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Posts posted by oldschool2

  1. 5 minutes ago, highsky said:

    I don't know about statewide but in SETX, Splendora has a separate AD and HFC.  They are 4A.  

    I should have stated that it's more common in the larger districts (5A/6A) but the idea is trickling down to the lower ranks.  

    But it's not starting to trickle down.  It almost seems like you're trying to justify the fact that Hardin/Kountze are doing this.  Just in case any experienced football coach isn't interested due to their horrendous football tradition.. you guys are scaring the rest away with not allowing for the AD title.  Well done... DESPITE all that, they end up with a good coach with a talented son and still let them squeak away.  LOL!

    You gave 3 examples of non 5A/6A schools in the pretty large coverage area.  I can tell you that it's not common in the rest of the state either... nor should it be.  I think it's fair to say that the duties should be split between men's and women's.. but any school 4A and smaller should have the Head Football Coach as the AD.. as football is the majority money maker/spender within athletics.

  2. 3 minutes ago, forREALtho said:

    This is all true. And they were champs in jr high.  But from what I know, being AD was not an issue.   It actually was a plus. He had coaches he wanted hired and they didn’t. And it wasn’t the AD. Super and the school board didn’t make it happen. So he left.  It’s that simple. 

    Sounds about like what I heard too.  Either way.. I would have left as well. 

  3. 1 hour ago, highsky said:

    I'm very aware of all what you just stated.  However, in a lot of cases, a teacher that is not certified to teach a specific field can only teach one class in that field because it can cause problems to the district if the uncertified teacher was to teach more than that one class. 

    There's more reasons here than what I am willing to say, but while it is true that usually the whispers on the coaching grapevine are true, it's also true that not all the information is out there to be shared. So the story can be partially true but a lot is left out.  

    I have no doubt that details are being left out.  However, the one detail that rings true was mentioned.  HE LEFT.. and it could've been prevented.  Or, at least.. further steps could've been tried to prevent it.  Money, support, assistants, whatever.. he left for a reason and while that reason may not be known by everyone.. there's still a reason that he left a 3A school as a head football coach to go to a 3A school in the same district. His son was going to be the starting quarterback regardless.  I know that Anahuac has a better supporting team but there's gotta be something else.  Didn't I read that his son led their 8th grade team to the district championship?  I know a lot changes between JH and Varsity but he still won.  


    30 minutes ago, highsky said:

    Sure, but in case you haven't noticed, schools these days are gravitating away from the HFC/AD combination and separating it between two people.  The days of HFC/AD are quickly fading into the past. I know Kountze's AD is not the HFC so Hardin is not alone in the area when it comes to that. 

    Like I said, there's a bit more to the story.  

    You are really going to use two of the worst football programs in all of SeTx as the examples of "schools gravitating away from the HFC/AD combination"?  Other than these two football powerhouses, would you mind giving me some examples of some schools 4A and down that are practicing this?  I already know there aren't any others is SeTx.. let's go statewide.

  4. 10 hours ago, highsky said:

    Yes, I agree with you to a point. This is true for elective classes. Not so much when it’s a core class like math (not just everyone can teach math) or a specific field like special education. There were only so many teaching field available for a coach. 

    Are you aware of the term District of Innovation?  I read that most schools in the state took on that role which includes certain perks such as schedule flexibility and allowing certified teachers to teach in fields they aren't certified in.  I bet that Hardin has those flexibilities.  I also know that in certain circumstances smaller schools hire uncertified (yet degreed) people to teach while they are completing or even working on a certification. 

    There is no set rules as to what exactly a coach HAS to teach.. and just because a coach is teaching something one year doesn't mean the teaching field can't change the next. Even for that exact coach.  It sounds to me that Hardin either lacked creativity or refused to be creative... because I have friends/family in the coaching profession and was told that Barrier wanted to hire specific people to coach yet was told he couldn't.  I'm not usually one to go off of just the word of a few but the coaching world usually holds pretty true to what I hear.  In my experience anyway. So if that is evenly partially true.. he did the exact right thing by abandoning ship.  

