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  1. [quote name="skipper" post="1118110" timestamp="1321309205"] the coach there must be taking nerv pills by now he becouse he has the best RB with a neck injury and that just dont go away in a week belive me BEEN THERE i would not like for this young kid to tell the coach i feel fine let me play [/quote] I'm assuming your speaking of Monroe since he's the only CS running back that got banged up last game...For the record he doesn't have a neck injury...He was initially diagnosed (at ER in Baytown) with a possible concussion and neck sprain...The neck isn't bothering him any longer and he hasn't showed any signs of concussion since leaving the ER Sat evening.... (Last weeks injury, broken neck, to #12 Jay Trapp was still fresh on several peoples minds and extra  care was taken once it looked like the injury could be somewhat serious...Better safe than sorry) He's going thru the necessary steps now to be fully cleared for this weeks game...It'll be up to the docs and his parents on whether he plays this weekend.... If he doesn't play he will be missed on both sides of the ball but CS does have capable backups at both of his positions....He would probably be most missed on the offensive side of the ball due to him getting alot of carries between the tackles and picking up alot of the tough yards needed to keep the chains moving....He's also a very good SS and was the second leading tackler on last years team... Unfortunately injuries are a part of the game and teams and players have to have the next man up mentality...Can't really dwell on it too much...
  2. Chrons numbers for Coldspring looked to be correct until after the Bridge City game....It looks like whoever updated this weeks rushing numbers for the BC game made some type of error....Didn't look at the rest of the stats but do know that Gilbert had over 1600 yds and Monroe over 1100 yds going into the BC game... Gilbert had over 120 yds against BC and not sure what Monroe had before exiting the game right before halftime...
  3. Coldspring hasn't won a state championship but they have been twice (including last year) as well as had several other good runs at it in the past.... So unless Lumberton has been to the big game at least twice and/or won a state title the comparison wouldn't seem to be a good one..
  4. [quote name="kville68" post="1117105" timestamp="1321223296"] CS seems to be getting a bad rap on the boards for over the top comments. Just remember its only a very small number of fans that seem to think being abnoxious is ok as long as your team is doing well. The vast majority of Trojan fans are just like the rest of us. They are proud of CS's season and excited about the play offs. To those fans I wish the best of luck. [/quote] Finally someone gets it!
  5. Ok that would explain why I probably couldn't find any info on him...One of my sons played with and against him during their preteen years and I thought then that his combination of vision, speed, and balance was probably the best I'd ever seen (in person) for a kid that age....I figured his only problem would be his lack of size... Sounds like the prep route was probably the best way to go...I have no doubt that he can play at a big time D1 school and put up some really good numbers...He only needs the opportunity... Thanks for the info...
  6. [quote name="rykerx144" post="1116576" timestamp="1321194461"] To the four or five seniors that stuck it out!  I hate just as much as anyone that the cards fell where they did on your year!  You didnt deserve this.  I know this was a very hard year for you and you went above and beyond.  You guys never quit and Wildcat community is very proud of you for that. [b] Yes winning games, State Titles, District Championships, is how the game of football is measured, but overcoming what all was stacked against you this year, being leaders for these younger kids, fighting fights you knew you couldnt win, holding this team together through it all even when you knew you had no chance is what the game of football is about. [/b]  As far as I am concerned you are Champions!  Thank you for your commitment, now go enjoy your senior year and give em heck!!!  LOL [/quote] Well said...Lessons learned during this difficult year can and will be used the rest of your life when times get tough...It's not a matter of if they will get tough but only how you'll respond...Those of you who answered the bell each and every practice and friday night have proven you have what it takes to succeed! Congrats KVille!
  7. I think they're going to have to incorporate more play action pass...Get some of those guys out of the box and worrying about more than stopping the run... I'm sure they'll make the needed adjustments as they move along...They've been throwing the ball more this year...I'm sure it's tough for a coaching staff to throw alot when your team is averaging close to 10 yds per rush... Defense is the constant right now and CS should be able to continue to score enough points to be a tough out...That being said anything can happen on any given night...That's why they play the games...
  8. I know this is somewhat off topic but I assume someone on this thread will probably know the answer....Whatever happened to Dobbins?  Is he playing anywhere? He was a heck of back going all the way back to his peewee days....Anyone have any info?
  9. Don't know a thing about Bellville...Going to have to do some diggin' around and see what they're all about ;)
  10. [quote name="AOO7" post="1116487" timestamp="1321168256"] [quote author=falconfanatic link=topic=91421.msg1116486#msg1116486 date=1321168165] Cs gave up all of 76 yards on the ground and 128 total. While cs had 277 on the ground and 304 total. [/quote] What was up with Gilbert and Monroe? [/quote] Gilbert had over 120 yds & 1 TD on about 15 carries and Monroe took a monster hit right before halftime (on one of his carries) and spent the 2nd half of the game in the hospital in Baytown... BC played very well against the run and CS (entirely new oline - last years entire group graduated) got a baptism by fire so to speak in their first playoff game...I don't think it'd be unfair to say that the o-line had their struggles last night...They're young and will have to keep improving...
  11. I'd also be remiss if I didn't remember to add Coldspring's starting free safety #12 Jay Trapp who actually broke his neck last week on senior night making a hit against a Liberty player...He's in a halo now but is facing several long months ahead... Thankfully, the broken neck was the extent of his injuries because if the bone had of broke in a different manner or direction he wouldn't be walking...I know under the circumstances his family feels very, very blessed and believe angels were watching over him...
