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  2. I like Kennedy but I don’t trust him any further than I can throw him. Maybe he is genuine, but I’m always the skeptic.
  3. That's an amusing response. I'm not mad at all. In fact, I've been laughing at the seriousness being put into this topic. Oh my, one statement killed her career. Y'all keep up with the over-analyzations while I kick back and enjoy.
  4. Today
  5. [Hidden Content] Love this guy...from the article: JOHN KENNEDY: It should not go unnoticed that President Biden has the ability to stop all of this on a dime. All he's got to do is call the college presidents and say, look, if you don't get control of your campuses, I'm going to withhold your federal money. The president hasn't done that. The moral of the story is you're never... too old to suck. The reason he hasn't done that is because of politics. CNN just came out with a poll. It said that 52% of likely voters in America will not vote for President Biden under any circumstance, any circumstances... They would vote for the guy who salts the fries at McDonald's before they would vote for President Biden, and the White House knows this, so they're scared to alienate the not insubstantial, Hamas wing of the Democratic Party. What you allow is what will continue. If you allow… these jackwagons on the college campuses to continue to do what they're doing, they're going to continue to do what they're doing.
  6. This is a stupid question. If you think that every Muslim is like this then you are insane
  7. good news is as best I can tell AOC is a lot less dangerous than she was. A lot of the momentum has gone out of that ultra wacko movement she's such an important part of. Ultra lefties getting run out of offices all over the country these days.
  8. I guess it's like Trump and Biden, I can drill down to the policies and votes rather than get sidetracked by decorum. AOC is dangerous, don't see MTG as a danger at all, more annoying than anything. She expected Mike Johnson to keep his promises and he's in a position where he can't do it and she's not letting up, which she eventually will have to.
  9. Because they we went to the Regional Final? That is better than what they have been in about 20 years. Make sense?
  10. I'd argue the way MTG carries herself and the lack of respect and decorum she has is dangerous in a different way. And she's not a little nutty, she's a whole fruitcake. Would love to see both of them replaced, regardless.
  11. Dana Brown did not do a very good job in the off season with trying to get a better pitching staff. It is certainly showing now. Some should have been replaced after last season IMO
  12. MTG is out there sometimes, but I haven't heard her mentioning defund the police or praising hamas. MTG is a little nutty, AOC is flat out dangerous.
  13. IF they get the votes 3rd time has to be the charm 😂!
  14. I don't agree with your assertion, but MTG is the right's response to AOC. what a couple of morons.
  15. yeah, the article from Baddog is quoting her book, so basically repeating her story. the question is whether or not her story matches what has been known in SD political circles for years, and it sounds like maybe it does not.
  16. My understanding would be it wouldn’t split in the other sports until the playoffs start… like how 6A does football currently
  17. Especially if they tried to hold their little pro-hamas signs up.
  18. Sounds like it was both, according to her. Not sure who could confirm or deny the chickens part. From the article baddog posted: Outrage spread across social media platforms late last week after The Guardian reported on an excerpt from Noem's upcoming memoir "No Going Back," which is set to be released on May 7. In the excerpt, Noem described taking her 14-month-old female dog, Cricket, to a "gravel pit" near her farm and shooting her because it was "less than worthless," "untrainable" and had killed and eaten several chickens. She said Cricket had ruined a pheasant hunt when she went "out of her mind with excitement, chasing all those birds and having the time of her life."
  19. I was really confused at first at how a bunch of people would know about her killing a dog on her ranch, until I heard the story itself, which I didn't find particularly believable. Then when I started reading some accounts that made it sound like she was just mad that it messed up her bird hunt and was tough to train, and that multiple people had seen some or all of this, her coming out with the story for seemingly no reason made a lot more sense.
  20. multiple politicians from South Dakota have come out and stated that this event was well known in SD political circles. It's also being stated that multiple people witnessed it. Personally, I'd love to hear from them and the family who's chicken's were supposedly eaten. Would clear up a lot, but I doubt it would change much one way or another.
  21. Can’t build anything with a different coach every year ish
  22. Kountze vs Danbury Crosby High School Game 1 Friday 6 pm Game 2 Saturday 1pm Game 3 30 min after game 2 if necessary
  23. It's not what MAGA wants, lol. [Hidden Content]
  24. Damn poor Kountze… A rich volleyball history but basically a revolving door and no success since around 2009
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