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Black National Anthem?


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1 hour ago, BS Wildcats said:

So no, isn’t that racism.  This is 2020, if statues can be destroyed, girls join the Boy Scouts, and men use women’s restrooms, then a white woman should be able to enter a racist pageant such as miss black America.

We might think about it once America rid itself of racism. Let’s both not hold our breath 

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17 minutes ago, PAMFAM10 said:

We might think about it once America rid itself of racism. Let’s both not hold our breath 

And that’s the attitude that has kept the black community mostly on the plantation for 150+ years after they were free to go.  They just don’t force you to work anymore. 

And stop crying about being lumped in with everybody when you keep responding as “we.”

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I just think it’s hilarious that we’re having a debate or that I have to defend black organizations from existing. When they only exist because they wasn’t included. White ppl do attend hbcu. Don’t be mad at facts hbcus bet pageants was founded so we can have a lane in which we were not represented. 


I can say We when I’m discussing the black community because I’m black so I am we. We do not mean we think the same. 

this is no longer a debate it’s pointless arguing.

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24 minutes ago, PAMFAM10 said:

I just think it’s hilarious that we’re having a debate or that I have to defend black organizations from existing. When they only exist because they wasn’t included. White ppl do attend hbcu. Don’t be mad at facts hbcus bet pageants was founded so we can have a lane in which we were not represented. 


I can say We when I’m discussing the black community because I’m black so I am we. We do not mean we think the same. 

this is no longer a debate it’s pointless arguing.

I see that you are one of those that think only whites are racist.   Now that they are included these black organizations should cease to exist.

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6 hours ago, PAMFAM10 said:

Could blacks participate in America pageant at the time they created black America pageant? Where black being allowed in colleges before hbcu. They were excluded so they created there own.

Agreed. I Have no problem with that. But why do they still exist?

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2 hours ago, PAMFAM10 said:

I just think it’s hilarious that we’re having a debate or that I have to defend black organizations from existing. When they only exist because they wasn’t included. White ppl do attend hbcu. Don’t be mad at facts hbcus bet pageants was founded so we can have a lane in which we were not represented. 


I can say We when I’m discussing the black community because I’m black so I am we. We do not mean we think the same. 

this is no longer a debate it’s pointless arguing.

It’s all good, man.  You exasperate me, but I don’t have any ill will towards you. 

I hate that you’re carrying that load around with you. I wish I could convince you that things aren’t as bad as you think that they are. That’s all. 

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16 minutes ago, PAMFAM10 said:

God bless you and your family baddog.

Thanks, same to you. I think we can both use some education and understanding. It’s really difficult at times to see why people react and feel the way they do. Like, “Don’t judge a man until you have walked a mile in his shoes.” I know I am guilty of not following that rule, and at the same time I say that I wear shoes too. My life has not been paved with gold and opportunity.....far from it. White people are not blessed because they are white. We have to work hard for our reward as anyone should. I think what is missing in society as a whole, all races included, is we are not allowed to raise our children as we see fit. I was spanked as a child, was taught respect for my elders because they knew more than me (yes sir, no sir, yes ma’am, no ma’am) raised in a Methodist Church, never smarted off to a teacher (they could wail the tar out of you, which, all in all, was a good thing). Lost my father and brother a month and 22 days apart when I was 15. Dropped out of Lamar because I didn’t know what I wanted to do. Put my application in with a company and out of the blue, got hired. Company closed and I sputtered around different jobs, finally learning some carpenter work, got on with a subcontractor in a plant building scaffolds, job played out and the company that closed up on me reopened. I hired back on and been there ever since. Lost my son 14 years ago and I have never been the same. So, being white has its pitfalls too. It is not paved with a yellow brick road. I simply kept plugging away and did my job the best I know how, and here I am. Sorry for the life story, but I thought it important to tell you.

Now, I don’t think playing a black national anthem is a good thing. This is the NFL’s way of appeasing the players. Could be why they are only doing it for the 1st week. We shall see.

