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Posts posted by WildcatBacker

  1. Kirbyville is not the team they were last year. Yes, they beat Woodville easily. But it was only as bad as it was because Woodville made a ton of mistakes and turned the ball over four times. They still would've beaten them, but not nearly as bad. They can still beat EC, but the Bucs are the better team this year. BUT.....this will be a great game and could go either way. I think EC wins at home and pulls away late. 

    I agree. We're better than last year. It took a game or two for it all to click, but it's clicking now. Our defense needs to stop letting their guard down and giving up those late points after a hefty lead is there, but none the less.....we're ready to play, and ready to win, over anyone we face.

  2. KV and the general public can think about and focus on whatever they want to, but the East Chambers Bucs need to be 100% focused on the Buna Cougars this week. Period. 

    Everybody at EC is thinking the same thing everybody in Kirbyville is........that both teams will win out till they face each other, and who will win once we get there. Its possible to focus on your upcoming opponent and still look ahead to an obvious big game. Not only possible, but fun to do.

  3. Too many of you are letting the one loss fool you. Kirbyville is not the team they were when BC beat them. Now I'm not saying EC has no chance cause Lord knows they're solid this year. But don't let a 6-1 vs. a 7-0 record sway you. This game will be high scoring and will last a full 48 mins. I don't see either team running away with it at any point. I'll be there and am looking forward to seeing it.

  4. Kinda the same posts and attitude I read in last years posts leading up to this game. How'd that come out?

    There's no doubt the Cougars will have to play mistake free game and catch a break or two or three to win this one. Kirbyville is extremely talented from what I've seen and will be a force to reckon with.

    It might be closer than some expect. We'll see soon enough.

    Last year was trash talk cause both teams were good. This year Buna is down. Nowhere near the team they were last year. Kirbyville will walk in this one. 

  5. Woodville was tougher than I expected. The fumbles were killing them. Kirbyville needs to get more disciplined on the defensive line and cut out all those stupid off side penalties. All in all it was a solid win, but we have some work to do to get ready for EC. Oh and EW#1, the reason we kept throwing was because y'all started scoring. Lol..

  6. Kountze never really does much in football so I'm not sure why you're asking what's 'wrong' with them. Newton has faced 2 obstacles this year...a tough pre-district schedule, and their coach not able to be there much for health issues. I'm sure they will be fine through district and into the playoffs. Kountze will have to work hard just to compete for one of the last 2 playoff spots. I think they'll go to Buna and Woodville though.. IMO.

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