  5. 7 minutes ago, highsky said:

    I'm not trying to stir anything up but some of the info is just not correct.  For example, it's true that he was just the HFC and not HFC/AD.  Before Barrier came, the AD position was given to someone else who has been associated with the school and within the athletic program for over 20 years and this was done to create some consistency with the athletic programs as the HFCs tend to only last 3-4 years, if that, at Hardin.   That said, the salary was very good for Hardin for just being HFC.  It wasn't the "needed more assistants" that was a problem...it was the impossibility of hiring more, due to a lack of candidates that met the criteria.  This is not a problem with just Hardin, but everywhere else too.  I think I read somewhere that at the THSCA coaching school that there were a ton of job postings but not enough candidates to fill those jobs. 

    Hardin tried to keep Barrier.  People may not believe it, but it's true. 

    Just out of curiosity.. what criteria are you talking about?  Or do you know?

  6. 20 minutes ago, forREALtho said:

    Didn’t know 6’5” made u a big time QB. And what grade is Katy QB in ?  And are y’all telling me he can’t start at all these big schools y’all are throwing out there?  I mean camps in Jr High decide who gets recruited at QB.  4 years from now. Come on. 

    Did I say that 6'5 made you a big time QB?  I most certainly did not.. I implied that most big time quarterbacks fit a certain mold.. including height. I used 6'5 because that's the size of Katy's current quarterback... Katy being the closest elite high school program to Anahuac.  Unless he goes to Northshore... whichever. 

    What's the size of these guys?.. they seem pretty good sized to me:

    This is the hidden content, please

  7. 6 minutes ago, bullets13 said:

    People might need to tap the brakes on Anahuac having 4 straight deep playoff runs under him as well.  If the kid lives up to anything near the expectations of many on here he'll be gone from Anahuac after next year.  His dad left Hardin to give him a better chance at success at Anahuac already.  Notice he found a landing spot that's close to Houston? You think he won't bolt Anahuac when his kid's a junior to get him two seasons as a starter at a good 6A school, as well as a large pay raise for himself?  He'll be gone next year if the right opportunity presents itself.  

    No doubt.. a little further west down I10 and they'll be in Katy.  According to maxpreps.com,  Katy's current qb is 6'5.  How does the Barrier kid match up (size wise) to a typical big time quarterback?  It's takes more than passing for 1000 yards halfway through the season at a 3A school.  Just sayin...

  8. On 9/27/2022 at 12:29 PM, JimAdler said:

    It's my belief that the kid will be top 10 in the nation by his senior year

    Tap the brakes, my guy.  I watched a couple of Anahuac games on their stream and I like the kid.  He's a player for sure.  But top 10 in the nation?  I don't believe you're considering the enormous multitude of schools across this nation that will produce the hundreds upon hundreds of collegiate level quarterbacks over the next however many years.  Just look at the state of Texas.  Again.. I like him.  But.. are you not considering Lake Travis, Westlake, Allen, Martin, and the multitude of other 6A schools that will have quarterbacks that focus solely on being a quarterback and the countless other hidden gem quarterbacks across all classifications in THIS STATE ALONE?

    Do I believe he'll take snaps at the next level?  Sure?  As long as the work ethic remains and he avoids  injury.  Top 10 nationally, though?  You're legitimately talking future NFL quarterback with that statement and there's no way I'll be convinced of that just yet.  Someone mentioned 1,000 yards.. where does that rank him in 3A?

  9. Coach bashing is done by morons that think they know more than they do because they sit in front of a TV for most college/pro games.. in turn making them believe that their knowledge supersedes the individuals that actually spend a majority of their week preparing, practice planning, studying game film, talking amongst actual peers/professionals in the field of coaching, facilitating practices, managing student/athletes on and off the field, juggling students' mental/psychological issues, holding students accountable for good/bad play and classroom behavioral circumstances, along with a limitless list of other dealings that go into what affects decisions made during a game.. while trying to win said game.

    Coach bashing is also done by people that would've played D1 "but their coach didn't like them".  It probably had nothing to do with them being a below average player at an average (at best) high school with average to below average competition.  I'm sure that people who bash coaches spend some time coaching peewee and telling the kids/parents that they were All-State when they played and had chances to go pro but got hurt.  I'm sure that people who bash coaches couldn't do 10 pushups today or run 100 yards in an afternoon.

    Change my mind. 

  10. 35 minutes ago, Setx fan said:

    I think the replacement will turn out fantastic although I do agree sometimes people are too hard on coaches. Jasper fans might have helped run the previous coach out prematurely which turns out bad sometimes but I actually think they got a good deal out of it this time. You just have to give him a lot more than 5 games into his first season to be able to see that. 

