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  1. All coaches talk to one another or thru one another. I reckon most got told WOS already had their guy.
  2. I think that is the whole point - hypocrisy! They all think this, and they all talk like this behind closed doors. However, the main point pushed on here is that 45 lost because of HIS demeanor and mentality, but the “other side” routinely gets a pass. I could care less how they speak, what they type as long as the job of president (putting USA first) is being accomplished.
  3. Maybe I am wrong and I’m sure someone will correct me if I am. I think Dan Hooks, Larry Neumann and Brandon Faircloth all were assistants only before being named head coach at WOS, Nederland and a PNG. That is a fairly long track record of some of the winningest coaches in this area in recent years. I think all three are the winningest coach in each school’s history and all coached against each other. With Hooks and Neumann, I believe it was their only head coaching job. They did not come from somewhere else as a head coach and never moved on to somewhere else. Until yesterday that was true of Faircloth. Much talk is made of bringing in some mythical head coach with a long résumé but that may not always be the right answer.
  4. Pardon my ignorance, I had no idea. Story should have made the cover of Sports Illustrated. Talk about a disturbance in the Force. Did anyone check Nostradamus’ quatrains to see if he hinted at this? Was Ripley’s Believe It Or Not contacted? ESPN?
  5. Heck he needs to try to coach a youth football game. I bet he doesn’t win a championship in 7 years. It’s alot easier to talk about it then doing it. Kids have a lot of outside distractions that cause them not to stay focused
  6. No one has ever done what Surratt has ever done, so I wouldn’t expect Faircloth to. Danaher won more games than anyone ever in Texas ever has, so pretty sure he knows how to coach. Talk about next level…. Outside of winning a state title (which is extremely difficult) Danaher had Calallen at the pinnacle for 40 years. Danaher had Calallen in around 10 semifinals and 2 state title games. Every time losing to a team with much much more talent than he had. And they came close to winning several of them, because of him, not in spite of his coaching. Your expectations of a state championship are no where close to reality. Not even close. Ask anyone who has ever coached, and better yet, that has won one.
  7. [Hidden Content] black lives matter once again removing any doubt about who they truly are...from the article: The Black Lives Matter chapter in Washington, D.C., expressed indignation that police officers who are shot in the line of duty are automatically treated as "heroes" after an officer was shot and wounded Sunday night in Northwest D.C. A suspect is still at large after opening fire on officers on the street in D.C.’s Petworth neighborhood, the Metropolitan Police Department said. One officer, who has not been named, suffered non-life threatening injuries from being shot and was treated and released from the hospital, police said. As the scene was still unfolding, Black Lives Matter D.C. took the opportunity to promote its #StopMPD campaign and warn against the spread of "copaganda." "This is the point we’ve been making for months," the group tweeted Sunday night. "Look at the reaction and coverage tonight. Tear jerker press conferences and proclamations of heroes coming soon. Imagine if people knew these folks’ names. Being Black in DC is more dangerous than any job." "This isn’t to say these scenarios represent what happened tonight, but it does explain our skepticism, interest in details, and highlights the difference in how people talk and act when an officer is hurt vs when they hurt a Black person. No one asks what the cop did wrong," the group wrote. Not only are they racist, they are delusional...NO ONE ASKS WHAT THE COP DID WRONG?????? Really?
  8. You know, it's funny you say that. A couple other Austin insiders and I talk high school football a lot. There's an expectation inside the Capitol that 7A is coming, if not this realignment then the next. And a lot of those guys who pay attention and knew what PN-G had returning, felt like PN-G would be a powerhouse next season if the chips fall the right way in realignment. There was real potential on the horizon. I'm not saying there's no chance it happens now. Faircloth brought PN-G its first undefeated regular season since 1977 during his first season at PN-G. We've got a great group of kids returning next year with a proven track record of beating the odds. But y'all know as well as I do that typically, the first season under a new coach is a bad one, even when he inherits a program in great shape like ours is. All I can say is, if next season goes south, it's not on the boys. They fought hard for the PN-G program both on and off the field last year. If 2022 goes down as a bad season for PN-G, it's on the adults who bungled this thing.
  9. You know old buddy, there’s definitely a trend here. Liberals continually talk about how bad Trump was as President, but when ask to list those bad things they say, “Orange man bad”. And many Liberals brag about what a good job Biden is doing like here, and when ask to list them they say, “Orange man bad”. As Englebert pointed out it has to be TDS. Their feeble minds can’t truly discuss it because they have nothing. And as you well know, when discussing anything political, unable to make valid points, their response is invariably, “Racist”. I’m afraid that no matter how much money we throw into our educational system, it’s producing a dumber product. As Col. Jessup so aptly said In A Few Good Men, “They can’t handle the truth”.
  10. Kinda weird to me as well how many of the good conservatives on here (and everywhere) talk about how much of a whore Kamala Harris is, and how much of a man Michelle Obama is, but have never really taken any exception to anything that First Lady Trump had going on in her past. I see pictures of her posted with talk about how classy she looks, and this and that. It's a funny dynamic. And for the record, I thought Obama was a lousy president, and I don't like Kamala Harris at all. But there's a level of hypocrisy there that's pretty hilarious.
  11. It’s the mo of Biden supporters and democrats in general, they absolutely cannot talk about accomplishments of their party, all their accomplishments are detrimental to the country. BadSanta, tell us why biden is great without mentioning Trump.
