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  2. I believe we have the greatest coaching staff in the state. The kids do as well and buy in. Franklin made it to state in football, tennis, cheer, band, track, and won it in baseball. Went 3 rounds in basketball for both boys and girls and to the regional final in softball. Made it to the playoffs in every sport and was never a 4 seed in any of them.
  3. Both are. If you choose to believe this self-proclaimed feminist didn't utter a sound while being sexually assaulted in a crowded store and chose to stay silent about it for 30 years until Trump was President, have at it. It's folks like you that choose whether someone is guilty or innocent based on whether or not you like them, which is childish and dangerous. I don't like the guy myself but I'm at least honest enough to see things for what they are.
  4. Did you notice that even the diehards have to specify “violent” crimes now that he’s been repeatedly convicted of the non-violent type?
  5. So, rape is violent, sexual assault is not?
  6. Out of context, as usual. I was referring to Hunter being pardoned. I must say, Cardinal Backer did drop the mic on you.
  7. Yea, the Big Guy's great, using his crackhead son as an international bag man to gather bribes,
  8. I kind of disagree with her on this one.... Trump talks a big game, but it's just to whip up his fans. His supporters want revenge, but I wouldn't expect a lot of retribution from him if elected. We'll all be too busy worry about the flying swine and the fact that the lake o' fire is suddenly frozen over.
  9. Today
  10. And I think it's worth noting that despite having the power to do so, Biden hasn't pardoned Hunter (yet), and if he's reached out to the DOJ asking them to stand down, nobody has leaked it. Small modicum of respect to "The Big Guy" for apparently just letting this thing play out. His kid is an eff up.
  11. He raped E. Jean Carroll and provoked an assault on the Capitol. boom.
  12. [Hidden Content] 😂😂😂 From the article: MSNBC host Rachel Maddow is "worried" former President Trump could throw her in jail or even some sort of camp for high-profile liberals if he’s victorious in November. Maddow, who has largely built her program around passionate criticism of Trump for years, famously pushed since-debunked theories tying the former president to Russia. Now she’s concerned Trump, the presumptive GOP nominee, will weaponize the government and throw his media critics in jail if he defeats President Biden in November. "I'm worried about the country broadly if we put someone in power who is openly avowing that he plans to build camps to hold millions of people, and to ‘root out’ what he’s described in subhuman terms as his ‘enemy from within.’ Again, history is helpful here. He’s not joking when he says this stuff, and we’ve seen what happens when people take power proclaiming that kind of agenda," Maddow told CNN, adding that Trump would also go after his political rivals.
  13. Agree, these charges are nothing compared to taking bribes to provide access to the "Big Man" for political favors.
  14. Blanco gives up 1 run and 3 hit win over Giants 3-1. Oh and 8 Ks
  15. That is true. The schools that don’t play those sports would be placed in the district their enrollment corresponds with. I am sure that amount of switching would be difficult this late and that is the reason. I just thought that would be an easy transition. Probably not.
  16. Maybe I got my answer… Biden's in trouble, but here are 5 reasons Dems won’t tap Gavin Newsom for White House run [Hidden Content] Explore the Fox News apps that are right for you at [Hidden Content].
  17. You’ll get a deflection to that question.
  18. Some schools don’t play football… some schools don’t play volleyball
  19. If he did the crime and he deserved whatever punishment he had coming, so be it. In the words of biden, no one is above the law. He will just let the next po💩Dim potus do the deed for him to give the appearance he had nothing to do with it. Now, let me ask you, since you pointed out that it wasn’t a violent crime, what violent crime did Trump commit?
  20. I think Joe has done more than enough for his son already. Let’s not pretend that he is a loving father doing his duty for his son. This is all criminal behavior that some people condone while wanting the book thrown at others who have committed no crime. Strange people in this world.
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