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    thetragichippy reacted to TxHoops in Phelan vrs Covey   
    I told someone today if IP had known how much $ was going to be spent on mailers in this election, they could have kept the mill open another year at least.  The money spent on that race is going to end up being staggering. 
  2. Like
    thetragichippy reacted to tvc184 in Conservatives vs Liberals!   
    How much are you charging Trump for rent? 
  3. Like
    thetragichippy reacted to tvc184 in Nikki Haley - What do you think so far?   
    1. Haley will almost certainly drop out of the race after Super Tuesday.
    Her statement that she’s in it for the long-haul has to be made and everyone in her position says the same thing. What else are they going to say, if you don’t vote for me this week I’m quitting? Such an admission by anyone might as well have throw in the towel at that moment. 
    2. No one has to justify their vote, why they vote or if they don’t vote at all. However… the next president will be a Democrat or a Republican. The Constitution guarantees it by about 99.9%. In that respect, a no vote, or a vote for someone in a third-party other than Democrat or Republican, is ridiculous vote. You could skip voting, write yourself in, you could put it in Mickey Mouse‘s name or vote for one of the dozen or more “third” parties. On a sidenote, I always find it interesting that they call a third party any one of many. “Yeah, I am going for that third party!”. Why not call it an alternate or protest party which is what it is. 
    But, no matter you’re justification to vote for whoever or skip voting altogether, nothing will change the fact that either a Republican or a democrat will be the next president.
    Voting for a president when one is guaranteed to be in office, is not like not shopping at Walmart or not buying a food that you don’t like. There are most things in our life that we can simply choose to avoid. Having a president is not an option unless you move out of the country.
    3. Anyone that thinks conservatives or Republicans are not going to vote for Trump at a 40% rate is in La La Land. TDS would be running strong. In 2016 he got 63 million votes and after all of his antics, increase to 74 million in 2020. I don’t know if he will increase that or if he will lose a percentage, but if he does, I don’t expect it to be much. I think Biden has shown that the 2020 election was a big mistake in the minds of many people.
  4. Like
    thetragichippy got a reaction from Reagan in Biden Admin Planted Operative Jeff DiSantis in Fani Willis’ Office to Target Trump!   
    I'm not sure it matters. The Georgia ethics comittee has opened an investigation. That along with the more likely than not perjury that occured, her and the entire team will be at minimum kicked off the case. If another prosecutor decides to go forward with the case, and not just drop it, he will have to start all over from what I have read......and that will be after election.   
  5. Haha
    thetragichippy reacted to SmashMouth in What do you think about the new signs in Port Arthur?   
    You said erect. 
  6. Haha
    thetragichippy reacted to tvc184 in What do you think about the new signs in Port Arthur?   
    With Port Arthur being sideways…. 
  7. Haha
    thetragichippy reacted to tvc184 in Trump Running in 2024   
    Bill ClInton
  8. Haha
    thetragichippy got a reaction from tvc184 in What do you think about the new signs in Port Arthur?   
    Don't hold back......lol
  9. Like
    thetragichippy reacted to Reagan in Trump ordered to pay over 300 million   
    Truckers Plan to Stop Shipments to NYC in Response to Political Hack Judge Engoron’s Ruling!

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    thetragichippy reacted to tvc184 in JoeBama's Plausible Future!   
    That brings up two points in my mind.
    1.  It kind of cancels the, “we can’t disregard a minority” if it’s obvious by the internal polls that Biden will poll better or for that matter, anyone else such as Gavin Newsom. 
    2. I think her demographics and gaining votes based on that cancels #1.
    Let’s face it, if it’s two old white guys running, many people will not be inspired and will stay home. If it is any kind of minority whether by race, sex, age, ethnicity, sexual preference status and so on, it can guarantee that a percentage of people who might not really care about voting will all of a sudden be galvanized to vote. It doesn’t have to be much to change the election.
    Remember that it doesn’t matter who is more popular, it matters who shows up on Election Day. 
  11. Like
    thetragichippy reacted to tvc184 in Democrats Spun JoeBama’s Classified Docs As ‘Six Items’ -- But Special Counsel Report Reveals It Was 300-Plus!   
    I have seen that spoken about briefly by some of the talking heads on the Dems side months ago but I don’t think it will be much of a deal. It would almost certainly lose the Dems some votes, which they can’t afford. 
    It won’t likely happen, but what would be even funnier (and stupid) would be to pick somebody like Newsom from California and then pick Harris again for VP like as a consolation. 
    OHHHH!!!! She good enough to be in line to be the President in an emergency … twice…  but she is not good enough to get the nomination?
    Can you imagine the outrage? 🤣🤣🤣
    They would be better dropping her all together, and just running with it.
    But….. It sure seems like a good bit of grumbling from inside the Democrat’s own camp which is practically unheard of. Maybe they will let Biden keep going but I have a hard time thinking they aren’t going to plug the holes in the ship and try to save it and I don’t think that Harris will be the savior. 
  12. Like
    thetragichippy reacted to BS Wildcats in JoeBama's Plausible Future!   
    But that black female thing
  13. Like
    thetragichippy reacted to bullets13 in I'm really sick of the lefty media pushing this narrative about the "border" bill that the house shot down   
    Every single article pushed by the leftist media right now is all about how republicans demanded a border bill, the senate negotiated a bipartisan bill, and then the house shot down the bill they demanded.  This take is so blatantly disingenuous that it gets my blood pressure up, and you all know I'm far from the most conservative guy around, and also not nearly as conservative as many of you when it comes to immigration. very few senate republicans supported that crap, so quit calling it a "bipartisan bill just because one republican was involved in negotiating it.  But more importantly, quit acting like any of the following parts of the bill truly benefit border security:
    1.  out of a $118.3B bill, only $20B would be used on border security.
