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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/05/2020 in all areas

  1. for signing as free agents to NFL teams!
    1 point
  2. Ordered my season tickets for PNG Football 2020 Edition today. Renewable on line for us Indian Fans. Really starting to feel like focusing on football. Let's hope this season goes off without a hitch, or a virus.👍
    1 point
  3. From the article: "When the State lets you go to the grocery store or hardware store but is demanding mail-in voting, ITS NOT ABOUT YOUR HEALTH. WAKE UP PEOPLE — If you think this is all about your health you’re mistaken! Please open your eyes! Stop being lead like blind sheep. — Kevin Sorbo (@ksorbs) April 19, 2020" [Hidden Content]
    1 point
  4. PN-G gym is nice, not gonna lie.but seats behind the basket never was a favorite of mine...
    1 point
  5. Some editing mistake. They aired the same footage about a week later claiming that it was a Pennsylvania hospital: [Hidden Content]
    1 point
  6. Don’t forget RB , Kid was a Stud on both sides the Ball!
    1 point
  7. 1 point
  8. Six? Oh, you're counting "kickoff" and "punt."
    1 point
  9. Hagar

    Highschool football books

    The Vidor Pirate playbook. It should be released this summer & all 6 plays are in there. 😂😂😂😂 Sorry LC-M, the Devil made me do it. Lol
    1 point
  10. Kinda some of like some idiot making up unproven drug remedies for corona virus. And also telling his sheeple to use disinfectant and calling it sarcasm.
    1 point
  11. The USPS loses money because they are not a profit making enterprise. They aren’t intended to be. They are a taxpayer based and constitutionally guaranteed means of communication. It is silly to compare them to FedEx of UPS. Right now a first class stamp to anywhere in this country is 55 cents. For that price you can send a letter to Guam which is part of the USA. FedEx will send the same letter from Houston to Detroit.. for $15. The USPS could raise their rates. Grandma who pays all of her bills by mail on fixed income can hardly afford $150 a month just for postage off 10 bills. So it is a taxpayer funded delivery system. Trump says to raise their rates. Yes that would work. Wait for the outcry from those that spend on the mail to live. They wouldn’t have to raise it to UPS prices. Maybe just $4 to mail a letter. If that is what the people want to mail a letter.... Last year the USPS lost 8.8 billion. That comes out to 1/5 of 1%. If a person paid $20,000 in income tax last year, he/she put $40 of that into the USPS. So if they raised their rates to make a profit, that person saves $40 in income tax. If you didn’t pay $20,000 in income taxes, you paid in less. i don’t mail anything anymore. I think I paid not quite $20k in taxes. I am not worried about getting another $35 or so back on my taxes. If it was fun more efficiently maybe I could only post in $20 more in taxes instead of $35. Either way, it doesn’t make sense to compare the USPS to a billion dollar for profit industry. No, I don’t work for the postal service, none of my family ever has and to my knowledge, none of my friends.
    1 point
  12. Got mine! I love the online, but I wish they would do the away games also.
    1 point
  13. I have to make 2 choices from the Golden triangle for best player. it also helps if you saw Bubba Smith play, to know how dominant a player he was, at all levels of play! Jamaal Charles: (Offense): Dominant at every level. (Amazing strength & pure speed on offense.) Bubba Smith: (Defense): Dominant at every level. (Pure Power, Attitude & Hard Hitting Destruction.)
    1 point

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