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Everything posted by thetragichippy

  1. I’m watching 18 Thirteen or Kevin Steele….on Facebook.
  2. I would say kinda the same. The outrage of an adult Man fooling around with a 12 year old girl is much different than an adult woman fooling around with a 12 year old boy. Her Facebook is still up (yea, I as curious) and apparently she has a Son about that same age......NOT a good look.
  3. On that same FB thread I sarcastically said the cop should of shot the manchette out of his hand or shot his thumbs off.......A few liked it and one commented thinking I was serious.......THAT is the state of our nation....lol
  4. And we still get the comments they should of wounded him........He was frail...... I know plenty of 60 year old's that are FAR from frail....
  5. Depends........If he is dishonest and lied about paying for the abortion, is it all that shocking that a Man would lie about relationships with women? If we had to exclude men who cheated on their wives or lied to their girlfriends, how big a pool do you think we would have? I will admit that dang near EVERY bad decision I have made has usually been around a woman or alcohol or BOTH!
  6. Did he admit to it? Last I heard a woman with no name and a card with possibly his signature. Even so, I don't think this will effect him. People vote on who represents what they would vote, you know, a representative. I would not vote for Beto for Governor if he walked on water and never sinned in his life......if he was for red flag laws and banning semi automatic rifles....
  7. Question, if he shot at officer and went inside, than came back out with gun in hand, but maybe not pointed at officer (from what I read and assumed from article), is the officer justified in shooting him since he previously shot at him? My thoughts would be I'm not waiting on you to shoot at me again..
  8. This is really no different than what hospitals around here do with patients who come in pregnant with no insurance. If they have time they pay an ambulance to ship them to Galveston to the charity hospital. Cheaper for the hospital to pay an ambulance bill than to deliver the baby.
  9. I agree with you, but I think the Media will start attacking Desantis just like they did Trump.....maybe not as harsh, but that is what they do. I also agree he won't run against Trump if Trump runs, and while I would like to see another 4 years of Trump as President, all odds say he won't win. HE has to run against his opponent AND the media.
  10. A media site that posted a link directly from Obama.org.......
  11. So how about I take the link out of PJ's media and post it right here. You will see it is directly from Obama.org...... so stop attacking the source.....the source is OBAMA.ORG.....lmao Item #7 is getting all the attention [Hidden Content]
  12. It was actually from PJ media......problem is, the mainstream media will not cover this especially before mid-terms......Remember when Hunter's laptop was Russian disinformation...only to find out after mid-terms it was not? Remember the disgraced 52 CIA agents that signed a letter that had all the signs of Russian disinformation.......they were wrong too So, I would not be too picky on where you prefer your news from
  13. Correct me if I'm wrong, but don't you have to have a victim in a civil case? If trump did in fact say I think my property is worth 20 million, gets a loan based on that amount and pays it off, I don't see a victim. I see a bank that made interest off of a 20 million loan. Also, banks don't take customers words on value....if you purchase a house, you, the customer pay for an appraisal, typically up front and it is not rolled in closing. And commercial appraisals are based on size.....they can run into the thousands of dollars.... I hope they throw out this case
  14. Man this topic took all kinds of twist and turns since original post..... 1. Parents involved in school is never a bad idea. You can have one group wanting to change the name of the school and one group wanting to fly the confederate flag(since someone brought that up).......neither is illegal and both are concerned parents...... 2. I visited Cooter's Garage in Nashville(Dukes of Hazard museum)....You can still purchase confederate Facemasks, flags, shirts, pens....just about anything you want......Not sure why people get upset about that. 3. Trump because someone can't not mention him in any post......7 years and no criminal charges....the most investigated person I have ever kept up with.....yet they can't seem to charge him. I think this is all about the mid-terms and 2024.....
  15. I agree.....while I hate to make this political (as I make this political...), when the current administration basically calls concerned parents showing up at school board meetings domestic terrorist.....it basically takes parenting out of the schools.....
  16. Stop comparing PPP loans(the CARES act APPROVED by a Democratic house and Republican Senate) that Trump signed versus an EXECUTIVE ORDER that ONE MAN(Biden) is taking billions of your tax dollars and spending it on what he thinks is best......that is not how the Government is supposed to work.....just sayin.....
  17. Anyone who wishes to camp on private property has a 48-hour period to which they can apply for a city permit with the Lumberton Police Department. TVC......Wouldn't this be simple trespassing? I'm curious what they mean by private property. How could the city issue a permit for private property? Did I read this wrong? Sorry, not sure why text so large
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