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Everything posted by MEM

  1. I was told (by a couple of CS players) after the 09 playoff loss to Lorena that they were some of the nicest kids they'd ever played against...They had really good sportsmanship through the entire game even when it looked like they were getting ready to be blown out.... A couple of times Lorena players where hammered only to get up and say "good job" or "great hit"....The comment that I remember the most was when one of their best players said during the game "wow, you guys are really fast" & "way to play hard and make us earn it".... One of the CS players after the game said that as bad as that loss hurt (and it did really hurt-because that team could've made some noise) that if he had to lose to a team he was glad it was to a team that played and acted the right way....There are some kids out there that still care about sportsmanship... I've got alot of respect for Lorena...Like I said previously not really flashy but they do bring their lunch pail and get to work...The fact that they've had 5 losses this year but have fought through it and seem to be getting better tends to suggest their never give up attitude...
  2. [quote name="WOSgrad" post="1127917" timestamp="1322014136"] The chatter that I am seeing on twitter is that even if the investigation finds that Crockett used ineligible players, that Newton would not advance and the Harmony would get a bye to the next round. This would be due to the late timing of the decision.  Now mind you, this is anything but official, but it is the chatter that I am seeing. [/quote] Wow, I could definitely see arguments for and against that kind of a decision....I think I'd have to go with letting Newton play whether they've had enough time to practice or not if they are willing to take on the challenge...It ought to be their call..I'm pretty sure their decision would be to strap it up and get after it...
  3. The season ending injury to starting free safety Jay Trapp (in the last regular season game) has also probably been a factor as Gilbert is now having to start on both sides of the ball for the first time in his high school career (after the coaches had to shuffle people around in the secondary)....He'd played spot duty here and there in the past but nothing close to what he's now having to do...There is a huge difference in playing offense and then going and resting for a few minutes until your D gets the ball back and staying on the field the entire game....Until the Trapp injury Monroe was really the only starter that played both ways and he didn't even really play that much defensively (usually only a handful of series a game) because the games got out of control so quickly... With everything that's happened (personnel and injury wise) the last few weeks it's even more amazing that the D has played as good as it has.... The BC game was a real test of will as CS went into that game with a revamped secondary (Gilbert playing both ways for the first time) and then Monroe getting knocked out right before halftime...So what you basically had was CS playing without both of their starting safeties and the other half of their starting RB duo...Monroe being out caused several different players (on defense and offense) having to play some very critical minutes while going both ways... As some have mentioned on this site previously CS looked tired at the end of the game and it's very possible they were given the absolute slugfest that game turned out to be and the moving around of players needed to secure the win... Bellville also turned into a nailbiter due to CS not executing in the redzone and having some really poorly timed penalties... Both of the games were games that could've went either way but CS played with the heart of a champion and was able to do just enough to win both of them....Playing two tough games like that can't do anything but give them a little confidence as they continue chasing the dream of a state championship...
  4. [quote name="invictus" post="1127146" timestamp="1321936270"] It is parents who want to be their child's friend instead of their parent.  It is parents who allow their teenagers to be out at all times of the day and night.  Parents who do not teach their children respect and to have consideration for other people.  It is parents who do not set a good example for their children. [/quote] Bingo....However it seems that the PC thing to do in todays society is to do exactly the above....Don't want to tell the kids NO because it might harm their self esteem and creativity! ::)
  5. [quote name="Claude" post="1126861" timestamp="1321924190"] Has to do with a few issues and some bragging about it on Facebook. [/quote] Good ole social media! ;D
  6. [quote name="dustoff03" post="1126856" timestamp="1321923923"] You from Lake Travis?lol! [/quote] No, lol...They're the reason I didn't specifically mention any of the current teams who are reigning multiple year champs...I know how some feel about them... ;) I'm thinking more of the Carthages of the world....Even though what Lake Travis is trying to do is still unprecedented (I understand the argument for and against LT)
  7. [quote name="badndn" post="1126837" timestamp="1321922905"] Nah...This happens all throughout the playoffs. Remember the 5A state title game several years back when one team was suspended and the other (SA Macarthur) was notified on Thursday that they would play Midland Lee on Saturday. Team had to re-issue equipment and got one full practice in. Got blown out 54-0. [/quote] Now that you mention it I do remember that...I guess if a team knowingly screws up the punishment has to be administered no matter how unfair it might seem to the other parties involved... I feel bad for the rest of the players, fans, etc, who get punished along with the guilty... I can only imagine what it'd be like to be in that situation...Not good anyway you look at it..
