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Kirbyville 56 Kountze 14/Final


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Kountze came out competitive and Kville looked shell shocked. Kountze did some things very well early and Kville seemed to struggle on offense in the 1st Quarter.
If Kville secondary didn't play as well as they did then Kountze could have jumped out big. Arnold was on the run but finding space and slinging it around. Eventually the D line started getting to him and with secondary playing well it started getting sloppy for Kountze. Kville started just pounding the ball on offense and eventually started making progress and wore the Kountze D down and opened up the playbook. Kville seemed to make the adjustments when needed and that was the difference (not that it was difficult with Kountze running the same 4 plays the first half over and over) Not sure what was behind the decision to switch Arnold to wide out but the back up could not handle the Kville front D line. Arnold could at least get out of the pocket and make something happen.

Kountze came out at after half and didn't seem to make any adjustments. When Kville scored on the 1st play for 60 yards you could just see the air go out of Kountze. Between the terrible calls by refs and the several injury timeouts for mainly Kountze players the game started to drag out and you can tell the players on both sides affected.

Overall it was a good game played by both sides. Good luck Kountze on the rest of your season! Now that this game is behind us at least this fan will become a Lion supporter!.

Nice meeting you man
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BTW the kid for Kountze that was hit illegally and a flag was thrown in the second quarter for leading with the head.. That the kirbyville coaches and fans thought wasn't a penalty.. He is in icu with a brain bruise and is prolly out the rest of the year.


Hope he is okay and praying for him a speedy recovery.  I can promise it was not intentionally and I think most of the fans that was complaining and thought it wasn't a penalty was like me and didn't realize it was called for leading with the head.  The flag was thrown late and at the guy that was celebrating and it appeared they was calling it on him.  Just like I told you last night I have no issue with the leading with helmet call. 

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BTW the kid for Kountze that was hit illegally and a flag was thrown in the second quarter for leading with the head.. That the kirbyville coaches and fans thought wasn't a penalty.. He is in icu with a brain bruise and is prolly out the rest of the year.

Wow. That's sad. Prayers for him from Woodville. Can we get his name??
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I'm still wondering why the coaches moved Arnold to wideout in the second .. Makes no sense at all.


I agree.  It makes no sense at al.  I assume it was due to something logical;  injury, discipline, rest,, something.   If not then it was definitely a poor adjustment and even more crazy they stuck with it.  I understand  wanting the athletic wide out but you can put Dez Bryant out there and if the qb is laying on the ground its not going to be successful.

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Hope he is okay and praying for him a speedy recovery.  I can promise it was not intentionally and I think most of the fans that was complaining and thought it wasn't a penalty was like me and didn't realize it was called for leading with the head.  The flag was thrown late and at the guy that was celebrating and it appeared they was calling it on him.  Just like I told you last night I have no issue with the leading with helmet call. 

It was not a leading with the helmet call.  The hit was a hard, clean hit.  The penalty was for celebration..smh..

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And as for the penalty, "Targeting and Making Forcible Contact With the Head or Neck Area of a Defensless Reciever" (Targeting foul) is intentional contact with the crown of the helmet to the head or neck area of a defensless man. Penalty is automatic disqualification, 15 yards, and loss of down.

If the player wasn't kicked out, then it probably wasn't a Targeting foul.
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I can almost guarantee you that their reasoning behind it was trying to get their best athlete on the perimeter. Not saying I agree with it, because in the spread you want your best athlete to be your QB. That's the best explanation I can come up with though.

you put him on the far side of the field and send him deep when the backup ' s strength is the short passing game that makes no sense at all
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I wasn't at either of Kountze's last two games but after listening to the Corrigan game I would have done the same thing. The back up QB came in to the Corrigan game and did some nice things. Your team goes in at halftime down by several scores you have to try something different. The bottom line is and always has been about blocking and tackling. The teams that do that best usually win if they don't turn it over. I know that no one wants to hear it but Kountze's record has nothing to do with the coaching staff. They are 0-4 because the teams they have played are better than they are. EC and Buna will both be huge challenges for the Lions but then the schedule will be more forgiving. I see Kountze and Woodville as a game that will be worth the price of admission. Hope the injured young man is OK.

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I wasn't at either of Kountze's last two games but after listening to the Corrigan game I would have done the same thing. The back up QB came in to the Corrigan game and did some nice things. Your team goes in at halftime down by several scores you have to try something different. The bottom line is and always has been about blocking and tackling. The teams that do that best usually win if they don't turn it over. I know that no one wants to hear it but Kountze's record has nothing to do with the coaching staff. They are 0-4 because the teams they have played are better than they are. EC and Buna will both be huge challenges for the Lions but then the schedule will be more forgiving. I see Kountze and Woodville as a game that will be worth the price of admission. Hope the injured young man is OK.

kountze was down 15-6 midway through the second when the change was made
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Lets not muddy up the water here.  In most cases these discussion are around a player going across the middle or in open field.  This was not the case.  This was a running play up the middle with the running back lowering his head running through the line and the LB making the hit at the line of scrimmage filling the gap.   I  am not saying the defensive player didn't lead with helmet and shouldn't be flag but call it what it is.  This happens every week several times a night at every game.  This was not a case of targeting or late hit in the open field or unprotected player.  When you lower your head and run through the line there is a risk of this type of accident even if the hit was legal.

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It wouldn't have mattered. Kville is a better team. And that's ok. You guys had unrealistic expectations from the start. Don't start pointing fingers because it's not working out.

did I ever day it would have mattered. We would have had more success on offense yes. But we still couldn't stop them on defense. They were too big and physical. Great football team
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