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Everything posted by thetragichippy

  1. I would be interested to hear TVC’s thought on that, but to me, making yourself a target is heroic, but if you end up dead, you have not helped anyone. Throw in the possibility of setting off the shooter more, you may have made things worse……🤷🏻‍♂️
  2. Karate Kid II for example or that New Ghost Busters with completely different characters
  3. Off topic kinda, but one of the most disappointing sequels was JAWS II........
  4. From what I have read 10% of the population of the United States owned slaves….and majority in the south. I’ve always wondered how that small amount of people(compared to 90% of population) built America……
  5. Surely a media person has asked where he got the money….I mean if it was loaned to him, another person to apply blame…..weird it has not been verified
  6. That is a GREAT example of how nuts the anti-gun folks are
  8. It's not school shootings,,,,,I bet if you looked at the demographic it's crime/gang and drug violence......and probably isolated to a few major cities with outrageous crime stats.... from your article: "Nearly two-thirds of youth firearm deaths were from homicides. Strikingly, Black youth had an unprecedented 40 percent increase in firearm fatalities between 2019 to 2020."
  9. I could not agree more. You were absolutely the most engaged member of this board and helped me numerous times. Like TVC stated, you ARE SETXSPORTS and will be missed in your role. Hopefully you will continue to post. Sorry I'm late to the party, just came across this post.
  10. 1. When was an assault weapon used? 2. What does the NRA have to do with school shootings?
  11. Getting sued does not make it illegal. Unless there is a law, it is not illegal. It is my God given right in a free country to buy whatever I want that is legal......even if I shouldn't. Boats are a great example. I see guys doing 70 over stumps at Toledo and Rayburn and the only reason I was not fishing them out is luck and water level. Taking away rights of some Americans to make it difficult for other Americans to harm people is not how this country was set up and won't work.
  12. People are blaming Abbott for laws that were passed in 1927…..smh
  13. LUMBERTON has some armed teachers since 2019
  15. Was debating someone on another page….I did a little research 1970 to 2022 school shooting stats Most is California with 164 Second is Texas at 135 The fewest is North Dakota with 1 cali with strict laws, while Texas and ND have almost the same laws…… The difference I see is population……thoughts?
  16. Here goes that slippery slope......Remember when the media AND the White House decided the Hunter Biden laptop was disinformation? So much so, the DOJ ignored it......or what about the Russian Collusion that has now been proven false.....This is the same thing that could happen to your gun rights if you want the Government interrupting your social media. The Biden admin would red flag every Republican that thinks the election was rigged or that protested at the Capitol........
  17. It’s a right……would you want to make it harder to speak freely? I get the outrage and cannot imagine what the parents are going through, but restricting my rights to own or purchase a gun will not prevent someone else from killing if that is their plan.
  18. I agree mostly The red flag laws are a slippery slope IMO.....
  19. What is your solution? As TVC has pointed out, anyone that has time to plan can kill......
  20. The blame should go to the person pulling the trigger. I was in New York last week and on the way home I was talking with the family about how safe the subway was. Everybody was extremely friendlyThe blame should go to the person pulling the trigger. I was in New York last week and on the way home I was talking with the family about how safe the subway to work. Everyone we met was extremely friendly. A few days ago a person was randomly shot and killed in a subway train unprovoked according to the media. New York is one of the strictest gun law states in the country….more laws are not going to work…..blame the person
  21. The left seems to be going straight to gun control and passing laws before letting the parents mourn. I hope I’m wrong but it’s almost like they didn’t get enough traction on Roe versus Wade, they are going to attempt to capitalize on this tragedy
  22. Isis Crossing Southern Border….Anyone Surprised? [Hidden Content]
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