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Everything posted by SmashMouth

  1. I heard extra-terrestrial beings may be involved along with sasquatch, possibly...
  2. So you’re saying you took a shy pill this morning? Cmon man, pile on.
  3. So you took a shot at Lumberton, but got butthurt when someone reciprocated about Vidor. Got it.
  4. I’m quite sure it speaks for itself. L’s - Vidor The “lol” on the end means laugh out loud.
  5. It's not a bone, it's kool-aid, and you have drunk plenty. Stay thirsty...
  6. I couldn't testify one way or the other. Have games been rigged? Maybe. Is the entire NFL rigged? I would say firmly, probably not..
  7. Good job young men. And a special congrats to this year’s winners: Dre'lon Miller & Ty'Anthony Smith 🥳
  8. Nothing to back this up, but I think Biden would have a better chance at the polls than Cackling Kamala. I expect he can hold on for the next 9 months. If he wins, he can always step down then, if the democrats are wanting to crown Kamala.
  9. moot Not being the spelling & grammar police, just correcting a very often incorrect application of the word for the sake of knowledge.
  10. I think the Democrats are going to stick with Biden and pray for Trump conviction (or at least enough bad press to give Biden a chance).
  11. I think it’s the latter. Lumberton parents are on par with most schools. Passed a huge bond for the schools, renovated stadium and field house, put in turf. I think they’re losing a lot of talent though. Hopefully I’ll be surprised.
  12. I guess I’m just not agreeing that if a head coach is “bad” then ALL his assistants are bad.
  13. I ask simply to point out that if "Good head coaches have good assistants..." and he has never been a head coach, then he most likely does not have a stable of good assistants.
  14. Dang. I've never seen a Lumberton pre-district schedule that stout.
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