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  1. I keep hearing people talk about the biased moderators.. Trump lied about Haitians eating dogs and cats man.. you DONT want the moderators to call him out? Come on the craziness has gotta stop Then the abortion after birth comment. Where is this stuff even coming from? Do they mean the babies that unfortunately weren’t going to survive?
  2. Every time I turn on the news, it is something about Trump......Some Good, Some Bad, depending on network....... When they are talking about Trump, they are NOT talking about Harris.....It is hard to get your message out when the media is consumed with trump......now that I think about it, that may work in Harris favor, she does not have much of a plan to talk about
  3. I'll give him your first point: he generally takes criticism and back and forth with a decent attitude. You can argue with him on one thing, and if you make a good point on something else, he'll still agree with you. That's something I try to do as well. There are certain people on the site that get mad about something you post and simply disagree with everything you say from that point forward, or use whatever they disagree with to bludgeon you over the head every time you try to make a point. It's pretty dumb. I often disagree with his posts, and don't care for his sources or the frequency with which he posts from them, but I don't see him go after people personally, which i respect. There's people I feel like I could sit and talk politics with, and people I can't. I think if I sat down and talked politics with Reagan I might want to beat my head on the wall a little bit, but I'm pretty certain we would end the conversation as cordially as it began. I can't say that for everyone in this forum. as to your second point, what % is a lot? If he posts 5 articles a day, and 80% of what he posts is true, that means he's posting 1 false article everyday. personally, i think 80% is high, and at least half of what he posts is false, or has some basic truth with a lot of false spin to it. Because of that I do often resort to your last statement... it is generally much easier to disregard it than to look into it.
  4. I remember this same talk in vidor thread after matthews went 0-1 before their district championship run 🤣🤣🤣🤣
  5. Who said anything about firing Peevey? Nobody. It's obvious and proven he has what it takes to win, but like I've said numerous times, he's not coaching the same as the '21 season. The kids have the talent, but killed themselves those first two games. Lack of discipline being one major contributing factor, and who does that fall on? Peevey or the kids? All coaches work 80+ hours a week DURING FOOTBALL season, and that's why he is compensated so well. Don't talk smack on the kids, they're all fully bought in and believe they can win district this year. They should be 2-0 honestly. But when things go sideways, the coach and his decisions are in the spotlight, and I've stated my opinion of "why" plenty of times.
  6. I’m just gonna throw my 2¢ in here. Someone said it. Nothing a couple of wins won’t cure. Folks, Peevey told yall at the parent meeting, EXPECT losses in pre district. I won’t talk about what’s going on with favoritism and punishment because I don’t know. I will say this, this Bears team has the potential to be the best he’s had yet. They fly to the ball, they push hard, and they play for each other. Bone headed penalties have killed us these last 2 games, no doubt. But all this bickering online will be the death of us. I saw people boo the refs on a blatant penalty. STOP. I call it like I see it. Cowbell or no cowbell. If it’s your son, talk to him after the game. Tell him what you saw. But this mess on this thread needs to stop. Go Bears
  7. Closing remarks said it all. She talked about us and our country. All he could talk about was her. She ran him through a chipper saw.
  8. Question - President Trump, you – you talked about how the increase in the price of food, gas and rent is hurting families, but the real cost that’s breaking families’ backs and preventing women from participating in the workforce is child care. Child care is now more expensive than rent for working families and is costing the economy more than $122 billion a year, making it one of the most urgent economic issues that is facing our country. In fact, the cost of child care is outpacing the cost of inflation, with the majority of American families of young children spending more than 20% of their income on child care. One thing that Democrats and Republicans have in common is that both parties talk a lot about what they’re going to do to address the child care crisis, but neither party has delivered meaningful change. If you win in November, can you commit to prioritizing legislation to make child care affordable? And if so, what specific piece of legislation will you advance? Answer - “Well I would do that, and we’re sitting down, and you know I was somebody — we had Senator Marco Rubio and my daughter Ivanka was so impactful on that issue. It’s a very important issue. But I think when you talk about the kind of numbers that I’m talking about — that because — the — child care is child care, couldn’t, you know, it’s something, you have to have it, in this country you have to have it. But when you talk about those numbers compared to the kind of numbers that I’m talking about by taxing foreign nations at levels that they’re not used to but they’ll get used to it very quickly — and it’s not going to stop them from doing business with us, but they’ll have a very substantial tax when they send product into our country. Those numbers are so much bigger than any numbers that we’re talking about including child care that it’s going to take care — we’re gonna have, I look forward to having no deficits within a fairly short period of time. Coupled with the reductions that I told you about on waste and fraud and all of the other things that are going on in our country because I have to stay with child care, I want to stay with child care — but those numbers are small relative to the kind of economic numbers that I’m talking about, including growth, but growth also headed up by what the plan is that I just, that I just told you about. We’re going to be taking in trillions of dollars and as much as child care is talked about as being expensive, it’s relatively speaking not very expensive compared to the kinds of numbers we’ll be taking in. We’re going to make this into an incredible country that can afford to take care of its people. And then we’ll worry about the rest of the world. Let’s help other people. But we are going to take care of our country first. This is about America first. It’s about make America great again. We have to do it because right now we are a failing nation. So we’ll take care of it.” Is this a sign of cognitive decline or did he have a seizure?
