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Everything posted by thetragichippy

  1. Think I'm going to quit my job tomorrow so I can keep up with this thread! ;D
  2. If there was prizes or money involved, it would be fairly easy to be a big event. Not so much to start but if you start getting enough entries, sponsers start coming in. I'm in fresh or salt. There are several areas local that support both fresh and salt. Need to decide approximately when......spawning season is getting close.......and I'm all over that at the lakes.
  3. Lets see why would a school teacher in Houston care about our transportation issue? Well anyway atleast your not one of those very out of touch with reality and very USELESS board members! I don't think that anyone argues that WOS is one of the few schools that gets bussed from activities, but we are saying that this is a need here and has been a need for some time! Whose fault is it that these kids aren't prepared to take these tests? How many times have some of these campuses been unacceptable? What personnel changes have been made at these unacceptable campuses? Who is held accountable? What is going on here has very little to do with anthing else but a few childlike board members with personal issues with certain people in the district and they are using what LITTLE power they have to get back at these people! wosUTRICEalum, It does bother me that you don't think a parent should be concerned about the safety of their child and only the education. Lets see here you call yourself wosUTRICEalum, I think one of our board members is a UT and RICE alum! I will say this wosUTRICEalum you are a I do think that you should be thankful that you are teaching in Houston and not one of those Pathetic people that call themselves caring about the future of our kids and district! Lets see isn't it the duty of a board member to keep the district out of debt? How did WOS get to be all the sudden get in 2.8 million dollars of debt? Who is responsible for that? Who is being held accountable? You can't blame everything on the kids or Coach Hooks! As a matter of fact if Coach Hooks would have only won 30% of his games like some of WOS schools passing 30% of the TAKS, then he would be fired! Who is held accountable by these genius board members? wosUTRICEalum just remember this, what happens in the dark will come to the light! Coop thinks it is the best post. Can't be with the accusation of this poster being a board member. wosUTRICEalum works for the Galena Park school district, this is fact. THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THIS POST!!! There are intelligent people who post on here. Thats a nice way of calling everyone else STUPID! >
  4. Honestly, name a school or any job that does not have politics involved??
  5. That's new? How else do you deal with problems? I don't think I needed the president for that one. I thought Obama preached "Spreading The Wealth". With that logic maybe another richer school district could provide transportation ;D
  6. I don't think the "walking home" part is a good argument. This subject made Gresham live last night on KLVI. Although I didn't get to hear all of it, the folks that I did hear call in were not sympathetic because no other school districts provide this service. Most callers were putting the responsibility on the parents, which is hard not to disagree with. The best argument I can come up with is it was taken away without input from the community. Also, from one of TD's post, when asking the community to support the new bond, it was not mentioned they would also be cutting the buss program.
  7. Yes, I can read (and pretty well I might add) and I can also speak calmly. Speaking in caps is yelling on a forum. So, don't yell.....discuss
  8. It's not their fault? Who runs the budget? If academics are such a priority then why have we been low performing for so long? We do nothing to change this but talk about how it needs to change. No change in administration at the schools that are low performing. The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and over again and expecting different results. You can write in caps all you want to it doesn't change my oipinion or make yours any more meaningful. I agree that athletics (we are talking about all UIL activities) are a bonus at a school. But drop athletics at WOS and the other UIL activities and see how many kids you have enrolled at WOS. No need to get angry. If you are an adult you should be able to disagree about something yet still be civil. ;D TD and I have had our discussions on this. When I started posting on this thread I believed and still do that the parents need to step in. What I have learned from LISTENING is that some communities are different. The thing that has shifted my opionion the most is the way the school board has handled this. I believe they were feeding information as THEY felt was needed versus putting it all out there at one time. This gave the community not enough information to make a decision about the bond that was passed. lastly and to TD's point................."why ya want to get all angry"????? This is a discussion.
  9. I would think if there is a curfew in effect, the school would have to have events within the legal time for the kids to be out. Can you imagine having a dance that ends at midnight and kids that live near the school being arrested as they walk home?
  10. This is really not a lesson to teach your kids, but if all the students effected got sick the rest of the week and couldn't make class.............I'm pretty sure they get money for attendance. just a thought >
  11. I really thought this would go the other way..........How many citizens showed up?
  12. OK, your starting to sound like some people from another school district! Some people want to see the list and according to law, they have to provide it. It's as simple as that. I would like to see it to see what choices the school has. I have no "hidden agenda" nor do I want to "blast" people in public. There hasn't been discussions, it's been an all out war against PNG because of media people on here. I mean look at how many threads have been made over this. It's ridiculous, and Coop slipping in enterprise stuff about giving them heck, they desrve it. What's up with that. I can't remember the last time that ya'll bashed another school this bad on a topic. It's insane. This is a public forum and if something is posted on it expect some opinion's. This forum is for discussion. That's what makes America Great!! P.S. I even get along with TD! Lumberton got bashed pretty bad in the youth forum a few months ago. WO-S is always getting bashed. Don't loose any sleep over it!
