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Everything posted by myrecordwashorrible

  1. It will only get worse. The current crop of sports management majors are being slammed with an extreme liberal agenda. We already have sports journalist with agendas and now we have sports franchises with day to day operations employees that have been indoctrinated as well.
  2. Yes! If I may answer the question about HS and College athletes kneeling and doing something I detest.
  3. BLM shirts worn by people on the field behind home plate. They were not players or coaches, but were standing between the teams as the lined up in foul territory for introductions. The black rope holding and kneeling that started yesterday. Morgan Freeman speech I could do without. Several Mariner players with raised fist during the anthem. I am simply done.
  4. Did you see the pre-game? If not, that is why I am out. Will not be preached to and they chose to do so. Their choice to do so, my choice to not watch.
  5. My father was on the HF coaching staff that year. He mentions that season and particularly that loss to Newton from time to time.
  6. She just told us all to shut up. Hell no, I will not.
  7. This is a sports sociology topic. Yes, it is. Thus, it is political. Like it or not, when the leading sports sociology text in America promotes Marxism on its 3rd page, all sport topics can turn political. Shut up and go elsewhere is a wonderful tool of the left. That is exactly what is being done here in asking(or telling) me or others to take it to the political forum. If politics and sports don't intersect now, someone please tell ESPN.
  8. Just a thought. Maybe this entire topic is political and should have been posted in the political forum from the beginning.
  9. By using the phrase all of the time, you imply every white person has a job because they are white. Spew more hate please.
  10. John Dowd letter to Mattis. How about posting that one?
  11. If the Hardin male athletic department has kids lifting weights at all that should be applauded.
  12. Even people that aren't avid readers would enjoy Playing for Pizza. Don't let the silly name fool you. You will understand and appreciate the title if you read it.
  13. Might I suggest Play it from the Heart. You may be wanting something factually based, but it is definitely worth the read.
  14. Thanks for posting this. My sports sociology classes will all be reading this short article at the beginning of next semester. Those who want their viewpoints confirmed are often disappointed by either the author of the text or my alternative view of most everything they read in the text. I may be wrong, but for many of them it is the only time in their lives they have heard 2 sides of an issue and have to, "oh God forbid," actually think. This article pretty much states that very thing about a much larger issue than anything we cover in my course.
  15. Is it wrong information is my queston?
  16. Honestly surprised that numbers isn't in the high 80's. That means 40% of democrats at least put the blame where it belongs. Overall a sad stat, but trying to find a positive.
  17. If you didn't enjoy the forum, why did you ever post?
  18. Previous poster, so any person that is African American that supports Trump is an Uncle Tom? That appears to be your stance. I may be making a false assumption. If I am wrong please correct me.
  19. All information you all stated after my post is accurate. The UIL's status and governance with regards to this is what I was referencing.
  20. If no coach is involved. No UIL infraction. If it ever attempted to stop something such as this, lawsuit! The UIL is a governing body, not government. Private citizens doing something they choose to do, like these young ladies. Oh, how dare they?
  21. It will never happen, but simply get rid of state tournament so as not to fight scheduling conflicts for facilities this year. Push back playoffs by several weeks and let the boys play until the end of July! If game play can start at some point in April this is doable and most districts could play a full schedule with limited or no 3 game weeks. Playoffs can start in June and let it last 7 weeks. Finals and semis can meet in a neutral site and play 2 out of 3 in 2 days. Makes administrative duties for the UIL much easier. Always wish it had been this way to start with. If graduated seniors can't behave through the summer on a playoff team, boot them off the squad. This former coach would love baseball for weeks without classroom responsibilities. Plus, AD's and some principals could be angry about "dealing" with baseball during the summer. Little 7 on 7 over baseball payback for some guys. Bitter and bitchy, YES I AM! lol As we sit stuck at home, figured I would try to stir some thoughts on pushing the season's back. Think on this, push back hoops by 2 weeks and baseball/softball by a month. Small school coaches sharing athletes have at least some reasons to favor this.
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