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Everything posted by thetragichippy

  1. While I don't agree with it, my Son would be a fool not to say good buy to his $14,000 in student loans. If he only gets 10K, I'll throw in the other 4K ......
  2. Maybe those Indian Chiefs could provide the funds it would take to change everything to something else, starting with the turf and signage at the stadium.
  3. I can't even imagine being shot at......
  4. You realize parts of Hutchinson's testimony was already debunked before she got off the stand right? It didn't happen......but you will go to your deathbed believing it...
  5. IF they used voice control (NO).....there would be no need for birth control.....lol
  6. So what you are saying is The majority of States (people) want it illegal or heavily regulated
  7. Well you know this did not make abortions illegal right? The states can make that decision. Just like weed is illegal except where it is not. If I wanted to smoke weed legally, there are states that allow it
  8. I remember when Texas passed concealed carry it was going to be the wild wild west all over again....... Now we have open carry and still no wild wild west........... Maybe we are not giving enough credit to personal responsibility.....maybe, just maybe, other means of birth control will be used......
  9. Honestly ,,,,no idea. Trump has had a good week for the conservatives. Two supreme court rulings one could arguably say was due to Trumps Justice picks. This is landmark huge rulings that I'm sure he will run on. I'm not sure Desantis can beat trump in the primary. Trump is going to have more money than Desantis....and that matters. But, like my first statement.......no idea lol
  10. I would rather see Desantis.....but if Trump gets the nomination.....I'm not voting for the Democrat..... I don't think Trump's ego will let him not run......
  11. and how does that effect you? If they paid the same percent as you, how would that better your financial position?
  12. A great democratic talking point, but explain how the rich screw you? How exactly does Bill Gates or Elon Musk for example screw you? I must be living the good life, because I’ve never been screwed by a rich guy…..
  13. R’s are taking over this November when they take back house and senate…..and if Biden don’t sign bills sent to him, they will peg him as the obstructionist….setting up a clear win in 2024
  14. There are some things not adding up. When the media reported leaked video I was thinking here we go.....but the "leaked video" is a picture, not a video. So, I went to the Cop youtuber that TVC provided a link to a few weeks ago and sure enough, he had a video about it. The thing that stood out to me was the cop behind the shield that was leaned against the wall. That is not how you use one of those things. So with that information, I find it hard to believe that no one tried the lock......I think it is more cop bashing
  15. Seems like a lot of resources for one vehicle if something minor
  16. As long as a republican wins, I don’t really care
  17. I agree we need to do something for our schools, but something that will work, not something that will give us a false sense of accomplishment. 7 of 10 school shootings the shooters have been under 18, and obviously didn’t purchase the guns legally. It goes back to TVC and his point about removing semi-auto rifles only affecting 2% (from memory I may be off a little) of gun deaths. To me, arming teachers and improving school security is the most logical and effective answer.
  18. Not sure. I thought if a juvenile committed a “crime” , terroristic threat as you say, they were put in the system. TVC will know….. I still think it’s too much control going after school records
  19. Revision….. I experienced it in my recent Statue of Liberty tour…..
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