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Everything posted by 2wedge

  1. Seems he had a wealth of community support in 2009 when he was passed over for the job. Maybe he is being pushed out by the political powers that be again, or maybe he went back just to hang the finger out of the window when he got ready to leave. Who knows. [Hidden Content]
  2. Bro, don't you have plenty to do up in weptunkaonvich? Not sure why your still so committed to breaking sports news in BMT.
  3. Peterman was never serious about relocating to the triangle. He was just getting his name out there. There were too many high profile DFW openings for him to have to uproot his crew and move.
  4. So hang on, PA hires a home town guy who wants to be there and you are questioning whether or not he cares enough about the kids to "continue getting them scholarships"? Something isn't computing here. It seems this should be a slam dunk hire that is applauded by all........so what's really up?
  5. Cant believe you guys are still doing cable. Get an amazon firestick and subscribe to playstation vue or sling tv. Literally everything you need you can stream.
  6. What would make you think that the board of managers, who have worked tirelessly to rid BISD of all the backhanded dealings and under the table agreements, would be looking for the "buddy buddy" thing? I think WOSgrad hit it on the head, they attempted to hire someone who could unite the community. Like I said before, the community needed uniting because there are too many people not willing to turn the page, even though it was entirely evident that the page needed turning.
  7. You have to think, how much did all of the parents beating the table about tradition and history have to do with the hire of Louis? If the BISD parents would have been a bit more optimistic about the opening of a new school and all the opportunities it would bring, then maybe BISD would've been more open to going outside of the usual norms and hiring an outsider. I am sure they wanted to make those "tradition and history" parents believe they were invested in keeping the "tradition and history". Due to that, you guys got Arthur Louis rather than Todd Peterman.......simple as that IMO.
  8. Obscene. How did he not even get an interview? If the fix is in and the end goal is to get Taylor the HC job, then this program is definitely starting off on the wrong foot.
  9. Did Peterman really apply for this job and get passed over?
  10. This is terrible news. Many prayers for the HJ community and Blaine’s family.
  11. 0-10 it is! I really hope this isn't the road they are traveling. They may dig a hole so deep they will never see the light of day!
  12. Who cares about the logo and whatnot.....somebody get me an applicant list!!
  13. I’m reading Danny’s article and seeing a heck of a baseball coach. No mention of football coaching experience or pedigree. Hope the stickball translates.
  14. So KV hires a baseball coach as HFC/AD. Best of luck to them. Hope they’re not doing this again in two years.
  15. Just buy the first 10 games......probably won't be much happening after that.
  16. I am sure they are doing their due diligence in interviewing the ringer from Delaware who applied. You know, everyone deserves a chance.
  17. This is the part that bugs me. WOS needs to suck it up and schedule the game. Who cares about the past....two dominate teams need a game so they need to schedule that game. If you think WT didn't have bigger things to worry about then a L on his record, then you are mistaken.
  18. This is awesome! Gave me goosebumps! Congrats on your career and all of your accomplishments! You are definitely an inspiration.
  19. I have trouble believing that any of the coaches on that Newton staff asked an anonymous poster to come on a message board and slander some of the most prominent programs in the state. There are only three names that come to everyone's mind and they are all men of character and certainly not keyboard warriors.
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