  8. Not going to go back and read every page...I'm just going to address the subject of whether Brenham is overrated... Rankings are usually compiled by looking at a teams previous year record, returning starters, and coaching staff continuity... Based on this Brenham isn't overrated...Did they not make it as far as many thought their talent and coaching would take them? Yes, but it doesn't mean that they didn't have the goods to make a deep run or even win it all... Every year there are teams who are highly ranked who don't do as well as planned...It's hard to win in the playoffs...Stuff happens...It's what makes winning even more special... You've got to be really good and usually have a break or two along the way...Heck, Trinity has been one of the most dominant teams in the state & country the last several years and even they have had to get a break here and there to advance in the playoffs.... I have the utmost respect for teams who are able to win state championships in consecutive years....It's already tough to do and even harder when you're wearing the bullseye and getting everyone's best shot...
  9. [quote name="NOTWENS" post="1126825" timestamp="1321922195"] let them play [/quote] I'd tend to agree with you unless it's just so aggregious that it can't be overlooked...
  10. I've heard about stuff like this happening at the beginning of the playoffs but we're 3 rounds deep now....This could be interesting if it was something that should've been caught a couple of weeks ago... The first thing that comes to mind is grades but those were in before playoffs started right?
  11. [quote name="texaggies07" post="1125381" timestamp="1321805188"] Most of the time we can't even get the extra point.  If he had been a yard or two closer it would have been good. [/quote] Actually Dunham had been pretty consistent before he got his leg taken out by a Cleveland player late in the year on a PAT...Now he seems to be much more hit or miss...The lone PAT try against BC the week before was absolutely hammered and perfect...The FG later in the game was another story...And then this week he didn't kick either PAT very well...The one he did make barely made it over...It's just a guess on my part but I bet the knee has something to do with it... On the long FG attempt I was told that the kicker (Morrison) wanted the ball spotted 8 yards back instead of the usual 7 possibly because he was worried about not having enough time/room to get it off...As it turned out the extra yard was most likely the difference in it being no good... I was very impressed with the kick...I didn't think it would be anywhere close due to the game situation, nerves, etc, but I must admit I was very wrong...He kicked the heck out of it and but for a couple of inches it would've been good.... It was just another twist that made that game one of the best games I've seen in person at the highschool level...
  12. [quote name="Bigdaddy79" post="1123974" timestamp="1321733703"] Coldspring played Lorena 2 years ago and lost to them at A&M consolidated. The rematch would be good [/quote] Yep, I really felt like Coldspring should've won that game but just failed to make a couple of very crucial plays late in the game....Coldspring had a 16 pt lead early in the 3rd qtr only to see Lorena come back to take the lead very late in the game.... CS failed to convert a short 4th down around Lorena's 35 yard line with less than 4 mins to play and then Lorena converted a 4 and long on a busted play where their QB scrambled around broke a tackle or two and found a receiver down field to keep the chains moving...They scored a few plays later to take the lead with I believe less than 2 mins left in the game... CS came back and completed a pass down inside the 5 yard line with less than 20 or so seconds left in the game only to have it called back on a phantom holding call (neutral radio crew, possibly TSN, even said it was a bad call)... Lorena was well coached and their kids played hard and never quit...I'm sure they're much the same type of team this year... Barring something crazy happening over the next 20 mins it looks like the rematch will happen next week...
  13. [quote name="Trigger" post="1124013" timestamp="1321734989"] Here is the link for those who wish to listen: [url=[Hidden Content]] [/quote] Thanks for the link
  14. [quote name="LuvMyTrojans" post="1123515" timestamp="1321717884"] We were discussing the game last night on the way home and were talking about how many of our players are playing with injuries and illnesses.  I still swear that prayers are a major factor for our football team. (Especially after last nights game.) It saddened me to see in another thread last week that someone scoffed when God was mentioned as a key factor in Coldspring's games.  One of our team mottos is "We Believe".  Big news... It's not just our boys that we believe in. [/quote] Well said...It's not only the fans who feel that way...Several of the players feel the same...Last Sat night Monroe got absolutely rocked right before halftime (concussion and neck sprain-spent 2nd half of Bridge City game in Baytown hospital) and last night he was the games leading rusher (either team) with 20 carries for over 120 yds as well as scoring the games first TD on a nice catch.... Even the guys doing the broadcast said you'd never have known he was hurt the week before and they also gave him their player of the game for his performance.... The power of prayer is very real....especially for those who believe!
