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  1. Past hour
  2. @PhatMack19, any decent games on at 8 tonight?
  3. He shouldn’t be given his cognitive delay. I know the ones pulling the strings hope he is. What other candidate(s) do the liberals have that actually could get the votes? (How am I even asking this question…..Biden shouldn’t even get votes…..this is by far the most ill equipped incumbent ever)
  4. Double down all you want. You and those like you will be held accountable for supporting the corrupted filth that controls the DC swamp.
  5. Turning America into a corrupt Banana Republic is not a good look either. Its the destruction of our nation.
  6. Today
  7. From the article: "The Biden Administration dispatched Matthew Colangelo, a senior official in the Obama Department of Labor and then acting associate attorney general under Biden, to New York to supervise both Letitia James’ and Alvin Bragg’s civil and criminal cases against Trump." Why do you think they did this? Sort of sounds like Joebama is using commie tactics! [Hidden Content]
  8. Yesterday
  9. Trump did show that a pro-business administration, even the most inept one ever, can generate investment by corporations that leads to job creation. We need somebody with that approach that’s also willing to take on our out-of-control spending… and that person isn’t going to be on any ticket this November.
  10. I think I’m gonna sit this one out. A good friend of mine claims that he’ll vote Biden, which is interesting. He’s a millionaire, two time trump voter. We’re both just done with MAGA. it’s time to turn the page. During the conversation the only thing that might make me reconsider would be a top notch VP pick. Somebody like a Marco Rubio… not some goofy wannabe Trump, jr. An actual conservative politician who isn’t MAGA first-but DJT will end up selecting some goofball election denier, no doubt. I’d vote trump in hopes he wouldn’t finish his term. It’s time for sane people to do the talking.
  11. Yep, energy independent for the first time ever, the economy in some of the western states exploded, after we were told high unemployment was the new “norm”.
  12. Possibly another major point too was the opening up of the economy. The oil exploration and jobs added.
  13. I just don’t believe there are that many people “on the fence”. People pretty much know who they are voting for (or at least voting against).
  14. Man I really feel bad for Warren. My dad taught there for years and loved that school. They have great kids and a great community. I think (possibly naively) that anything can work and be successful if you work hard enough at it. Best of luck to the Warriors on their search.
  15. Agree, and I’ll add the SCJs he added and many other important appointments he made that didn’t make front page. Hopefully, some will actually give reasons they’re voting for biden and this won’t become a Trump bashing fest, but I’m not holding my breath.
  16. Franklin 8 Orangefield 0 bottom 5th 1 out. #17 for Franklin sends a 2 run HR over right field wall
  17. Here ya go: From the article you said there was nothing actual from Alan Dershowwitz! Remember -- Dershowwitz is one of you. A liberal Democrat. But he's one of the rare honest ones. I'm sure you didn't didn't read the article the first time. But if you read it the second time you apparently read it with your eyes wide shut! Alan Dershowitz pointed this out on Friday. Professor Emeritus Dershowitz says the Supreme Court should overturn this case.
  18. Spineless was referring to you. You have no side so you can speak to both without committing. That way, you don’t have to put up with paragraphs of garbage like this ^^^^^., yet you voted twice for the golden calf. Actually, 99% of your analogies are lame. As for Manchin, I don’t put much faith in anyone who changes parties. I’ll keep my eye out for that hidden knife.
  19. There are two cars available and you can only choose 1. There is the old V-8 that you know has some issues. It’s a gas guzzler, but you trust it. You will have to work on it but you understand what it takes to make it run. The other car is an electric vehicle (EV). It comes with government mandates. It is touted as solving all the world’s problems. The reviews are horrible, but “they” want you to ignore those and join the movement. It can’t haul anything, you are extremely limited and options are limited for charging and repairs. Give me the V-8.
  20. I don’t like either party either, they both spend way too much money, I simply choose the party of least damage of things important to me. And yes, I do blame voters that vote driven by emotion rather than results. There’s your answer, glad to help.
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