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Posts posted by WildcatBacker

  1. 38 minutes ago, NewtonNation said:

    Don't worry Jason, as Newton fans we don't let it bother us. 

    Umm....maybe not from you NewtonNation, but I can assure you the disrespect has been dished out from Newton fans on here AT LEAST as much as from the Kirbyville fans. The last couple yrs especially since we didn't play each other. But, like you, us respectable Kirbyville fans don't let it bother us either. 

      All I can say about this game is, it's Kirbyville vs. Newton. Anybody from EITHER side in any given yr that thinks their team has it in the bag when this game is played is sorely mistaken. Newton seems to be where they should be right now, and Kirbyville looks like they need some work. Soooo....on paper it don't look good for us. Luckily, this game isn't played on paper. 

  2. This should be a good game by all accounts. I'll never pick against my Cats but we lost a lot from last yr, and are going to be facing a VERY tough Eagle team picked by many to make another state run. So if we're gonna pull this out it'll be by pure grit, will and a heck of a want-it attitude. I say Kirbyville by 1, cause that's all that matters. Good luck to both teams. I'll see yall there. 

  3. Scrimmages don't mean everything right? Well, they don't mean nothing either though. Kirbyville lost a lot from last yr that's true, but many teams have lost a lot and still walked to state. We can't have excuses, or let a scrimmage dictate our season. We'll be ok. Just need to put in the work like we always do to show we're still for real. Plus, I think Center is a LOT better than some may have thought. 

  4. Bwahahahaha!!! You dont think WOS has gotten better? And Foster would have used Kirbyville as toilet paper. Come on Man!!

    What in the name of all that is holy? Where did this come from? I wasn't saying anything negative about WO-S. I fully believe they should be ranked ahead of us. I was responding to someones claims that Kirbyville didn't deserve the votes they got. Since you opened the can though I will say this....would Foster use Kirbyville for 'toilet paper' as you put it? Maybe, maybe not. One things for sure though....they DID wipe their butts with WO-S. :)

  5. Kirbyville got 5 first place votes.  One less than WOS.  One less overall point.  Squeaked past OF.  The 3rd place finisher in WOS district.  Same district that WOS moonwalked through handing out beatdowns like government cheese.  Lost to BC.  I appreciate the work you guys do.  I really do.  But c'mon man!  If all 5 of those votes weren't from Kirbyville residents, we are going to need to check your man cards....

    Kirbyvilles 'woes' that you mentioned were the first 2 games of the year. I'd say we're not the same team as we were then. Go look at what we've done since. Also, WO-S did get blown out in their loss. (and don't give me that strength of opponent bull either. If you can't beat em, don't schedule them)  I say the rankings look fine. Quit whining.

  6. From the 3a level and up, give me the good coach. The 2a level and down though, one or two awesome players can come through a school and pretty much carry it themselves just based on pure, raw talent. Overall I'd pick good coaching, but even a great coached team from a small school with few players to choose from would have their hands full facing a team with a couple of those rare players you only see once in a while.

  7. Here the  reasoning behind my prediction, not just because I'm an EC fan. 

    1. Coaching 

    2. Discipline 

    3. EC has the best player on the field

    4. Defense beats offense.

    1. Coaching was good on both sides.

    2. EC was definitely more disciplined based simply on the lopsided penalty calls. So that kinda kills that theory.

    3. Silcox was good, but we had no problems containing him....even before he left the game. Besides, we had 4 or 5 players that were as good or better anyway.

    4. True, it did. Lol..

  8. 3 pt victory is getting owned?? And honestly last night wasn't a beat down, yes it was a 16 pt victory, but we still had a chance late in the game! 

    Y'all had no chance at any point in the game. EC is good, but Kirbyville was by far the better team. Everybody saw it. Btw, I think by 'owned', he more meant the fact we beat y'all the last two years....not that we blew y'all out.

  9. I kinda had a feeling it would end like it did.  And sorry but WOS would wipe the floor with both. Silsbee, Jasper and Newton could beat both probably.  Nothing against either but size and depth matters.  Not that it matters but where's the logic of ranking a team that lost to Bridge City who lost to both Jasper and Silsbee who both lost to WOS ahead of WOS?  

    Talk is all you have when there's no way of backing it up on the field. I can promise you that NO ONE is giving your comment any credibility.....and EVERYONE knows both teams would compete with any you listed and beating them would shock no one. Go find a thread where someone cares and will listen to you, goblin.

  10. Good defensive game on both sides for 3.5 qtrs.


    Sloppy play and penalties on both sides.

    Seriously? Penalties on both sides? You can't be serious. EC had one pass interference called on them and that was it. Kirbyville was non-stop penalised all night. I'm not saying they weren't real, but there's no way you can say with a straight face the penalties were pretty much equal. Kirbyville controlled this game from start to finish. I tried to tell y'all we were the better team. I guess you had to be shown. 

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