  9. A little too early to make a judgement. Maduro overturned an election he lost to stay in power. Whatever he’s doing is an anomaly. For all I know he and Trump have a deal to try and get a strongman in the White House. Birds of a feather, you know. Let Mayorkas give the information House Republicans are asking for, then I’ll talk about it.
  10. To my recollection none of those kiddos were help back. And no, I'll not come talk to you lol... weird
  11. Is the Vidor Freshman class the one that the dads got together and held their kids back for a redshirt year? Last year In Junior High they were a lot of kids who were freshman playing 8th grade football? come talk to me when they all get to varsity and run that oopty oop offense and get bounced in the first round as usual.
  12. Nederland is not winning 5A DII state championship this year. Hitchcock is not winning 3A DI state championship this year. I am willing to wager a large sum if you care to bet. Now, this doesn't mean that Silsbee will not lose to those teams, but pump the brakes on the state championship talk.
  13. Very clearly something going on past just the field there we may not know about. And probably none of our business to talk about on here. Just a guess, all I've seen is play and by the play 1 option seems more clear than the other... so something probably different we can't see.
  14. Good talk, lol, apparently you don't want debate.
  15. Please don't see this as me taking anything from Dayton they deserve this win... but talk about getting outcoached. Not only does the trickery work to get the Broncos up two scores but you then get the lead and go away from everything that had been working. Also, one particular player from Crosby must have gotten roasted over the flames after this one... Three separate big errors that lead to scores, yikes. The Broncos offense looked pedestrian that's likely due to being new in the system, there's a glimmer of hope it might have something to do with the Crosby defense but only a glimmer. It's a weird one for me... if this was a different coach with a different first year I might even be willing to write it off as the silliness of a rivalry game due to the dropped passes, overthrows and just sheer number of plays that were close but not quite for Crosby this game but I don't think Willis and Staff have earned that benefit. The rewatch was worse than the original btw 0/10 do not recommend... unless your a Bronco.
  16. As long as we have folks like you that are easily steered towards class envy, the big bad rich will be over taxed and the "poor" will pay no taxes. Everyone should pay the same percentage, you want to fix loopholes, talk to Congress about changing the tax code. I would take any loophole I could also to keep as much money from going to the government. You just can't get Trump out of your head, lol.
  17. Really???? We have people on here arguing for higher taxes???? Really???? Talk about brain washed.
  18. Really???? We have people on here arguing for higher taxes???? Really???? Talk about brain washed.
  19. If you talk to SOC fans they'll say the same thing
  20. Everyone is entitled to their own opinions, here is mine. They opted up to be more competitive across the board and change the scenery from the last 4 years of being the laughing stock of SETX. Honestly, from what I’ve seen so far from BC in particular they might be competing for a district title this year. Change was needed in that city. It used to be an embarrassing program. Last year BC almost lost to Buna. Only winning 20-12 This year, they dominated them. BC hasn’t completely dominated anyone in recent memory. Now, there is excitement, and the kids and community are beaming with pride. What is wrong with that? Also, we can talk about the offensive showcase BC put on, but the defense has been absolutely lights out. You are forgetting, in a live half vs Silsbee and Newton (two of the best teams in the area) and a full game vs Buna. They have only allowed 6 POINTS. Those 6 points came late with the 2s and 3s in the game. Take it how you want. They still have to go out there and prove that they are worthy of the praise. I believe that they will. Also, I’m not trying to attack you or your opinion, I just love seeing local Orange County teams be successful, especially teams that have not been competitive in recent memory. BC should be 3-0 once the fun of district play begins. District play will provide better insight to what this team is capable of.