  12. What mess? Please explain. And no, I'm still a free man so you know I didn't peacefully protest at the Capitol. I might have burned and looted all summer though. I might have even been one of the few that were arrested...but was bailed out of jail by the current Vice President. So make up your mind...do you want this topic to be about Biden, Trump, or me? It's obvious you won't/can't list Biden's accomplishments. You won't/can't back up your vitriolic rhetoric of Trump. That leaves me. What would you like to talk about? Or we could talk about you, but I highly doubt anyone is interested in that topic.
  13. Generally in Texas it is lawful to use force but not deadly force to protect property. Sometimes there is a misunderstanding of the words “force”. A law might say a person can use the force necessary. That is different than deadly force necessary. There are extremely limited reasons to lawfully use deadly force to protect property but they do exist. The nighttime criminal mischief is many times overstated in my opinion. Deadly force is not legal to stop criminal mischief unless “property cannot be protected or recovered by any other means”. (Quoting Texas law) If a person uses deadly force to stop teenagers from throwing toilet paper, that is probably murder. If a person is breaking your windshield wiper, there had better be a high risk of you getting killed by trying to stop him or again, it is probably murder. The law doesn’t talk about speculation either. It goes by what is known to the person at the time who is using the force. For example at 12 year old kid “could” have a pistol and “might” kill you. If 12 your kid is throwing confetti in your yard, you cannot shoot him and say well I thought he might have a pistol. If he produces the pistol, that isa different issue. If you’re 5 foot 110 pound woman and there’s a 6’2” 220 pound man doing something, that might be a reasonable belief. So far protection of property either from theft or criminal mischief the first requirement is it be during the night. The second requirement to make deadly force lawful is that there were not other reasonably means to stop theft or criminal mischief. If you could just yell at someone and scare them away, and that is what is “necessary”. Remember that when a person uses deadly force, that person might be in front of a jury trying to explain why he killed someone in the nighttime for throwing eggs.
  14. Is it possible, that the best quarterback in Liberty County this season, was on the Hardin Hornet 8th grade team? If you've had a chance to see him play, you know how talented the kid is. Hull Daisetta Hardin Cleveland Liberty Dayton Tarkington I seriously think he would've started on most of these teams listed this past season if the opportunity had been presented. Dayton is the only question mark, and it's a big one. It's the offseason, we need stuff to talk about, so what do you guys think?
  15. Talk about cult. Biden tells a black man to his face he ain’t black unless he votes for him. What a ridiculous condescending statement. One of many things Biden had said and done but yet he got a pass from the media. He’s basically telling black people not to get off the plantation. Smh. I have hard time understanding how John James didn’t win his Senate race when you look at his resume and his campaign platform.
  16. Biden has failed in his attempt to rid us from Covid, but it’s not from a lack of trying…. I’ve been around drunks who can talk better than this….
  17. Not sure I’m understanding all the talk about Tobys overall HC record. Let’s not forget he took over a horrible 0-10 Shoemaker team, so a good number of those losses was getting that program going in a different direction. I don’t think anywhere he’s been has the same consistent talent that comes through WOS. Also Some coaches just fit in better in some areas than others. Happens at all levels
  18. We’ll at this point I believe there’s one party. The Uniparty ( The Government Party) against We the People. The Democrats don’t even try to hide their Hate for America anymore and the Republicans are just as repulsive as they sit by an watch like a bunch of Wussy’s. Oh they talk a big game but they don’t ever do anything about the Democrats Playbook. As for troll boy…he just gets excited when he gets play time after finishing his coloring books. I prefer to call him Jussie. 😁
  19. I was following Silsbee basketball as early as 1967. I even remember seeing some Waldo Matthews HS games. I really didn't think about winning state until Kountze did it in 1969. That is when the end the frustration set in for me. Then I found this msg board and had to endure listening to HJ, Kountze Beaumont and Pt Arthur fans talk about their various championships. Anyway, we won not just one, but two. Could of been three.
  20. It's a "self-teaching" moment. Let the players do the self work, coaches get ready for district as far as talk.
  21. I hate to say this cause someone gonna take it the wrong way: if I know Newton (in which watching past games when they have lost) they don't like to be intimidated as in talking that talk and locking down on defense with it.
  22. What’s with all the talk about the assistant principal?
  23. I have to wonder at the level of stupidity. It isn’t because some teenagers got something to drink. OMG!! Shocking!! Uhhhhhh……. No. For two people in their position however, what were they thinking? Let’s see, surely these teenagers will keep their mouths’ shut and not talk to anyone about what’s happening and thereby causing us to lose our careers and become criminals. It should be a crime just to be that stupid……. They should have been charged with two crimes. One for giving alcohol to minors and a second for being an almost unbelievable level of stupidity.
  24. Mr Reagan, this is pretty simple. You've obviously, stated your dislike of Toby due to what you perceive as failure in the win/loss columns. If you are a resident of the WOS district then make your feeling known in the community. Spend your dime on promoting who you'd like to see in there. If you aren't, then why are you so concerned? You know the community wants Toby, if they are wrong, then, it's on them. If the sup/SB go a different route, then I'm not sure that the other coach could EVER achieve the level of success it would take to appease the constituents. That's just real talk. I've said all along I think it should go to the most qualified individual. From what I know of those who've applied, Toby is it, hands down, when you apply the standards the district has posted publicly COMBINED with the fact Toby is home grown. He stands alone in either facet. If you're an outside fan, get behind the community because I have a feeling it'll be Toby unless something more sinister is involved. And, if your not, pray your right and you have something to look forward to for the next few years. Lol
  25. After listening to Coach Forman talk about his team and the community, I think he loves where he is at. [Hidden Content]
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