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Everything posted by MEM

  1. [quote name="akifan94" post="1109292" timestamp="1320787576"] No it dose not. It is like a State Championship game every week. [/quote]  uh, ok ;)
  2. [quote name="True Blue" post="1102198" timestamp="1320239947"] Well 43 to 0 would not be a bad score, but remember it was 43 to 0 IN the 3 QR and you said they were getting ready to put the JV in >:( Like I said what were they waiting on ...50?? [/quote] Look at the scores throughout the state from week to week and you'll see lots of teams who get beat by 40-50 pts AND they aren't throwing in the towel... Cleveland just got beat by 61 and 46 (I believe in back to back weeks) and yet they didn't quit and came back and beat a team (in Liberty that many thought they had little chance to win) and probably secured the 3rd and last playoff spot in their district....They were also down a couple TD's in that game before regrouping and getting the win...It would've been very easy for them to just shut it down after the results from the prior couple of games, however, they didn't and it'll serve all of them well in the future whether it be in a sport or in life... Moral of the story is you don't quit/give up and you don't start giving less just because things are going terribly wrong or you might be getting embarrassed...You pick yourself up and try to get better in hopes of improving the results the next time out!!  If the players aren't at least learning this one valuable lesson from participating in athletics then really what is the point?
  3. [quote name="1KatKiller" post="1101452" timestamp="1320159078"] this defense is exceptional..only given up 56 points this year...opponent is averaging only 95 yards of offense/game...only losing 3 starters this year returning 8...wow! [/quote] Actually 4 on defense, however, those are some of the best defenders on the team...#44 Harrison, #52 Andries, and #8 Monroe have been 3 year starters....#12 Trapp has started this year at FS following the departure of Taylor Kelley to graduation... #7 Wilson has played alot this year in Monroe's spot and alongside him in the Huffman game so he's had lots of reps and will pretty much be a returning starter....
  4. [quote name="WOSgrad" post="1101062" timestamp="1320098718"] No, at that point stats and score stay put. [/quote] Thanks WOS
  5. Quick question...What happens stat wise in a forfeit? Do they get wiped clean like the game never happened? Does it depend on the school? Who gets to make the decision?  Anyone dealt with one before?
  6. [quote name="Buck2Hands" post="1100197" timestamp="1320020158"] OK I know that I must be wrong about this "no contact football" and many of you are very censer about the sport that you love. So lets play some football!!!!!!! ;D LMAO [/quote]  what??? :-\
  7. [quote name="only_one" post="1098762" timestamp="1319894942"] MEM you have no clue what you are talking about.  [/quote] I figured someone would come on here and say as much but it absolutely happened...It doesn't really matter to me whether you believe it or not...The fact that you don't believe it doesn't change the fact that it indeed did happen....Several players and coaches know exactly what transpired....I didn't call anyone out number-wise from Huffman...I'm simply telling it like it is...Take it or leave it but please don't try to tell me I have no clue...I deal in reality and absolutes not speculation, rumor, or inuendo... The fact that both teams showed some respect to each other after the game doesn't mean there wasn't some stuff that shouldn't have occured during... I know players from both sides do dumb stuff from time to time...I gave Huffman the credit they deserve and I wish them no ill will...They were a very good test and gave Coldspring some stuff to work on...
  8. [quote name="2% Milk" post="1098671" timestamp="1319869956"] i saw this one coming been calling it all season. Finally they play a decent team lol [/quote] And in all honesty WCA is not near the team that they were last year...Maybe they're starting to hit their stride after losing their head coach to St Pius...
  9. Was it just me or was the Huffman side not full? It looked like there were quite a few seats available...What is the usual crowd size for a big game? Just wondering because I thought it would be completely full but maybe there's more room over there than there are available fans... Not saying more should've showed up...Just honestly wondering..