  21. I don’t live in and I’m not from Cleveland, but I’m always in that Town either passing through or in that area back and forth to my daughter’s college Sam Houston. I talk to several people there and I think I have a grasp of what’s going on there. Pretty obvious really.
  22. Let’s start with the good. Tyson Henry reminded me of Isaiah Nguyen in how he runs. With time for Henry to develop, I think he and Chatagnier will strike a dynamic similar to the one Chatagnier shared with Nguyen. We saw how that worked out last year. Bailey and his receivers corps both looked good once the offense found its rhythm. Same goes for the OL. The defense forced six turnovers, only giving up ten points to a fairly talented (if poorly coached) 6A team with an OU commit and as much speed as we’ll see all season. Perhaps most importantly, the stellar in-game adjustments we’ve become accustomed to from this coaching staff were on full display; I took particular notice of how the passing game exploited the seams that were opened when Klein Oak stacked the box early to stifle Chatagnier. McDaniel’s still the best high school DC in America, in my book. In the end, we walked away with a three possession win in enemy territory. It was a strong first outing for the 2024 Indians. Now let’s talk about the bad. Two drive-killing false starts and two fumbles, including one scoop-n-score, within spitting distance of the end zone during the first ~15 minutes of regulation. A bobbled snap on a PAT attempt that, thankfully, worked out for an unintentional two pointer. Some bad snaps on punting attempts that, thankfully, didn’t cost us anything. It’s hard to complain about a 22 point victory over a school with a thousand more kids to build a team from. All in all, this was a good win for the Indians. Change two or three key moments in the game, however, and this easily could’ve been the Indians’ third consecutive season opener loss. The main thing is that we know what we need to work on. The offense needs to work out some stiffness. Defense has a minor size issue in the backfield and needs to do a little work on tackling. Special teams needs the most work of all. I trust Joseph & Co. to iron out those kinks. We’ll have another good season this year. Will it be another history-making season? Only time will tell. 😎
  23. You’re badly mistaken on this one. With debt service occupying 14% of our actual expenditures, we simply can’t afford fiscal policies that add to the debt. We need to cut our spending, and Trump has been unwilling or unable to even mention it. I guess my point is this… if cutting taxes is always the answer, why don’t we just eliminate them altogether and forget about things like roads, education, national defense, Medicare and social security…. We’d all be so rich, though, right? The inflation we’re experiencing now is a symptom of deficit spending brought on by Trump’s tax cuts immediately followed by the pandemic spending spree under Trump, then Biden. If you’ve ever built your own house, it’s heady… you just walk into the building supply and get what you need… you have to have it. $3k on electrical supplies? It’s a must-have. New saw-gotta have it. Then one day you close your construction loan and you have to do a complete 180- you can’t just walk into Lowe’s and drop a grand on something you want-you’re not operating on “building a house” money anymore-these are “real” dollars and you can’t just make a draw on your construction loan… you have to slam the brakes on the way you spend once the project is over. That’s what American politicians need to do. There’s too much talk about making investments when they really mean handing out cash. Tax cuts without corresponding spending cuts are just as bad for us as government handouts. And before you say “but those tax cuts generate more spending and economic growth… you know, “trickle-down”” I’d argue… what do you think people do with handouts? They spend them…. Which also spurs the economy, creates jobs, etc. When you finally realize that there’s no difference between “tax cuts” and promises of “income inequality.” It’s just politicians promising gifts from the public treasury in exchange for support. The only difference is that the cuts are justified as “letting you keep your money” to the working man vs “helping others” to the people who aren’t as fortunate. But it’s the same thing under the surface. There is no tax policy that will fix our exploding debt problem. Hiring a guy who a) has a history of being a “borrow big and file bankruptcy if it doesn’t work out” kind of successful is curious… especially if he already had the job once and his fiscal policies exploded our debt and helped caused the crippling inflation we’ve experienced. I’m a conservative. I don’t like high taxes. I like keeping the money I earn. The way we’re doing things can’t continue. Washington is wrong on both sides.
  24. What time for your pregame meal on Thursday? If you are up for company I'll bail in time to talk some shop Thursday?
  25. LOL! I'm on the football section also. I can talk football with you if you wish!
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