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Everything posted by Tigers2010

  1. To be fair you were also "nailed" on your inability to name one piece Ted Cruz proposed that you did not agree with.
  2. Your damn right, and I do not feel ashamed of that. Again, I work hard for what I have. I do not have much as it is, but I earned it. It pisses me off to know the money I make for my children goes to pay for trash that can't take care of themselves, too lazy to get a job, and don't stop having kids they can't pay for. MY kids deserve MY money. They deserve the life I work to give them. That trash is robbing me and millions of others blind because their lack of effort. But hey, why should they get off their butts? Someone else will pick op the bill.
  3. Dear Lord, have you been looking at my life. This is the exact situation I am in. Paying the penalty and praying it works out. Obamacare has been an outright death sentence. Those that can't see that are likely those who haven't pulled their weight from the get go. I do not feel bad for not wanting to pay more to cover those who go without. Like I said before, I work very hard to keep my family afloat, and the bums that refuse to do anything keep wanting to take a little more and a little more. There is a reason that the disgrace of a president gave them the exemptions. It was because he knew it was garbage. When this country stops rewarding laziness and down right criminal behavior with money and benefits from the members of society who actually contribute, maybe things will turn around.
  4. That is due to the chanting "what do we want, dead cops" at BLM rallies. And if those are not BLM people chanting that, why wouldn't the BLM movement come out and condemn those calling for dead cops?
  5. So your saying the idiot African Americans screaming for dead cops are not the sector of African Americans that give the others a bad rap? BLM are the good African Americans?
  6. I seen this earlier this morning. All the story said was 2 males and 2 females were arrested. The story did not say a thing about BLM. That's strange.
  7. Barrett staying at Ohio State. I would have been absolutely shocked otherwise.
  8. Lock them up and throw away the key. The justice system is too lenient on criminals. Probation and short sentences is part of the problem. Quit giving trash 10 years of probation and give the community 10 years of trash less streets. Robbers, rapists, killers, drug dealers have no place in society. Put them down or lock them up.
  9. Seen this last year when it happened. What a disgrace.
  10. I wonder if it was the two D1 players that left the court.
  11. They can't make him take a pay cut. Unless he agrees to restructure his contract on a premise of a trade, no team will deal anything for him. Other teams aren't giving up a 1st, 2nd, or 3rd round pick for a overpaid QB with that medical history. I think they eventually cut him, whether that is a good move or not, IDK.
  12. IMO, Life begins at conception. But at the very least, when there is a heart beat, which is way before 5 months.
  13. Fresh off his "extension" Harbaugh, or any other quality coach, would be an idiot for for getting into that mess.
  14. Because a man cheated on his wife 8 years ago, he should not be allowed to be a Head Coach? For the bold, extramarital affairs bother me. I would never condone cheating on your wife/husband. But, since your morals are so high, I would assume you know about the power of forgiveness our Lord has blessed us with. The man made a mistake, has owned that mistake, and as another poster described rededicated himself to his wife, who apparently forgave him. Get off your judgmental high horse.
  15. I have to admit, Obama is a great speaker. He is much better at giving speeches than Trump is.
  16. Exactly. If I am a parent of a Stud QB, or whatever position, I would make that hop, skip, and jump to get him to the school that can get him that exposure. I would guess this happens ALL THE TIME. Meanwhile, here in SETX, were fielding the same players that have grown up here.
  17. To answer the question, I think SETX is at a disadvantage compared to the Houston schools as well as the DFW area. I think, in those areas, it is not hard to stack a program. Their is a greater number of school and options, and it is not hard for parents and players to get to the school they desire. I would be willing to bet they have A TON of "move ins" and "transfers" every single year. In SETX, the majority of the players on teams, have been in that community for their whole lives. In my opinion, it is like Little League teams playing agains Select Teams. Every now and then you will have a great group of players all come from the same class and you make those deep runs, but more often than not, we are just significantly over matched the deeper you go. I could be wrong. Just my guess.
  18. Everybody seems to have a good grasp on who they are. 3 pages worth of realistic expectations and reasons for success/reasons for failure. What specific schools do you want people to get on and say "_________coach is terrible, he is the reason for failure", or _____________has terrible athletes, that is why they will never win state". It is not appropriate to get on here and bash teenagers athletic ability or bash coaches. Everybody has been very honest and realistic. Again, what are you fishing for? Certain schools to admit their coaches are the problem?
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