  10. [quote name="89falcon" post="1098637" timestamp="1319866816"] I want all of the Liberty fans to go back to your holes now. But first you need to apologize for all the non-sense you were talking about going to the playoffs and having a better team than Huffman. It looks like all of your reurning starters were not enough to get you to the playoffs. Get ready to live your dreams again in the off season and get your story together on how you will really, really, really be better next year. [/quote] Sadly, that about sums it up...Gotta win something before you can crown yourself....As far as Liberty is concerned I'd like to once again quote the great Denny Green..."they were who we thought they were"
  11. [quote name="mwm4795" post="1098654" timestamp="1319867677"] How in the h$ll did Huffman show bad sportsmenship[/quote] Well for one there were a couple of Huffman players who were pulling and squeezing on #8's (Monroe) junk...(Everyone around the ball the last time it happened apparently saw it but the official) The reason he got ejected with about 6 mins to go in the game is because he had 3 guys on him and someone was yanking and twisting his stuff and when he pushed them off he was flagged for "punching" when his hand made contact with one of the players helmets...Pretty hard to take a swing when your trying to get up off the ground from the bottom of the pile...The crotch grabbing happened several times earlier in the game and the officials were advised of it but apparently chose to not believe it and/or do nothing about it.... Yes I know lots of crazy stuff happens in the pile but some stuff is just not called for...That's one of them...It's bad sportmanship and dirty and I'd be saying it if I ever found out one of my own kids were doing it...No place for it...That being said the party who's being wronged (this case Monroe) still has to try to find a way not to make it look like they're retaliating so they don't get ejected... Used to be unless an official actually saw a player rare back and actually take a full swing there wouldn't be an ejection but I've seen a couple players this year ejected simply for agressively pushing or shoving...There is a difference and I wish the officials wouldn't be so quick to give a kid the hook unless it's really warranted....A simple 15 yard penalty and a stern warning (that if it happens again they're gone) should be the call unless it's really egregious.... Overall, it was a well played game...Huffman couldn't get anything going in the passing game other than the short passes which rarely went for more than a few yards before being immediately tackled...I was once again (as I was last year) fairly impressed with Huffmans ability to sell out and stop the run game from producing big yardage plays....There were a couple of nice runs but for the most part Huffman did a really good job of making Coldspring earn every yard... I was also really impressed with Coldspring's ability to not give up anything deep...The secondary played lights out...There were several times Townley had time to throw but simply had nowhere to go with the ball...The Dline also did what they're known for-creating havoc and getting after the QB The game didn't play out exactly like I thought would...I thought Coldspring might give up a TD (or possibly 2) through the air & Coldspring would break several long TD runs with the run game and the score would be somewhere around 35-14....Final margin was close to what I thought it would be (around 20) Was a great game to watch and a much needed test going into the season finale and then the playoffs... Good luck to Huffman in the D1 playoffs...If they play like they did tonight they should have a good chance to make some noise...
  12. [quote name="mwm4795" post="1096872" timestamp="1319806695"] No matter what I pray for a good clean game, nobody gets hurt [/quote] Absolutely! Also safe travels to all to and from game...
  13. [quote name="mwm4795" post="1095343" timestamp="1319674711"] what year did his brother play [/quote] Fairly sure he graduated 2 years ago & is a true sophomore at OSU...I think he'll be in the league...He should only get better at DB and his kick returning skills are already league worthy....NFL loves DB's that can play special teams and are great returners.....If he stays past his junior year it's conceivable he could tie or break the college record for return TD's...I think Welker (Texas Tech) is the holder with around 8 or so for a career (with maybe Perkins from OU either tied or a close 2nd) I don't think Sherman is as fast as his brother, however, in pads with a football in his hands he is really fast...Coldspring has a couple of players really close to Sherman speed wise...Sherman just never seems to get caught (from behind even when players have the angle) and seems to score with ease once out in the open...Some players just have a knack for carrying the weight of their pads and he's definitely one of them...
  14. [quote name="falconfanatic" post="1093690" timestamp="1319550094"] If they didn't want to beat people by 60+ they wouldn't do it. This is my question how did this coldspring team get so much better than last year when they lost so much. Last year they were a great team, but this year it is like they are gods and thier backups can't help but score everytime, if that was true why didnt they beat everyone 67-0 last year? Average margin of victory this year 51.625 last year durring regular season 29.6 and that was a team that went to state. How are they so much better unless they run it up? [/quote] If you go to maxpreps and look at the stats from last year you'll see that Coldspring was regularly putting up 40-50 pts a game...(40+ pts 2 times and 50+ pts 5 times)...In the playoffs they had 2 more 40+ pt games and another 50+ pt game)...It's not as if they just started scoring lots of points... Last year all most all of the carries went to Cummings and Gilbert...Tevin Bryant (who was Coldspring's leading rusher the prior year-before Cummings returned to Coldspring) got most of the remaining carries when the game got out of control... Monroe only had about 15 carries for the year...8 of those came in the Crockett game when Gilbert was still out and Bryant had a bad ankle...He was a threat everytime he touched it last year and that's one of the reasons he didn't get many carries late in games...Coaches told him he wasn't going in much because they didn't want him scoring and/or getting hurt (he was the 2nd leading tackler last year from his SS position).... Cooper was a sophomore last year and got a few carries but Giddens and Johnson were still on the freshmen team...They didn't get moved up until playoffs and they usually got the late game carries in the playoff blowouts...Giddens & Johnson are just simply very good...They both could be starters this year if not for Gilbert & Monroe...Cooper is also very good but probably lacks the breakaway speed of the other two...All three will make plenty of noise next year when they get most of the carries... I'd say there are 2 main factors for the scores being the way they have been up to this point...First the teams played this year have not been as good starting with game one against Kirbyville...Secondly the defense looks to be better (especially front 7).... I've been to every game this year and trust me when I say Coldspring could've scored into the 90's several times if they had of wanted...If you look at the combined carries of Gilbert and Monroe this year they're less than Gilbert and Cummings had last year...Coldspring has done anything but run up the score...Lineman have gotten carries this year...The game against Splendora they stopped putting anyone back to return punts with about 4 mins left in the 2nd qtr....Also in several games the clock has only stopped in the 2nd half for change of direction at the end of the 3rd qtr... The games have been no contests but at some point the backs still need a few carries just to stay sharp and the backups need a few for experience...The real problem has been the other teams inability to stop simple running plays...It isn't Coldsprings fault...They can't take a knee the entire 2nd half...