  12. Was taken to hospital at start of 3rd qtr and was released a few hours later....Diagnosis was possible concussion and neck sprain...Should be ok with some rest...Hope he heals up quick...They'll need him as they try to get back to Arlington...
  13. [quote name="bambam33" post="1116646" timestamp="1321198375"] Going to church! Got Vidor on my list for special prayers.....Anyone else? [/quote] #8 Monroe (RB & SS) from Coldspring...Left game right before halftime after taking a monster hit (on one of his carries) from a BC player...Spent a few hours in hospital in Baytown before being released...Probably just concussion and neck sprain...
  14. Great job Huffman...Way to represent district 22-3A....Now go take care of Navasota!
  15. [quote name="Kville_Kats" post="1116526" timestamp="1321184600"] And Coldspring if you make it to State...You won't win...Spread offenses will kill you...Wait & see.. [/quote] Who was the last spread team to beat Coldspring?  There hasn't been one the last 2 years...Not saying it can't or won't happen but they've actually done very well against teams who run alot of spread...Much easier to game plan and execute when you know they're throwing almost every down... Kirbyville had success using the play action pass as did Carthage in the state championship game...DB's got caught looking in backfield several times and got beat on a couple of double moves... IMO, it's kind of shortsighted to wish ill on a group of young men simply because you don't like a couple of their fans posts...These kids aren't posting they're playing...Got to be able to separate the two...The voices of a few most certainly don't speak for the majority of Coldspring fans...
  16. Wow, after looking at the pic of the wreck it's a small miracle anyone survived....Thoughts and Prayers for everyone involved....
  17. Maybe so, however, they were more than gracious hosts last night for the CS-BC game....The people that were working the gates, concession, etc, were awesome....Very friendly and helpful... I actually spoke to a couple of them about the prior nights game...Seemed like good people to me...
  18. Seems like there is alot of dislike for Coldspring because a few fans get on here and get fired up and make crazy predictions... Anyone who really thought BC was going to be blown out again like last year really wasn't being very realistic...For one last years game was very close until halftime (with I believe BC actually holding the lead at one point)....Secondly no matter how much coaches tell the players that last year was last year it's still very easy for players (at all levels) to still underestimate a opponent based on a prior/recent lopsided score (and even more so when you have alot of new starters)....It happens on all levels...Anyone remember last year early in the season when Nebraska absolutely killed Washington only to be absolutely dominated by the very same team a couple months later in a bowl game? You can choose to look at tonights game two different ways....You could say (as it seems many of you are) that CS simply isn't that good, is overhyped, and very beatable...On the other hand you could say that CS has been really tested in 2 of their last 3 games (once on the road and once at neutral site) and has responded by finding a way to win both times....This isn't college football and the BCS...There are no style points needed...Just win and advance....Take Wimberly for example (on friday night) needing to score with 4 seconds left in the game in order to force overtime against a 3-7 team before eventually prevailing in 2 overtimes... There is no substitute for overcoming adversity and finding a way to win when things aren't going as you would have hoped or how you've become accustomed to them being....CS lost their starting free safety for the season last week and their strong safety for the second half tonight but still found a way to shut out a very good passing team...That is the epitomy of overcoming adversity.... CS isn't going to score 50-60pts everytime out...It's the playoffs...However, if they keep playing the type of defense they've been playing they're not going to have to score a whole lot to keep advancing...You don't have to score very many points when you're not giving up any. Good job BC on a well played game...Great job CS by once again playing with the target on your back and taking a good teams best shot and still finding a way to win....
  19. Didn't Chapel Hill lose a couple of starters to injury earlier in the year (possibly their QB)?  If so are they still out or now back playing?
  20. Yep TD Crosby...Crosby up 7-0 with about 7 mins to go in the first quarter...
  21. [quote name="AOO7" post="1110505" timestamp="1320900582"] CS has speed. VERY well coached and play really hard. I saw 2 of their games last year, and 3 of their games this year, so either I went on the wrong nights or something but IMO they were WAY better last year. This year I saw 2 of Bridge Cities games, and  of Coldsprings, CS is better but this could be a game. BC has to play near perfect, but if they open up the passing game they have a chance. Liberty was passing on them fairly well but there defense is horrible. BC actually has a good D [/quote] I've watched all of Coldsprings games the last several years and I honestly go back and forth on whether this years squad is indeed better than last years...I could probably understand a compelling argument being made for either side of the argument...Last years squad set the bar very high and ran roughshod through most of their playoff games...Most fans will probably not consider this years team to be better than last years unless they go back to the finals and win (or possibly lose in a very close game).... In reality it's state championship or bust this year for coaches, players, and fans...That being said it's still a tall task to win 6 games in a row against increasingly better competition....Honestly, in my mind, until someone beats Carthage they're still the team to beat since they seem to play their best come playoff time and are 18-0 the last 3 years in the playoff...
  22. [quote name="akifan94" post="1109484" timestamp="1320799912"] The funny thing is I am not even a fan of BC or any 21-3A team. Just wanted to ruffle some feathers. WHOOP! 4-4 WHOOP! SEC! WHOOP! [/quote] Absolutely hilarious! You had me at "could not compete".... ::)
  23. [quote name="akifan94" post="1109271" timestamp="1320787038"] Coldspring could not compete in 21-3A. [/quote] Quite possibly the most stupid post I've ever read on this board...You're simply trying to stir the pot and have lost any bit of credibility you may have had...
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