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Libertarians and Trump


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Just Gonna throw this out there: 

Libertarians versus Donald Trump


No hair jokes, just issues.

Nicholas Sarwark, Chair of the Libertarian National Committee issued the following statement:

Libertarianism is the idea that you have the right to pursue happiness in any way you wish as long as it doesn't hurt people or take their stuff. We support the fundamental rights of all people, all of the time. We do not denigrate or disparage any group. We respect the humanity of all people.

Unfortunately, the only policy position addressed on Mr. Trump's official campaign webpage is immigration. Thus, we are limited to piecing together Mr. Trump's positions on policy issues based on recent quotes in the news media.

Let's compare and contrast Donald Trump's views with those of the Libertarian Party:

National Security

Mr. Trump likes tough talk and seems to think that wars are an effective solution to many of our problems. Libertarians think that wars often create more problems than they solve, are bankrupting our nation, and that violence is only justified when used for defense.

Foreign Policy

Mr. Trump advocates more sanctions on Iran, more support for Israel, and being tough all around. Libertarians think the United States should both avoid entangling alliances and abandon its attempts to act as policeman for the world.


Mr. Trump thinks that foreign countries are getting the better end of trade deals and says that he would negotiate more favorable deals. Libertarians support free trade and think that U.S. citizens and businesses should be allowed to negotiate the deals that they find favorable without the interference of the U.S. government and government officials.


Fifteen years ago Mr. Trump claimed he was for a government run single-payer Canadian-style healthcare system. Mr. Trump now says Obamacare is ineffective and should be repealed and replaced, but he's not specific. Libertarians have always opposed government run healthcare, and support a free market.


Mr. Trump advocates building a wall along our Southern border and has said disparaging things about immigrants. Libertarians believe that people should be able to travel peacefully across borders to work, trade, or live.

Eminent Domain

Mr. Trump has taken advantage of eminent domain laws to build his real-estate empire. Libertarians think that eminent domain is often exploited by the wealthy at the cost of average Americans and is a violation of our most basic rights.

War on Drugs

Mr. Trump has, in the past, advocated ending the “war on drugs” because it is ineffective and wasteful. Lately, he seems to be adjusting his stance and claiming that it's an issue for states to decide. Libertarians also think that the “war on drugs” is ineffective and wasteful. In addition, we think the “war on drugs” is one of the biggest violations of Americans' civil liberties as it has been used to put hundreds of thousands on non-violent people in prison.

Gay Marriage

Mr. Trump also has said that he thinks that gay marriage is an issue for the states. Libertarians think that the government has no business regulating anyone's marriage.

Justice System

Mr. Trump says he would be tough on crime via anti-crime policies. Libertarians also want to decrease crime but likely disagree with Mr. Trump on the nature of “crime.” Libertarians are careful to differentiate between violent crimes and non-violent crimes, and also between crimes which involve a victim and those that do not. Currently, a huge percentage of our prison population is imprisoned for non-violent, victimless crimes such as marijuana use. Libertarians think that this is unjust to everyone: the taxpayer, the incarcerated, and society more broadly. Prison should be reserved for violent criminals.


Mr. Trump has stated that he is against Common Core and supports school-choice. Most Libertarians would agree. Libertarians think that the federal government should not have the authority to dictate to Americans how we should educate our children.

2nd Amendment

Mr. Trump has said that he is against limits on Americans' 2nd Amendment Rights, but has supported the ban on so-called assault weapons and longer waiting periods to buy guns. Libertarians oppose all laws at any level of government that attempt to restrict, register, or monitor the ownership, manufacture, or transfer of firearms or ammunition.

In the first debate, Trump said, “Our leaders are stupid. Our politicians are stupid.” Libertarians think big government policies are the problem, and smarter politicians with the same policies won't help. America needs new policies and a new perspective focusing on smaller government, more liberty, and peace.

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So this will pretty much be the worst possible scenario for Libertarians, the choice between two authoritarians who believe they know what is best for everybody else. Too bad about yall's boy Cruz...My opinion he should have backed off on pandering to the religious right and reached out to libertarians, he might have gotten them, but It's really hard to claim that you believe in people's individual freedom while at the same time saying that you should be able to regulate their morality based on your belief system. Oh well, good news is, despite what they might think...presidents aren't kings..and neither of the two nimrods we end up choosing from will actually have the power to change a whole lot thanks to good ol' washington gridlock...go hornets!  

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If i were going to affiliate with a political party, the Libertarian party would 100% be the party i'd choose.  It's socially liberal.  It's fiscally conservative.  It's perfect for me!  Except it sure seems like the libertarian party has trouble coming up with candidates that aren't nut jobs.  it seems like most of the libertarians who actually have enough desire to run for office are really only doing so to try and get marijuana legalized.  Oh well.

