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Everything posted by thetragichippy

  1. Seems like a lot of resources for one vehicle if something minor
  2. As long as a republican wins, I don’t really care
  3. I agree we need to do something for our schools, but something that will work, not something that will give us a false sense of accomplishment. 7 of 10 school shootings the shooters have been under 18, and obviously didn’t purchase the guns legally. It goes back to TVC and his point about removing semi-auto rifles only affecting 2% (from memory I may be off a little) of gun deaths. To me, arming teachers and improving school security is the most logical and effective answer.
  4. Not sure. I thought if a juvenile committed a “crime” , terroristic threat as you say, they were put in the system. TVC will know….. I still think it’s too much control going after school records
  5. Revision….. I experienced it in my recent Statue of Liberty tour…..
  6. This dude is an idiot…… The outline of the new Senate bill has “enhanced” background checks which targets 18-21 year olds….they want to go back to school records….can you imagine getting denied a legal purchase because you were in a fight your freshman year?? STUPID
  7. you have nothing specific.....and that's cool to have your opinion based on feelings
  8. That is all you have? Trump was mean and wanted to be a dictator? So you have nothing Trump actually did or said….
  9. Democrats always seem to say Republicans are destroying democracy……by using their constitutional right to vote their choice🤦🏻‍♂️ so, perhaps you could give some examples of why you feel republicans want a Dictatorship…….
  10. Go try and correct them and you will be hung from a cross…..these people let emotion rule….although had that been my daughter…..
  11. Did he shoot them through the drive thru or something?
  12. You should be BIG MAD at the Biden Congress, Senate, White House and DOJ…..it’s all in Democratic control and Trump has not had one indictment….not one……oh, “you can’t indict a sitting President”……welp, he’s not sitting🤷🏻‍♂️ All you’re going to get is more political theater on Jan 6th stuff in hopes of getting the Democratic base motivated to stop the bleeding of the mid-term elections…..which is looking like a blood bath for the Democrats
  13. Careful.....those people are mean.....
  14. That is exactly what a determined individual will do to complete their task. TVC can fact check me, but I believe all of these mass shootings were planned and thought out, not just an impulse decision. People will find a way to commit their crime.
  15. You can't be serious...... Have you been on twitter? They are trashing him, calling him anti LBGTQ because he signed the bill that won't allow transgender talk to 1st graders and below......
  16. Lumberton has had it for 3 or 4 years......no issues
  17. What I don’t understand is why we are letting the media run a narrative with no consequence. You would think rating would play a factor (look at Fox versus everyone else), but they seem to have doubled down. I really thought they were off the bad cop thing and now this…..really sad times.
  18. It did not seem as long as it was. Good info. What the media failed to report on was the steel door and much effort it would take to open it. I knew a steel door is tough to break into, but never though about the way it opened. Thanks for sharing
  19. I would be interested to hear TVC’s thought on that, but to me, making yourself a target is heroic, but if you end up dead, you have not helped anyone. Throw in the possibility of setting off the shooter more, you may have made things worse……🤷🏻‍♂️
  20. Karate Kid II for example or that New Ghost Busters with completely different characters
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