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Everything posted by thetragichippy

  1. We are a representative democracy, not a mob. The electoral collage was to avoid mob rule and have each state fairly represented. If Presidents won on popular votes, why would they go to small states to campaign when all they had to do was win 3-4 large states? The system is working like it was designed.
  2. His statement about the indictment of Trump just ended his run before it started......No one will win the Republican nomination without Trumps base.....the math just does not work......
  3. Dude, first it's 2016.....Popular vote has no bearing......but if you want to discuss it, He lost the total popular vote by 2.8 million in 2016......but he lost Cali by 4.2 million and New York by 1.8 million. That is why we have the Electoral college, so 1 or 2 states don't decide the President for all 50 states.......What you should pay attention to is Hillary only won 17 states......... Something else odd...in 2020 he gained 2 million votes in Cali versus 2016.....but again, popular vote means nothing....and I'm glad
  4. Yea.....I'm not mad for sure. You think Abbott will have any luck getting property tax lowered?
  5. Sounds like it to me...... I'm still paying the $7.50, except now, no service is provided
  6. If we are being honest, I don't wear my life jacket 100% of the time in either of my boats personally, and I know I should at minimum under way, but anyone under the age of 18 does in my boats. What I find incredibly odd is the life jacket regulations. When you get stopped they ask to see life jackets, sure let me get them, they are under the deck, and the deck is locked, let me get my key, here ya go! Game Warden, thank you......about the same with every safety device. I do keep my life jackets out in case I do need them.
  7. This teen (14 yo) has not been found and the search continues as far as I know. As a Father I cannot imagine what the parents are going through.... For the rest of us, this is a slap in the face reminder to be safe on the water. I was able to drive a 12' boat with a 5.5 Johnson by myself, unsupervised at 10 years old.....but Dad had been training me since I was 5. The most enforced rule was never step in that boat without my life jacket on. If I left it in the boat for some reason, I was wading in the water to get the life jacket out of the boat. He caught me in that boat without a life jacket, I was done for the summer. Train your kids to wear that life jacket at a minimum of when the boat is under power. I hate reading these type post. [Hidden Content]
  8. She stands for the Anthem now.....lol
  9. RIP Hagar, I really enjoyed reading his post. He will be missed by all.
  10. Just like there was no treason or Russia collusion in the Mueller investigation. What the Durham report proved is Obama and Biden were briefed that Hillary was planning the Russian collusion narrative.....and did nothing to stop it. There is a video of Obama stating he was never briefed in any CIA or FBI investigations.....Then goes on to talk about a hard line separating powers.....so, he lied. Lying is not criminal.... but he was certainly involved in trying to sway an election......you know, the thing Democrats accused Republicans of..... If you care to watch the video of Obama making those statements, it is up on Waters World.
  11. As a person with a concealed carry license it scares the heck out of me I did not know this. Legal to gift, legal to purchase as a private sale, but illegal to buy for a relative or friend( I get it, you actually lie on the application). Makes me wonder what other felonies I could unknowingly commit......
  12. 21 for long rifles that have a detachable magazine.....so semi-auto 12 gauges will still be legal. Here is my thought process. I don't think the act of making someone's first choice illegal will stop them from choice 2 or choice 3 if they are going to commit mass murder. The next shooting where someone uses a couple sawed off 12 gauges in a confined area may change the weapon of choice for multiple shootings. People that commited won't let a law stand in their way. I don't have a answer, I wish I did, I just think these "feel good" laws hurt more than they help.
  13. When I was young the almost weekly visit to Hi/Lo Auto parts with my Dad was always fun. My Dad would bring in a part, and the sales clerk would almost guess what it came off of. I remember bringing in bolts, belts and hoses and the clerk would walk in the back and try and match parts. As I look back, it was simply excellent customer service. The other benefit of going as a kid was to check out the Hot Rods that most of he employees drove to work or possibly worked on during their breaks,,,,,lol Now, The reason for my post. I have an old homemade boat trailer with older style leaf springs. Where they mount to the trailer requires a rubber bushing. It's a very simple bushing....All three auto parts stores had no clue what is was when I put it on the counter. Once I explained it was off a homemade trailer and what is was, one clerk looked me dead in the eyes and asked me for the model and year of my trailer....... So I guess I'm old enough to remember when people that worked in auto parts stores actually knew auto parts. If you are wondering why brick and mortar is a dying sales model, I found everything I needed online with free shipping, I just didn't want to wait the 2 days.......
  14. As TVC stated, I cannot think of a more horrible crime....... Yet, many, and I mean many, on twitter are demonizing Greg Abbott for calling the suspect an "illegal alien"..... SMH
  15. Posting is optional if you don't like the rules. We also allow general calls outs "libtards" and even "magtards".....you went directly to him......just chill with those type remarks and you will be fine......
  16. Why should he report something that is not required? Let alone never been a issue until now.
  17. I hear ya. Silsbee will still be about a 30 minute for me and 45 for the wife, but it's worth it to live on the creek.
  18. I sold my home in Lumberton last year and moved back to my childhood home in Port Arthur. The area I live has no apartments/a street over from "Groves" so the crime seems to be a non-issue. With that said, can't wait to build our house in Silsbee on the 3 acres we bought.
  19. Also, when politics causes Police officers to lose the "respect" or even "fear" factor they once had, it's dangerous and I think in some cities we are seeing the results.
  20. IMO it comes down to policies, politics and policing. Over the last 30 years. I moved from Port Arthur, to Port Neches to Lumberton and back to Port Arthur. Look at the crime statistics. 1. You will not get away with speeding in Lumberton (I have the tickets to prove it) 2. The same goes for Port Neches. It appears Port Arthur does not have the police presence these other cities have. They may not have the funding or maybe can't find recruits. All I know is I very seldom see a PA patrol car when I'm out and about. TVC?
  21. Perry just announced he would pardon if boRd approves….told them to expedite it.
  22. TVC, have you been following this? [Hidden Content]
  23. Biden cannot pardon State crimes.....
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