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Everything posted by Hagar

  1. That's nothing but good news. But you'll know when he really starts looking like a top contender, because when he does, the liberal media will jump on him like white on rice.
  2. Wouldn't it be great if we had unbiased media to expose this insanity? Folks can argue back & forth about Black Lives Matter all they want, but they don't matter in Chicago. Not to the (well paid) activist. Not to Obama (he doesn't have to cater for their vote). The result of Decades of liberal Democratic governing.
  3. So when I read what TVC jokingly said about 6000 more voters (funny at the time) after more reflecting on it, maybe it's not so funny. In fact, the whole election process has turned into a joke/scam/con. If you're to lazy to get an ID, you shouldn't vote. Let me repeat that, if you're to lazy to get an ID, you shouldn't vote. Try to get a passport without an ID. Now my BP is up. Now I need a can of white paint to cover my red buttocks.
  4. And with Voter ID laws being overturned (which is one of the most asinine decisions I've ever seen) what's to stop a felon from voting? I don't understand. What stops anyone from voting repeatedly? Seriously, I don't know. Where is the "check and balance"?
  5. It is a game changer. I'm not smart enough to understand all the ramifications, but I suspect their defense spending will increase. Hope they "Buy American" lol
  6. Many in these polls don't deserve to be in. I think they are done based heavily on info received from coaches of each team. If they don't have it, most of those teams will not be in. They need last year record. Returning starters, etc. Only well into the season, after many wins, will other teams show up. At least that's my understanding. Hope this helps.
  7. Congratulations Lady Rebels on the #7 ranking. Well deserved, now shoot for higher.
  8. Thanks to the Silsbee Bee, and Silsbee 92 for Posting. The girls, and Coach Hollyfield deserve the recognition. Year after year, they consistently defeat bigger schools, up to and including 6A teams, many who probably have potentially better players. The difference is the hard work that Coach Hollyfield puts these girls through, and their eagerness to buy into it with the sure knowledge that success follows.
  9. Congrats to the Lady Rebels for the victory over West Hardin, who has a much improved ball club. When Dist started we played at WH and the set we lost to them was first Dist loss set since 2013. Got Mikasa searching for last time Rebs lost a Dist match. It's fairly impressive.
  10. Good luck to all tonight. My Lady Rebels playing West Hardin. To my knowledge, the first Dist team to win a set over Evadale since 2013. Go Lady Rebels!
  11. Not sure about Evangelicals, I'm Catholic. And, as I'm sure you know, the Israeli's (Jews) are Gods chosen people. The same Father that Christians pray to, ergo, kinfolk. But regardless of all that, there's only a short list of countries that I would advocate us going to war for in there defense (Afghanistan is of our own offensive choice) and Israel is one of them. Just my opinion, as a veteran, and father of one who served in Desert Storm.
  12. Can't figure gh23 out. That statement made no sense. Appears to be intelligent, by his grammar/writing (probably better than mine lol). Then there's the ref to a book on the 6 Day War, obviously written by a far left hater of Israel, or closet Muslim, since it give him/her the impression Israel drew the Muslims into the battle. I'd just got out of the Army and married. I remember Israel getting attacked by overwhelming numbers, and driven back. It was touch and go.
  13. Reminds me of the old question, what's that dark spot on the top of chickenpoop? It's still chickenpoop. But admittedly, this is more like bullpoop. Or, Bullpoop in Bullpoop out. Based on my experiences, most Politicians know less about economics than most Economists do, and that's scary (two B-slaps in that one line lol).
  14. When you say their enemies can't fight them conventionally, I have to disagree. The Israeli Army has just over 200,000 active and reserves. Iran has 700,000. And that's just one of the Muslim countries that repeatedly calls for the destruction of Israel, and death to Israelis. I've never once heard the Israelis calling for death to all Muslims Why should we help them? For one thing, they're the only true democracy in the region. We have a history of assisting democracies, I assume with the hope that someday all countries will be. I'll admit it's a pipe dream, but it's still a dream. And lastly (got a feeling you'll get a kick out of this), the United States was founded on Judeo-Christian values, so, consider us cousins. And in my part of Texas, if you mess with my family, you mess with me (although at my age, I'd have to whack you with my cane lol).
  15. Israli aggression? You must be a youngster. Israel has been attacked twice militarily, and both times by multiple Muslim countries. Both times sneak attacks. All out assault. Now, almost daily they're subjected to terrorist missile attacks, suicide bombers, etc. Now about the nuclear Iran. You think Iran having nuclear capabilities is not a threat to U.S.? Can any of us imagine what would happen if only a dirty bomb was activated in New York? Wall Street? But let us say they just want to nuke Israel. They think they can do it before Israel responds. Not likely, and if they do respond, I can only imagine how much of the oil rich Middle East will be uninhabitable, how many will die, and what would happen to our Global Economy. I'm sure you still disagree, and I'm at a loss to understand your post.
  16. I know what I think, male bovine feces
  17. RG keep up the Raider spirit. Got to be frustrating, no mystifying, that so few backers of Raider sports post. But good job, you're bringing a few in.
  18. Glad it's a good outing. Be careful on drive home.
  19. Post updates and scores for all games. Not sure where Silsbee 92 is but I'll sub one time (only lol). Evadale def Goodrich 3-0. Goodrich only had 6 players, and while clearly outmatched, gave a good effort.
  20. Good job posting. No offense to High Island. Glad they're in there, but ....
  21. Evadale playing Goodrich tonight 10/2. They only have 6 players. Don't think I've seen that before.
  22. POTUS is so far behind Putin it's scary. I think we're gonna lose this chess match.
  23. You've got to get confused reading comments quoted by those that knew him - Paraphrase - easy going & tried to make others happy. Then - Saw him daily in camo pants, boots, never talked to anyone. I wonder do we all look "through different glasses"? Also makes me wonder how the police muddle through eye witness accounts of incidents/crimes. And yes, it's sad we're getting numb to tragedies like this.
  24. I find it strange they haven't identified the shooter yet. Also, his question about "what religion".
  25. Since neither one is allow, doesn't matter much. I do still remember what our Priest said once. "So many concerned about prayer in school. What should concern us all is how much prayer in our homes." Thought that was profound.
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