  15. Coldspring-Oakhurst Trojans do also...Always thought it looked cool when the escort(s) pulls into a intersection with lights flashing and lets the team buses go thru...
  16. [quote name="falconfanatic" post="1092960" timestamp="1319479455"] Anyways as far as coldspring being the best in region 3 I would say yes for d2 but chapel hill is probably the best team in the state(lucky for yall you don't have to play them). [/quote] As far as D1 teams go I don't even really concern myself with them (other than to look at scores & think about hypothetical matchups) because as you correctly pointed out Coldspring won't be seeing them in the playoffs anyway... When I look at the state rankings I basically only look at the teams ahead of Coldspring in D2 because at the end of the day that's all that matters... BTW, I hope they open the gates at least a hour plus before kickoff because I plan on being there around 6pm or so...
  17. falconfanatic, do you know what time they normally open the gates? Last year during playoffs we drew the visitor side and the seating filled up really quick...
  18. Not ready to give a prediction yet but I'm not sure I'm buying the premise that Huffman is better than last years squad... I'm not saying they aren't but I'm just having a hard time believing that this years group of receivers and QB is better than last years...Is Townley (at this point in his high school career) really better than DeBerry as a 3yr starter?  Receivers better than last years record setting crew? I know that Gray should probably be better as he has another year of maturity and experience under his belt but he really doesn't concern me because Coldspring has handled pretty much every good RB they've faced the last couple years... The prevailing thought is that Coldspring struggles against strong passing teams, however, (in addition to Huffman) they did beat a very, very good Athens & Wimberly team last year (in the playoffs) that threw the ball really well against their other opponents only to be shut down by the Trojans...Both of those teams were also well balanced running and throwing... Carthage was the only team last year able to move the ball through the air well enough to win (Kirbyville threw with some success in the rematch in round 3 of playoffs but were unable to do enough to win-don't remember much throwing in the first matchup earlier in the year that Coldspring lost)...There were several busts & plain out bad coverage in the state title game, however, the main reason Carthage was successful throwing was because they were able to protect their QB (Morgan) and give him plenty of time to go through his reads and make his throws... Passing prowess aside Huffman's success through the air will be dictated by how well their oline holds up against the Trojans all out assault...Townley and receivers may be really good but will they have the time to complete plays?  I thought DeBerry and crew were the 3rd best team Coldspring played last year (behind Kirbyville and Carthage) and yet their pressure on DeBerry forced him to throw 3 or 4 picks at crucial times... Defensively, will Huffman be able to bottle up and frustrate Gilbert again as they did last year? Will they be able to stop Monroe if they're keying on Gilbert? Can they slow down both enough to stymie the offense? While gearing up to stop the run do they give up a couple big pass plays? Not sure they are good enough on D to do all the above things needed to pull out the win...
  19. [quote name="Hupernikomen" post="1090236" timestamp="1319251820"] Splendora Scores 28-21 Panters 4:25 left  (I think I heard them say Splendora back had either 236 yards or 326 yards on the night) It is on KSHN 99.9 if anyone cares to listen. [/quote] If they just gave up that many yards to a Splendora back they're in for a long night a couple weeks from now..
  20. [quote name="WOSgrad" post="1090263" timestamp="1319252276"] No I am tryin to update a scoreboard. [/quote] Got ya, Keep up the great work!
  21. Huffman beats Cleveland 49-3...Now on to the game that has garnered over 12 pages of comments already... ;)
  22. [quote name="paintballove" post="1090247" timestamp="1319252006"] he's just angry because of how close BC is to their score.  ;D [/quote] :)
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