    I personally don't think a fair assessment of how a head coach did or is doing can be made unless they've had a group of 7th graders make it to graduation.  Also, expectations can at times be unrealistic and improvements, expectations, and culture changes need to be taken into account.  Unfortunately that's not the case.  Coaches are judged on wins/losses. Despite graduations.. despite classification changes.. despite district changes.. despite transfers (both in and out).. despite every single detail that can affect the failure/success of a team that's out of the coach's control.  They're still judged on wins/losses solely.  

    Coincidentally.. sometimes a fresh perspective can change the attitude of the entire program by bringing new excitement.  I get that.. I just which it was approached in a more, "we'd like to change directions" type attitude instead of unwarranted negativity towards whoever the last person was.  Again.. I get it, though.  The average person isn't very intelligent and there are far more people with below average intelligence than above.  That's just the way of the world.. so I won't pretend that how things probably should be are the way that they will be.  So..

  11. 1 hour ago, XX Man said:

    What are your thoughts? 

    Blood in the water? I would think that WOS surely has the talent to win this one.. but I've heard things are kind of falling apart.  I don't know for sure but I'm hearing: quitting, walking off the field, mentally struggling, etc.

    Again.. those are unverified rumors.  Even if true, I'd bet WOS gets the win.

  12. 14 hours ago, raideroldtimer said:

    We rarely say anything about the boys in the stripes, except maybe they are blind😉. I would like to bring up something though, in 1958 my uncle Beau Hicks joined the Southwest Officials Association, the precursor to todays Texas Association of Sports Officials, he served as Secretary, I believe President for a while, refereed in both High School and College games as well as ending his career as a recruiter for officials for the NFL. A few years after Uncle Beau started my dad, Wayne Hicks, joined as well, both of them served in virtually every position on the field as well as officiating basketball for awhile which I remember was not my dads' favorite. About 20 years after my Uncle joined my middle brother BJ Hicks joined TASO and has officiated just about every position on the field along with becoming one of the few caucasian officlas in SWAC for a few years. One of my cousins also tried it for awhile but didn't like it. Both my dad and my uncle have passed on leaving the legacy to my brother and this year will be my brothers' last year after close to 45 years running up and down the fields with all the young men. It seems odd to me knowing there will no longer be a Hicks out on that field but I would like to let you guys know that they all served with honesty and integrity. It takes a special man to give his time and his money (they pay yearly dues) and I have been lucky enough to have been related to several of them. 

    Admirable..  6 and a half decades of being screamed at by fans.  

    No but seriously.. that's pretty cool.

  13. 1 hour ago, JimAdler said:

    It's really odd to me how quickly they are to say how things are going great to oh no, we suck again and our coach is terrible.

    One thing I have learned over the years , NEVER return to your alma mater.  It almost never works out the way you expect it to.

    I've heard that as well.  Coaches are desperate for that HFC title on the resume, though.  

  14. Hear me out.  Or.. it’s possible.. that HD just isn’t very good.  Which most knew but the “wE uPsEt A biGGER sChOoL” crowd kept insisting that they were better than they were.  Despite the fact that the teams they “upset” gave up 75 last week and will go 0-10, gave up 60 last night and likely won’t win again, and the team that couldn’t be “upset” gave up 65 last night and likely won’t win another game.

    Sigh.. those pesky details.  Anyway.  Now the same coach that was praised before is ridiculed now.  John.. HD55.. did either of you guys get the exact details?  Perhaps there’s a reason that Bird shifted from your vast football knowledge.  Was the kid hurt? Did he smart off to a teammate? Did he call a coach’s momma fat? Maybe WH made adjustments that you didn’t see.  Maybe literally any reason Coach Bird thought of happened.

    I’m sure he knows both of you personally. Reach out instead of acting ridiculous on a public forum.  Job applications? What a joke you are.. 

  15. 1 hour ago, BBfan061 said:

    I’ll say this and it was kinda mentioned earlier… I don’t wanna hear anyone from Kountze getting upset about another team scoring too much lol As a Kountze alumni I’ve seen some basketball games over the last 20 years that Kountze exactly didn’t take the foot off the pedal… Matter of fact I think one was against Buna where Kountze won by like 60-70 lol

    Like I mentioned... their style of play for those games meant that even the backups were going to play all out for 94 feet.  Taking the starters out was 100% taking the foot off the pedal. 

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