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Posts posted by WildcatBacker

  1. I'm gonna be honest...I'm gonna keep watch on this game mostly as a measuring stick for how well Woodville stacks up against a common opponent of Kirbyville. Lol.. I know it won't mean anything by the time we play each other but it'll still show some kinds of comparisons. I think Woodville will take this one though. They have speed and that's how we beat Orangefield.

  2. 4 hours ago, kennelsdennis said:

    Thanks... Just a lil over protective of him

    I understand. I'm glad he's gonna be ok. I was looking away when he took the hit that sent him out last night, but a buddy I was sitting with said it looked like they picked him up and slammed him. I don't know if it was malicious or intentional or whatever or not, but I do know opponents are gonna try everything they can to take him out as a factor in the game cause they know head to head they can't beat him.

  3. 4 hours ago, kennelsdennis said:

    How is ty going out a problem 

    Sorry about that...bad choice of words. I more meant all too familiar occurrence. Every since Ty was a freshman he has been a weapon...explosive off the line and untouched if he finds an open field...every time he touches the ball. And his reputation for being a HUGE threat has followed him every game, and it's made him a target. That big X on his back has caused him to be almost cursed with injuries at some point throughout his high school career. If he had been able to stay healthy, he would have set some major records. 

  4. Silsbee has always been a tough team to predict. I've seen them beat the tar out of a good solid team...then turn around the next week and get pounded by a team that had already been pounded earlier in the year by the one they had just beat the tar out of. Lol.. So it's really tough to say what they'll do from one week to the next. I do know Newton is very, very good. And if they haven't peaked yet, Lord knows what's in store for when they do. I pick Newton by a TD in this one. But then again Silsbee might take it by 48. :)

  5. 1 hour ago, Speedkills said:

    I'm not even about to say Newton didn't just give Kirbyville a sure enough down home butt whippin', however those 3 BS penalties they were called back were all legitimate calls. Kirbyville shot themselves in the foot on 2 of Newtons offensive scoring drives by committing meaningless penalties on third down when they had the stop, So I guess its just how honest your being with yourself on the reality of the game. Reality is Newton was the better team Friday night as I expected and as they should've been (considering nearly returning the entire team and honestly should've won the state championship last year). Kirbyville lost a lot from last season and are a relatively young football team that with a little experience with coach neece and his staff pushing them will be scary to play against. I fully expect Kirbyville to have it together by district play and compete for a district title (they have improved every week since the first time they took the field this season). I expect Newton to continue to improve also and win their district and make a nice playoff run if not go all the way.

    Thank you. You saw what I saw. Kirbyville was beaten. No doubt. No argument. Nobody saying any different. But, if you look at what Newton returned vs what Kirbyville lost...this should have been a 60-0 type game with Kirbyville not giving ANY opposition. But it simply wasn't like that. We have life in this team. The ingredients are there for us to still have a very good run and I'm taking that away from this loss instead of dwelling on it simply being a loss. There were moments, several of them, when Kirbyville threatened. Not to take the game, but to score...to compete...on that drive, at that moment. But by all accounts, we weren't supposed to. We were supposed to come in and get run all over by the starters that were supposed to be pulled 5 mins into the game. But...like I said...it didn't turn out that way. We showed we could be stronger than most everybody expected and that's something to build on. 

  6. 6 minutes ago, EaglesFootball said:

    Don't kid yourself that game was never in question last night it was physically dominated by Newton in all phases of the game. It was never in doubt who was going to win. Some BS penalties that brought 3 TDS back is the only reason we won by 4 tds and not 7.

    Lol.. BS penalties...I like that. Sorry the refs rooked you like that. Fact is you won by 4tds. The other 3 might never have happened so don't even consider them. You wanna hear something pretty cool though? 4tds is way more than enough. The better team won. But we found some flaws and exposed them in the last 3qtrs. Our offense could never get going and yall's defense was a big part of why. You should really be thankful this game didn't happen till now. We play this game each of the last 2 yrs like everybody wanted and Newton would be 1-2 in that 3 yr series.

  7. 17 minutes ago, aTmfan06 said:
    18 minutes ago, aTmfan06 said:

    You can't stand toe to toe with a team and lose 27-0...

    Sure you can. For the better part of 3qtrs.....we did. We played horrible, sloppy, pathetic football and still kept Newton from scoring for most of the game after falling behind 20-0 quickly. That's standing toe to toe. If we had cleaned things up on our end on offense, this could have been a lot closer game on the scoreboard. But, we didn't so we lost. That's the breaks.

  8. 8 minutes ago, Cactus said:

    Don't forget to mention Newton had 3 TDs called back because of penalties.  That door wasn't so wide open. A good defense causes turnovers.  Kats will be fine. I like the QB choice and Ty can fly.. pulling for you guys to get it togeather and make another deep run in the playoffs. The Bob Cats are a scrappy team and focus on ball control.  If the Kats can make points when they get the ball Kats can win. It's always a dull game with Orangefield because of their type of offense.  Kirbyville takes this one. 

    Yea see I've always had an issue with this "X number of TD's were called back.." thing that people like to point out. I know what you mean, and I get it, but you have to look at 2 very crucial things first...1.Did they end up scoring on those drives anyway? (because obviously if they did, then they didnt really lose any 'extra' TD's) and 2.There's most likely a very good reason it was called back, and that infraction was why they scored the TD to begin with. 

  9. ^^^ Btw that was in no way a disrespect to Woodville. They're a threat every year to every team they face. It's just the fact that CC has usually been a very good team...even their 'off' years have been impressive. So no matter what, Woodville has snapped everyone's heads around with this win. 

  10. 6 hours ago, Hupernikomen said:

    Newton shutting out kirbyville isn't that big of a surprise for me.  Kirbyville isn't what they were a few years back.

    Maybe Nederland isn't either.

    Yeah Woodville beating a traditional power like that was impressive.  

    Kirbyville LOSING wasn't a surprise because like you mentioned, we're not where we have been in recent years. But you can bet we're still gonna be good enough year in and year out to be a contender so getting SHUTOUT was a surprise. For me though, hands down, the whipping Woodville gave CC was the biggest surprise. 

  11. We played a very sloppy game last night but still stiffened up for the better part of 3 qtrs and stood toe to toe with Newton despite giving up turnover after turnover after turnover. Newton had the better team overall but they made some mistakes too and if we had played a little less sloppy football, the door was opened for us. As far as Orangefield, they have played us very close each of the last 2 yrs and now look better than even then. Combine that with Kirbyville needing to work out some kinks and tbh, this could go either way if we don't do what I know we can do. I say Kirbyville by a TD, but we can't be caught sleeping.

  12. 2 minutes ago, Speedkills said:

    Defense made excellent adjustments at the half and really looked good in the 2nd half. Offense never got going. Newton defense is great. Kirbyville offense will have to step it up though and I believe they will.

    I'm just upset at the penalties and turnovers. I hate a game that is full of either, and this one had a lot of both...by both teams. A solid, clean game tonight by both sides would most likely have still led to a Newton win, but the 'what if' lost opportunities in a game like this one is just....very unsatisfying. Congrats to Newton on the win and good luck the rest of the way. Cats, let's clean this up and start doing what we know we can. 

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