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    AledoBearcatsCO2014 reacted to BlackShirts5 in Kenny Hill or Kyle Allen?   
    Well Kenny Hill has been in trouble so he will follow in Johnny footballs shoes and get the start.
  2. Like
    AledoBearcatsCO2014 reacted to LumRaiderFan in The Race Card   
    I believe the free market will deal with this guy...even when the league wouldn't.
    Remember the Dixie Chicks and Paula Deen...and Paula Deen's remarks were 30 years old!
  3. Like
    AledoBearcatsCO2014 got a reaction from Mr. Buddy Garrity in Predictions for 2014 season.   
    Jerrod Heard could easily lead them to a national championship by his junior/senior year.
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    AledoBearcatsCO2014 reacted to LumRaiderFan in The Race Card   
    If you define "decency" as handing out entitlements in exchange for votes, the Democrats win.
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    AledoBearcatsCO2014 reacted to bullets13 in Cowboys/Manziel ?   
    the cowboys don't need any more distractions.  i say we trade our 2nd round pick for a general manager.
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    AledoBearcatsCO2014 got a reaction from BellBiz30 in 5A pre-season top 10?   
    Who says they'll be in the playoffs? :D kidding kidding
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    AledoBearcatsCO2014 reacted to Mr. Buddy Garrity in 5A pre-season top 10?   
    HD not #1 in their own county.
  8. Like
    AledoBearcatsCO2014 got a reaction from bullets13 in Four Reasons why gay marriage is our concern   
    I believe homosexuality is a sin, but God gave us all free will. So denying homosexuals the right to sin as they wish is trying to take away what God gave us. All we can do is be there for them, pray for them, and maybe try taking them to church? Instead of condemning them we should show them the love of Jesus Christ and hopefully once they accept him as their lord and savior they will choose to repent.
  9. Like
    AledoBearcatsCO2014 got a reaction from BellBiz30 in 2014 Football Schedules   
    Crosby should be a fun game for you guys.
  10. Like
    AledoBearcatsCO2014 got a reaction from 5GallonBucket in Four Reasons why gay marriage is our concern   
    I believe homosexuality is a sin, but God gave us all free will. So denying homosexuals the right to sin as they wish is trying to take away what God gave us. All we can do is be there for them, pray for them, and maybe try taking them to church? Instead of condemning them we should show them the love of Jesus Christ and hopefully once they accept him as their lord and savior they will choose to repent.
  11. Like
    AledoBearcatsCO2014 got a reaction from baddog in US-Russian Tensions Escalate Amid Ukraine Crisis   
    America is going to end up screwed over if we don't put on some big boy underwear soon and take off the diaper.
  12. Like
    AledoBearcatsCO2014 reacted to LumRaiderFan in Who's Rights?   
    Why not is because of the "he or she" thing.
  13. Like
    AledoBearcatsCO2014 reacted to LumRaiderFan in Aborted and Miscarried Babies Used to Heat Hospitals in UK   
    Just a few verses of what God's view of that "walnut" may be.
    Jeremiah 1:5  “Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, and before you were born I consecrated you; I appointed you a prophet to the nations.”
    Psalm 139:13-14 For you formed my inward parts; you knitted me together in my mother's womb. I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Wonderful are your works; my soul knows it very well.
    Isaiah 49:1  Listen to me, O coastlands, and give attention, you peoples from afar. The Lord called me from the womb, from the body of my mother he named my name.
  14. Like
    AledoBearcatsCO2014 got a reaction from LumRaiderFan in Four Reasons why gay marriage is our concern   
    I believe homosexuality is a sin, but God gave us all free will. So denying homosexuals the right to sin as they wish is trying to take away what God gave us. All we can do is be there for them, pray for them, and maybe try taking them to church? Instead of condemning them we should show them the love of Jesus Christ and hopefully once they accept him as their lord and savior they will choose to repent.
  15. Like
    AledoBearcatsCO2014 reacted to NDNation in More Evidence of the Big Bang   
    I can imagine a Scientist being eaten up by a thirst for knowledge. They will never know. It must drive them crazy.
    I choose to believe the Word of God. Quit worrying about how you got here and just enjoy. :D
  16. Like
    AledoBearcatsCO2014 reacted to 5GallonBucket in Four Reasons why gay marriage is our concern   
    God said thou shall not murder....and so its a law in both the christian belief and worldly
    God said man shall not lay with another man.......its a law in the christian belief but not worldly
    you ll except murder as a law, but not the other
    and u wann call christian hypocrites.
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    AledoBearcatsCO2014 reacted to jv_coach in Four Reasons why gay marriage is our concern   
    Well if something is only wrong based on laws then the Nazi's broke no laws.There is a law above the law

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    AledoBearcatsCO2014 reacted to NorthoftheBorder in Four Reasons why gay marriage is our concern   
    Here is what I will say to your assertion about the bad behavior of "Christians".  There are a lot of "goats", or to say it another way, many who call themselves Christians who are really just that in name only because the "fruit" of their lives in no way shows that Jesus Christ is their "Lord"!!  Their behavior in the "name of Christ" in fact defames the name of Christ and makes anyone who is watching who has no knowledge or only a nominal knowledge about Christianity actually turned off completely to the truth of the Bible!!  Christ himself said that on that last day the goats would be seperated from the sheep!!!
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    AledoBearcatsCO2014 reacted to jv_coach in Four Reasons why gay marriage is our concern   
    If a person wishes to follow the evil of their heart and deny the truth of God, then God is going to give them what their little heart desires. 
  20. Like
    AledoBearcatsCO2014 got a reaction from jv_coach in Preparing to Live in Perilous Times in America   
    The odds of Jesus coming back gets better and better everyday... Every single day is one day closer.
  21. Like
    AledoBearcatsCO2014 reacted to BobcatDis in 2015 TXST Bobcat Recruiting Thread   
    Per Scout Xaiver weighs in on his offer:
    "They're my first offer. It puts a tender spot in your heart.... They have a beautiful campus and they run the same exact offense my high school runs. It's very nice."
  22. Like
    AledoBearcatsCO2014 got a reaction from BellBiz30 in 5A pre-season top 10?   
    I fell out of my chair laughing at this.
  23. Like
    AledoBearcatsCO2014 reacted to NorthoftheBorder in More Evidence of the Big Bang   
    Here is the beauty of these scientist's and their big bang theory.  In order for it be so, you have to have a spontaneous explosion that has no source of power or matter to work with that just happens miraculously and boom, you now have matter and it has somehow come together in forms and shapes.  And then, without anything at all being added to it or controlling it, it just starts to change and develop and evolve!!  There isn't a single scientist, especially Stephen Hawking, who can, under any set of labratory conditions, duplicate this phenomonal feat!!  But what they can do is "theorize" what might have happened "miraculously" for them to get to this point in there personal and human existence without the existence of a God!!!  I can tell you, that takes a faith that would make any religious person look completely faithless!!!  Or to put it another way, it is a proven statistical fact that if you tell someone a lie frequently enough, he will come to believe it!!!
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    AledoBearcatsCO2014 reacted to westend1 in 10 ways your past mistakes can be made positive   
    Ah...I see.  Thanks for clearing that up.
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    AledoBearcatsCO2014 reacted to Chrcj71 in 5A pre-season top 10?   
    Gonna be tough for Leander Rouse to crack the 5A top ten.....they are 6A.
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