  13. OK, your starting to sound like some people from another school district! Some people want to see the list and according to law, they have to provide it. It's as simple as that. I would like to see it to see what choices the school has. I have no "hidden agenda" nor do I want to "blast" people in public. This is a public forum and if something is posted on it expect some opinion's. This forum is for discussion. That's what makes America Great!! P.S. I even get along with TD!
  14. They don't bus over there either. I was not intending that statement as a result of the busing, but as a result of the taks issue! I GAURANTEE you can't find five school districts in the entire state that have this requirement! I don't think you can find one. Someone looked into it and unless they are wrong it's unconstitutional. Unconstitutional to set school policy? I'm only passing along information. That was the opinion. We didn't just get the information from a guy off the street either. Some policies are made by people that are in higher positions than the school board. TD, I've googled all morning and cannot find anywhere that states anything unconstitutional about TAKS testing and UIL competition. I know people think this is a non-issue, but why would the board bring this up if not serious? Are they that ignorant to know it would add insult to injury after the buss ordeal? It was an idea that came from a board member. An email was sent to the Super and other board members making the TAKS statement. This is the same guy that stated in the last board meeting, that "maybe we should just do away with athletics completely at WOS". The guy said this in a room full of people that were there to support athletics. Why? I wish I knew. Why the email? I wish I knew. Maybe the guy used unconstitutional as a figure of speech. I'm not real sure. I took it for what I was told. I really think it's a non issue. All I know is the squeaky wheel gets the grease. If your squeaking then you better make sure your "house" is in order. I'm not real sure what are why all of this is taking place. I know our budget is over 23 million and we have spent more than $25000 worth of time on this subject. Good Luck my friend! Coaching my sons basketball team tonight or I would be there! Hopefully the media and everyone in WO-S will be there to support the kids.
  15. wow, all that and not even a copy and paste. thanks for your dedication jackhammer. I now realize there is a clock ticking. Reminds me of an old STYX song...........anyone remember it?
  16. They don't bus over there either. I was not intending that statement as a result of the busing, but as a result of the taks issue! I GAURANTEE you can't find five school districts in the entire state that have this requirement! I don't think you can find one. Someone looked into it and unless they are wrong it's unconstitutional. Unconstitutional to set school policy? I'm only passing along information. That was the opinion. We didn't just get the information from a guy off the street either. Some policies are made by people that are in higher positions than the school board. TD, I've googled all morning and cannot find anywhere that states anything unconstitutional about TAKS testing and UIL competition. I know people think this is a non-issue, but why would the board bring this up if not serious? Are they that ignorant to know it would add insult to injury after the buss ordeal?
  17. Now the passing of TAKS to play a sport????? Some of these kids are beating their brains out to pass math or science as it is now. Some seniors come down to their last chance in April or take the test in the Summer to finally get their diploma. The TAKS is bad enough as it is now. Don't punish a kid because he can't pass the math portion of the TAKS. It is bad enough they can't get a diploma without the TAKS. Respectfully, shouldn't there be some sort of academic assessment for graduation? We did not have TAKS when I graduated, but we had to achieve certain credits to graduate. I hated Chemistry and to this date do not know how I passed. But if the kids are having to beat their brains out to pass math or science, maybe that extra time in sports should be applied to studying. :-\
  18. So if I get this straight, currently, if you maintain a "c" average during school you can participate in extracurricular activities. At the end of the year if you fail the TAKS test, you repeat the same grade. While repeating the same grade if you maintain a "c" average you can participate in extracurricular activities. If they make them have to pass TAKS, that means the student could be out an entire year. Do other Districts already have this in place?
  19. Well, never intended to attack you. Just calling out points as I see them. I'm not getting defensive, just backing up my post when needed. Profiling is a different subject that I would not dare bring up here. Honestly, I think there may (and I'm using may VERY conservatively) be a few out there that are haters of WO-S. But at the end of the day, I think that 99.9% of the community wants to see every school district be successful. Don't let one or two people get ya down. If the buses don't run..........WO-S will figure out a way to be successful. I have no doubt! It may be tough, but it will all come together.
  20. Where do I start.......First, this is a public forum, so if you want to speak to one poster you have two options.....email or private message. If you choose to post on the PUBLIC forum you open yourself up to replies to your post. Second......I guess because I have seen "Hater" so many times from WO-S concerning this buss program it kinda sticks in your head. Then I see two post saying the same thing.........I would of apologized BUT see my third comment. Third......You stated, "But your reaction to a post that was not directed to you leaves little doubt as to where you stand". Where I stand?? Why do you think I'm taking sides? Is it because I'm a "hater"? I hope not because that might put you in that bucket I was talking about earlier. Finally.........I stated very clearly in all my post that I hope the program continues. It's for a few reasons. The main is the kids. The second reason is I don't want to hear excuses if you guys loose a game next year :) .
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