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Everything posted by myrecordwashorrible

  1. Your party is loaded with Socialist (communism in disguise). Cute and typical to throw that at people. Accuse conservatives of the very thing you want and love. Authoritarian control.
  2. Strict communism? Is there any other kind? I apologize to myself for not picking up on that sooner. Mister/Miss or whatever pronoun you think fits...you have just shown your hand. There's a great state for you. A bit cold, but Bernie and crew would love you.
  3. Sarcasm of course. Just a great story and 3 homers in 2 starts! I had sadly forgotten about his cancer diagnosis and how the training staff essentially saved his life by suggesting testing. If interested, there are multiple articles written about the diagnosis treatment, and comeback. Wonderful story!
  4. Although called, still tracking it. She is up over 30,000. The people in the decision rooms for all MSM new this was coming and refused to call it. Keep calling out anything and everything folks!
  5. Your civil discourse is to tell the rest of us how great your side is and how bad our side is in your eyes. You are doing a great job tonight of trying to speak as though you are the voice of reason. 2 genders is the perfect discussion here. Your side wants multiple. Let's have a discussion and meet in the middle would be your thoughts. Hell no!! There's 2!!! We don't need discourse, we need your side defeated and defeated soundly!
  6. I have no use for your discourse. I've read many post from you in the past. Feel free to be offended. It's past time for your side to be offended.
  7. Decency and respect? Hunter hangs out at the White House.
  8. Climate change is a hoax. Your university tag in your screen name explains all I need to know from you. Joe Bastardi the face if weather agrees. Oh...was until lib media disowned him and the 3 major universities providing degrees in meteorology that relieve massive government funding decided to jump on board with it. Yes. Gun control is awesome. Make law abiding citizens adhere while criminals will be so sweet and follow along roo. I'm am more than prepared when you question my education background. Welcome to the new right. You weren't educated, you were indoctrinated. Congratulations on your superiority complex.
  9. Again, CARD you are acting just like the man you despise. Although, I would actually say worse when you use religion to humor yourself.
  10. I read it well. Just think the other 2 deserve much more credit than the post implies. It implies Sutherland is a better coach. He very well may be. However, the other 2 hold state titles. I know how these boards work. You will reiterate the regional threat portion. Understand your basis of thought there as well.
  11. The registrar did it alone? If so, that's almost impressive.
  12. She beats a true RINO and wins every county in the state!! Yes, Texans this matters.
  13. At a point where Karin Taylor Robinson would need just shy of 65% of the remaining votes to be in her favor. Presently down by 2.8% and still not called. If you are a conservative, be angry and follow this. You should be angry. The Pinal County Election's director who is under the supervision of her opponent for Governor in November was forced to resign during counting. Her opponent presently has the right to supervise the November election in which she is running for governor!!! you can't make this stuff up. France...yes France runs better elections than our once great country.
  14. Btw, for those curious about why I'm so interested. 40,000 total reasons and approximately 10,000 reasons in this very state.
  15. 20,000 up with almost 90% counted. Still not called by MSM. All college journalism programs should be abolished. Especially state funded!!!
  16. My question and wish I knew school law a bit better. Might this be a violation of law? Falsifying documents in a professional capacity at least should be grounds for dismissal without pay for all involved.
  17. Andy Evans read this and he may cry. Tony Valastro might disagree as well. The drop to 2A (present 3A) and Andy Evans getting a massive boost in participation really got it started. Russ Sutherland deserves a tremendous amount of credit as well. It's been since '95 that the program started its almost 30 year run of being a solid program.
  18. Up by almost 14,000 votes with 84% of votes counted. Yet not called by MSM (fox included). Same state Faux news called before voting was even finished in 2020. A state won by less than 10,000 On top of that this primary will have 3/4 of a million votes at best. The presidential had over 3 million and still called with voting still on going. Us crazy people that really grasp stats are simply a bit confused. CARD, explain this please????
  19. Here's a thought. CARD enjoys ripping anyone that disagrees with him. You know, the more I read things that card writes the more he reminds me of....dare I say it...DONALD JOHN TRUMP. I don't say those only to jab at you CARD, you really do have takes just like he would.
  20. 81 million is not an electoral college. CARD, for what appears to be a conservative lean to your politics, you sure use that lib/RINO 81 million votes a tremendous amount. Barely 40,000 is what mattered.
  21. Do explain your analogy. How are they alike? I'm curious on this.
  22. Wait for the midterm elections to be over? Let's not hear these cases and wait until someone brings them next year? Let's sacrifice more children until next year so we can win the midterms?
  23. As Jesse Kelly stated today. The easiest job in America is being a Republican Governor in a state other than Florida. Do what Heavy D does. That's your job.
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