  15. [quote name="speveto" post="1123503" timestamp="1321717327"] [b]I can`t  find much talk on here about WOS victory over a real good team from Columbus.[/b]  I guess WOS is "SO GOOD" that the Football fans of Orange are just "TAKING THEM FOR GRANTED" and expect them to win, no big deal.  Well it is a big deal.  If you wan`t  to see the most exciting brand of Football to come through Orange in a long time, it`s  still not too late.  WOS has become a very exciting team to watch.  It could be a "ONCE IN A LIFETIME" experience to see kids with the speed and finesse that the WOS players have. [/quote] The rest of your post may indeed be completely accurate, however, when your first sentence proclaims Columbus as a good team you kind of lose a little bit of credibility... WOS sounds like they are really starting to round into form but Columbus IS NOT a good team...Not taking anything away from WOS (and their victory over Columbus) but let's call a spade a spade....
  16. [quote name="Homer" post="1123609" timestamp="1321722227"] WO-S vs Bullard Looks like Saturday 11/26 at 1:30 or 2:00 at Wood Forest in the Woodlands. [/quote] If so, that's a great stadium to play in....
  17. Wow...Sounds like another great game...There have been some interesting scores already in the first 2 weeks... The top 3 ranked teams (Chapel Hill, Wimberly, & Coldspring) have all won games that could've easily went the other way...Wimberly and Coldspring have overtime wins and Chapel Hill needs a 4 and goal stop from the 1 yd line (on defense) and a subsequent 90+ plus yard td with less than 2 mins left in game to win.... That's the great thing about the playoffs...You can throw out the rankings and records because they don't matter come kickoff...
  18. Wow what a game...CS is going to have to clean some stuff up (penalty wise and redzone execution) if they want to make another run at a state title... Defense looks state title worthy...Offense is going to have to regroup and find their groove again if they're going to take advantage of their great D.... Congrats Trojans on another hard fought victory!
  19. [quote name="Trojanfan" post="1120835" timestamp="1321535324"] not everyone can amass -333 in "BAD" karma, I don't know what I've got to do to catch up without getting banned[/quote] What's that for anyway? And how does it work? What's the purpose?...I just noticed I have +12/-300 something....I don't think I've said hardly anything controversial or really got into it with anyone since joining this board... I've certainly seen much, much worse than I've ever posted...Oh well, I guess it doesn't really matter...Just wondering now that the subject has been brought up...
  20. [quote name="ChsP12" post="1120649" timestamp="1321495760"] Just dont forget who knocked that Kville team out of the playoffs last year and ended up in Jerry's World!! [/quote] I haven't forgot...That's why I say I was very impressed with them...That game basically came down to the goal line stand CS made (in I believe it was the 3rd qtr) with Kville knocking on the door already up double digits...A wide open Kville receiver dropped a ball in the endzone on 3rd or 4th down (don't remember the actual down) and from there on out CS seized the momentum and roared back for the win... It was a very, very good game... I've said it many times and I'll say it again...I think Kville was the 2nd best team CS played last year including the playoffs....
  21. Last years KVille team was the real deal....Was very impressed with them...
  22. [quote name="Kville_Kats" post="1118829" timestamp="1321376839"]   Here's some of Coldspring's pre-season games.. Kirbyville   Tarkington   Shepherd   Splendora     Cleveland [/quote] CS can't do anything about KVille falling off from last year...The other 4 teams are district games so there isn't anything anyone can do about those either...You can only play who is on your schedule..
  23. The other thing that I will add is this isn't college football so rankings really don't mean much of anything other than to give fans and sportswriters something to talk about...There aren't any computers or human voters who are going to determine the eventual state champs...So whether or not they're overrated will be determined in the weeks to come... BTW, it wasn't Coldspring fans, coaches, or players who annointed them a Top 5 team coming into this year...The ranking has as much to do with last years team and run to the state championship game as it does with this years current squad...If CS had of dropped a game then of course they would've dropped but since they took care of business and beat everyone on their schedule they really couldn't help but move up a spot or two...Are they the 3rd best team in the state? Who knows? Polls are subjective..What isn't subjective is the playoffs and as of right now they're still one of the teams alive and chasing the dream of the state title...
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