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19 minutes ago, bullets13 said:

If i were going to affiliate with a political party, the Libertarian party would 100% be the party i'd choose.  It's socially liberal.  It's fiscally conservative.  It's perfect for me!  Except it sure seems like the libertarian party has trouble coming up with candidates that aren't nut jobs.  it seems like most of the libertarians who actually have enough desire to run for office are really only doing so to try and get marijuana legalized.  Oh well.

I've been saying this for years! Right now, the kooks and dope smokers look like better candidates than the lifelong, lying, crooked politicians in both parties! It is still hard to throw away your vote though...

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35 minutes ago, bullets13 said:

If i were going to affiliate with a political party, the Libertarian party would 100% be the party i'd choose.  It's socially liberal.  It's fiscally conservative.  It's perfect for me!  Except it sure seems like the libertarian party has trouble coming up with candidates that aren't nut jobs.  it seems like most of the libertarians who actually have enough desire to run for office are really only doing so to try and get marijuana legalized.  Oh well.

It is a serious problem within the organization, I think it has to do with the libertarian mindset....they are really not "joiners" if that makes sense. They are the the fiercely independent type of people that don't like to be affiliated with a group of any kind, most wouldn't be caught dead standing outside a voting booth carrying a sign, so it's tough for them to organize like other parties, or rally around a particular candidate. I personally don't like going places where anybody says "please rise" and "you may be seated"...I think it's annoying that somebody I don't know is telling me when to sit down and stand up like I'm some kind of lap dog and not a human being....I'll stand up when I feel like it. I realize that this mindset is strange, my wife doesn't understand it either, but you can imagine it's probably tough to galvanize an entire group of people like me and get them pointed in the same direction. 

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6 hours ago, bullets13 said:

If i were going to affiliate with a political party, the Libertarian party would 100% be the party i'd choose.  It's socially liberal.  It's fiscally conservative.  It's perfect for me!  Except it sure seems like the libertarian party has trouble coming up with candidates that aren't nut jobs.  it seems like most of the libertarians who actually have enough desire to run for office are really only doing so to try and get marijuana legalized.  Oh well.

I'm with you and Shovel.  I'm more libertarian on most of the issues.  No party is perfect for any person, but it's probably the closest for me.  Would be interesting to see what a candidate like a Bloomberg could do on a libertarian ticket.  Like Shovel says though, it's tough to throw away a vote.  Although I basically did that yesterday and still voted my conscience anyway.  

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12 hours ago, TxHoops said:

I'm with you and Shovel.  I'm more libertarian on most of the issues.  No party is perfect for any person, but it's probably the closest for me.  Would be interesting to see what a candidate like a Bloomberg could do on a libertarian ticket.  Like Shovel says though, it's tough to throw away a vote.  Although I basically did that yesterday and still voted my conscience anyway.  

If it's any consolation Hoops, the odds are better for me hitting a slot machine at Delta than voting on a winning candidate lol

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40 minutes ago, gohornets23 said:

Bloomberg is no better than Trump, remember he's the guy whose big platform in NY was making sodas smaller and outlawing smoking pretty much everywhere, he's another who thinks the government should protect people from themselves

I agree about Bloomberg g23.  Imo he's ahead of his time.  What he did in NY with the soda's, etc, is what the Dems will eventually do once they're firmly entrenched in power - a nanny state on steroids.  Will be a rude awakening for all the folks who depend on the Govt to live (including those like me who are retired but still depend partly on SS - my money but controlled by the Govt).  I don't see that happening in my lifetime, but I'm afraid my G'kids will.  Essentially, those that depend on the Govt will be slaves to it.  More on it, the more slaves, and Obamacare was a big coup.  No more sodas, candy, meat.  You'll eat soylent green and like it.  Sci Fi today, reality tomorrow.   

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5 hours ago, REBgp said:

I agree about Bloomberg g23.  Imo he's ahead of his time.  What he did in NY with the soda's, etc, is what the Dems will eventually do once they're firmly entrenched in power - a nanny state on steroids.  Will be a rude awakening for all the folks who depend on the Govt to live (including those like me who are retired but still depend partly on SS - my money but controlled by the Govt).  I don't see that happening in my lifetime, but I'm afraid my G'kids will.  Essentially, those that depend on the Govt will be slaves to it.  More on it, the more slaves, and Obamacare was a big coup.  No more sodas, candy, meat.  You'll eat soylent green and like it.  Sci Fi today, reality tomorrow.   

Amazes me how so many think the Republicans want to control your social life but many of those same folks are OK with obamacare.

obamacare will control lives much more than anything the Republicans could even dream of.

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