room doctor; your child's second grade class is
    behind other schools because over half the class doesn't speak English.


    Corn Flakes now come in a bilingual box;

    I have to 'press one' to hear my bank
    talk to me in English, and people waving flags other than 'Old Glory' are
    squawking and screaming in the streets, demanding more rights and free liberties.


    Just my opinion, but maybe it's time for

    the government to take down the bird feeder.


    If you agree, pass it on; if not,
    just continue cleaning up the poop. 


  12. Like
    Bobcat1 reacted to stevenash in How a Bill Approving the Keystone XL Pipeline Could Be on Obama’s Desk by Year’s End   
    It's good to know that a state still has some input on such issues.  Doesnt seem to be that way for states like Arizona when it comes to law enforcement and immigration issues.
  13. Like
    Bobcat1 reacted to thetragichippy in Campaigned On Repealing obamacare!   
    And I think we are both not happy about that.......
    and Obamacare was named specifically for the increase/decrease.....
  14. Like
    Bobcat1 got a reaction from thetragichippy in Campaigned On Repealing obamacare!   
    Mine increased and coverage dropped - We no longer have a 90/10 plan. 
  15. Like
    Bobcat1 reacted to PN-G bamatex in Mid Term Election Results   
    Both of you, tone down the personal insults.
  16. Like
    Bobcat1 got a reaction from Riding Solo in Orangefield @ Kelly   
    They won, even without the players that should be on varsity?! Shocking. 
  17. Like
    Bobcat1 reacted to 5GallonBucket in McConnell Surrenders the FIRST DAY   
    as far as child support.....that right there is a joke....its not enforced enough to scare the payee to actually pay.  a travesty....no real man or woman allows someone else to take care of their kid.
  18. Like
    Bobcat1 reacted to tvc184 in McConnell Surrenders the FIRST DAY   
    No, I want to quit paying for people that won't pay for their own. 
  19. Like
    Bobcat1 reacted to Riding Solo in Orangefield @ Kelly   
    Orangefield wins 62-43.
  20. Like
    Bobcat1 reacted to thetragichippy in Is Charles Barkley right or wrong?   
    Looks to me like we can't have an intelligent conversation without one side calling the other side out for being stupid or racist....
  21. Like
    Bobcat1 reacted to TxHoops in I am about to read the WO-S/HJ game thread......   
  22. Like
    Bobcat1 reacted to AggiesAreWe in I am about to read the WO-S/HJ game thread......   
    This is one of the all time best posts ever on SETXsports!!!
    You da man Griff!!!!
  23. Like
    Bobcat1 reacted to bcatpride in Will Silsbee ever bounce back?   
    I do not know of any coach in any sport that would keep a player on JV if they could make a big difference to the Varsity team. I know a few mediocre players that have sat the bench on Varsity so that the better, younger players could play. Coaches do actually want to win.
  24. Like
    Bobcat1 reacted to tvc184 in Affordable Care Act Not So Affordable!   
    Leaches on the public dole. 
    The slug, dropout that is getting it for free or paying $10 a month thinks that is great but for the guy working for a living and it goes from $500 a month to $800 a month, not so much. 
  25. Like
    Bobcat1 reacted to oldschool2 in Will Silsbee ever bounce back?   
    Typical to blame the coach. I don't have a dog in this fight at all...and I could care less how OF does in girls bball. But I have friends that coach..why? I have no idea. But I can say this..how is it that you can say one of the best players was on the JV. Based on what?..how she did against JV teams? And putting a "mediocre" jr on JV. Ever think about this..maybe the coach didn't want a bad jr taking minutes away from younger kids who could get better. That's what I would do. If you're a jr or sr and still bad enough to be put on JV...it's too late. You're going on the varsity bench and not taking anyone's minutes.

    Keep ridiculing the coach tho.. That will make things better.

    No one will ever admit "maybe we're not winning because we're not that good"
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