    2. the new bill would negate border states' ability to challenge issues with border laws in their home states, instead having to do so in ultraliberal Washington DC in front of ultraliberal judges.  A better way of putting this is the bill would mean that border states could never challenge any aspects of the bill, because they would be guaranteed to lose.
    3. based on the number of illegal crossings required to trigger actual border security through the bill, up to 1.6M illegals would be allowed in unchallenged yearly.
    I mean, yeah, can't believe those crazy conservatives turned all this down, right?
  14. Like
    thetragichippy reacted to Separation Scientist in Parting Shot   
    The spectacle rolls on. He FORGOT when he was VP, he FORGOT Egypt and Mexico are two different countries, and...try to wrap your mind around this UT, he FORGOT when his son died. All in the same week.  
    I can't even imagine Biden in 2-3-4 years. If he "wins" again, the USA is done.  
  15. Like
    thetragichippy reacted to Separation Scientist in JoeBama's Plausible Future!   
    Trump will never win all 50 states. Ever. The evil, mentally ill people in places like NY, NJ, CA, IL, would literally vote for Osama Bin Laden, Saddam Hussain, or Kim Jong Un over Trump. Their derangement and hate for Trump is unlimited.  
  16. Like
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    thetragichippy reacted to SmashMouth in U.S. Navy Drops High School Diploma, GED Requirement for Recruits — What Could Possibly Go Wrong?   
    To be honest, I don’t have a big problem with it. You still have to make the score on a standardized test which means you have to be able read and reason. We aren’t talking Officer Candidates. We are talking about grunts who will be sacrificing their lives to protect us. I don’t see where a GED or equivalent is necessary in this instance. 
  18. Thanks
    thetragichippy got a reaction from Chester86 in Civil War trending on Twitter   
    I believe I've heard numbers of 3 million let in under Biden's term so far........
    We can't take care of our own homeless, yet we bring in 3 million
  19. Like
    thetragichippy got a reaction from bullets13 in Civil War trending on Twitter   
    The media is also misrepresenting that the SC ruled against Texas.....
    Media is stirring the pot as well. 
    I don't think Biden is that dumb. If he starts a conflict, I think he will end up on the wrong side of it.  
  20. Like
    thetragichippy reacted to tvc184 in Alec Baldwin   
    That is exactly what I was talking about.
    If he brought the revolver and bullets onto the set and then he grabbed the wrong one, he is likely guilty of killing someone with at least criminal negligence which is Criminally Negligent Homicide in Texas as an example. 
  21. Like
    thetragichippy reacted to Bobcat1 in E-bikes caused record deaths, fires last year in New York City   
    I loved them when I lived in Austin and now visit - It's a LOT easier to navagate and so much cheaper than having to pay to park your vehicle. 
  22. Like
    thetragichippy reacted to bullets13 in Trump Wins Iowa Caucus In Landslide!   
    It's interesting... a year ago it looked like DeSantis was going to be the heir apparent to Trump.  Then he got in his own way and started acting like Trump in a bid to win Trump fan support, and in doing so lost the support of everyone else.  It definitely appears at this point Trump is a shoo-in for the nomination.  Hopefully people are fed up enough with Biden to either vote for Trump or at least not show up to the polls.
  23. Like
    thetragichippy reacted to tvc184 in Trump vs state ballots   
    The Fourteenth Amendment which Colorado is referring to is within the jurisdiction of the US Supreme Court at required in Article III Sec. 1 & 2 of the Constitution. Insurrection is under federal law and the US Constitution and states have no such jurisdiction to enforce or interpret federal law.
    To deny any person the same privilege as anyone else (such as being on a ballot within established laws that apply to everyone) would in fact violate the Fourteenth Amendment in Section 1 where it says that everyone will be given due process and additionally “equal protection under the law “.
    So it appears that it is Colorado violating the Fourteenth Amendment, not Donald Trump.
  24. Like
    thetragichippy got a reaction from Bobcat1 in Trump vs state ballots   
    This was a gift to Trump. 
    It will be overturned by Supreme Court, plus it is forcing the other GOP candidates to talk about it being wrong and trump deserves to be on the ballot. 
    This is fun to watch
  25. Like
    thetragichippy reacted to tvc184 in Nikki Haley - What do you think so far?   
    I saw much made on some of the sporting and gun forms where the (rightfully imo) complained about Trump pushing for the bump stock ban as part of the definition of a machinegun. The Fifth Circuit I believe has thrown out that ban saying that the ATF did not apply with the actual law on the definition of a machinegun. I agree but that’s not the point.
    Many people complained that Trump backed up the ban, expanding the definition of a machinegun, so maybe…. they look to the other party??? Okay, you disagree with Trump on that issue. But let’s look at the score for like minded conservatives.
    Border wall and heavy enforcement of the current laws:
    Trump - Yes
    Biden - No
    Cutting taxes by signing tax cut legislation:
    Trump - Yes
    Biden - No
    Opening up oil exploration:
    Trump - Yes
    Biden - No
    Backing Second Amendment and written definition of machinegun:
    Trump - No
    Biden - No
    So where do like thinking people turn because we don’t agree with Trump on one issue however, the other guy would do the same on the same issue?
    Trump vs. Biden on strong conservative beliefs:
    Trump: Yes-Yes-Yes-No
    Biden; No-No-No-No
    Any questions on the lesser of evils?
    Do you cut off your nose to spite your face?
    Let’s replace Trump’s name with Haley. Does it really change your beliefs, assuming you agree with the above? Whether a person likes Trump, Haley, DeSantis, etc., is Biden ever the answer if your conservative leaning candidate didn’t get the nomination? 
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