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2 minutes ago, baddog said:

Thanks, same to you. I think we can both use some education and understanding. It’s really difficult at times to see why people react and feel the way they do. Like, “Don’t judge a man until you have walked a mile in his shoes.” I know I am guilty of not following that rule, and at the same time I say that I wear shoes too. My life has not been paved with gold and opportunity.....far from it. White people are not blessed because they are white. We have to work hard for our reward as anyone should. I think what is missing in society as a whole, all races included, is we are not allowed to raise our children as we see fit. I was spanked as a child, was taught respect for my elders because they knew more than me (yes sir, no sir, yes ma’am, no ma’am) raised in a Methodist Church, never smarted off to a teacher (they could wail the tar out of you, which, all in all, was a good thing). Lost my father and brother a month and 22 days apart when I was 15. Dropped out of Lamar because I didn’t know what I wanted to do. Put my application in with a company and out of the blue, got hired. Company closed and I sputtered around different jobs, finally learning some carpenter work, got on with a subcontractor in a plant building scaffolds, job played out and the company that closed up on me reopened. I hired back on and been there ever since. Lost my son 14 years ago and I have never been the same. So, being white has its pitfalls too. It is not paved with a yellow brick road. I simply kept plugging away and did my job the best I know how, and here I am. Sorry for the life story, but I thought it important to tell you.

Now, I don’t think playing a black national anthem is a good thing. This is the NFL’s way of appeasing the players. Could be why they are only doing it for the 1st week. We shall see.

Thanks for the personal insight. Tragic events can change the way we think and act - severely in some instances. I can’t imagine the loss of a child.

Whether white, black, brown or yellow,  I can only say that every race, every socio-economic background, every person has their own cross to bear. Just gotta realize that sometimes you have to look at things from now on and not in the rear view mirror. There have been lots of things in the past that I have done to be ashamed of. I have made lots of mistakes in my life and continue to do so. I just try not to make the same mistakes over and over. If it’s God’s will, I will be better tomorrow than I am today. I just hope my entire life won’t be judged on just the bad things. That’s what we are doing to each other. The way our PC society is today is that if you “F up” once, you are forever defined that way. Thank goodness our savior Jesus Christ doesn’t see it the same way. Maybe we need to learn to be like Him a little more. ALL of us.

Someone asked me how I would feel about my daughter marrying a black man. I replied that as long as they love each other, and he treated her like she was the most important earthly thing in his life, then I would support their marriage no matter what. He can call me dad or whatever else the hell he wants to call me. I know I’m not the only white guy who feels the same. I bet it’s more commonly accepted than anyone cares to admit. 

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41 minutes ago, baddog said:


Now, I don’t think playing a black national anthem is a good thing. This is the NFL’s way of appeasing the players. Could be why they are only doing it for the 1st week. We shall see.

so are the people who watch the NFL suppose ti give the BLACK POWER FIST during the black anthem?   asking for a friend..............

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3 minutes ago, THE DUDE said:

so are the people who watch the NFL suppose ti give the BLACK POWER FIST during the black anthem?   asking for a friend..............

I wonder if the media will support the "peaceful protest" of anybody who decides to kneel during the black one, lol. 

I watch sports as an escape from the troubles of my everyday life.  It's the reason that I seldom watch the news anymore.  If the NFL/Nascar etc are determined to inject liberal viewpoints into my recreation, I guess I won't be watching them anymore either.  We're pretty evenly split along partly lines here in the US.  Some sports (like Nascar, specifically) have a fanbase that is more than half conservative, in my estimation.  Why in God's name would you try to irritate your fanbase to appease people who don't even like your sport?  Are all of the Bubbas (not that one, lol) who are tuning out gonna be replaced by People of Color and liberal/Antifa types?  I really doubt it. 

The main reason that Kap never got a second chance is that it was estimated that whoever signed him would face an approximate loss of 20% of their revenue.  Ray Lewis was involved in a murder and he got back in good graces.  It's not that Kap did anything heinous, but was gonna cost teams money.  I think that the NFL believes that the path of least resistance is to give in to the negative publicity and pressure from the left, in hopes that things will just simmer down eventually.  When diehard Cowboys fans like me are walking away, I don't know where that leaves the NFL... Even ore empty stadiums than we've been seeing the last few years is my guess.

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