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Everything posted by Raider24

  1. I agree. These next 7-8 months are important! A lot of off-season work. These boys know each other, see each other, are working out together, and pushing each other. A lot of good things going on in southeast Texas.
  2. Man, I know more than most what Vidor has coming back next year and the year after. Y’all ain’t fooling me! I’m looking forward to a tough District schedule each week. It will only help us all going into the playoffs. Now as far as last years game, yea, I am still a little disappointed in the outcome. Ok, maybe more than a little. Lol But I hold no grudge on something I have no control over. I think we all opened some eyes last year and are all headed in the right direction going into 2022 & 2023.
  3. Ain’t no one sleeping on Vidor, LCM, or L-Town for the next 2 years! Gonna be interesting & tuff. So you can take the underdog, lack of respect pov somewhere else.
  4. Some coaches who apply or think about applying don’t like their business out there. If they don’t get the job, then their existing school, admins, and team know they trying to leave.
  5. I really don’t know or care about JV records. Don’t mean much on Friday nights. It’s about development. Most teams best underclass men are on varsity. So it’s not comparing apples to apples.
  6. Bears/ Raiders finish either 1 or 2 Pirates/ Falcons finish either 3 or 4
  7. Your list was the 4 teams that made the playoffs & their order of seeding last year. I believe ‘22 will see the same 4 teams also, but the seeding will be different. District will be a battle each week.
  8. Merry Christmas SETX family and cheers to a safe and Happy New Year! The lord is good!
  9. Having been through this twice and starting again with my youngest for the next few years, all I can say is Measurables, Measureables, Measurables. All starts there! What camps has he been to? Who is promoting him, Getting him out there? It’s tough
  10. Congrats to all especially them Raiders! A lot of sophomores.
  11. Looks like we’ll be back to playing HISD 1st round with CHill, Lindale, Kilgore and that district moving back to Region 2.
  12. This is crazy! Been hearing about this for the last 4-5 weeks. Just didn’t want to see it really happen. Work performance, kids performing academically, running a winning, disciplined program should be the deciding factors. Not personal agendas of an administration or board!
  13. I want to wish everyone and their families a Happy Thanksgiving and a safe one if you have to travel. I am very blessed and thankful for great family and friends. Looking forward to a day of awesome food, football, and family gatherings!
  14. I know! Just saying be careful what you wish for Indian fan’s cause you never know what ya gonna get! Karma’s a *****!
  15. 28-28 @ the half! Lindale gets the ball to start the 3rd.
  16. Turnover EC @ the 1! There goes 1 stop!
  17. What would EC be without Owens? We may never know!
  18. 1/2 way thru the 2nd and Owens has every touch for EC except for 2 touches!
  19. Yeah. Don’t know if drinking or typo!
  20. Will either team get a stop??? 35 in the 1st. Lindale about to tie it up @ 21 a piece
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