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Everything posted by thetragichippy

  1. TJ was awesome. Look at the history of all their sports! They started screwing up when they changed the name! >
  2. I will agree that it should be more but I always wonder when people speak of the money vs the risk. I don't think the risk compared to pay is the problem. It is pay period with the risk almost meaningless in my opinion. What it be worth the risk for $45,000? $55,000? How many people would say that they don't want to risk dying for $35,000 but will be more than happy to risk dying for $55,000? After four years the game wardens are making about $50,000 per year. For the people that don't want the risk (and I truly understand that), the pay would seem to me to be a non-issue. I think a person that wants in law enforcement is more than willing to accept the risk at any cost but can't raise a family comfortably on $35,000. The risk isn't the issue. Paying the bills is. I actually may agree with you. In the 80's I worked for an ambulance service making $4.25 per hour. I LOVED that job. However, during my 8 years I risked my life several times. More than once I showed up at the scene of a murder(shootings or stabbings) only to find the suspect still there. Just an example of some of the risk/situations we were put in, and believe me, there were many more. My "reason" for leaving was risk versus pay. After reading your comments, I guess it was just pay. If they would have doubled my salary I would of probably stayed. Good post TVC184!!
  3. sounds good to me.........as long as I can run to Buck Bay 8)
  4. Why exactly are you posting to this forum? You say you are educated, but making a blind comment about a kid you don't know is stupid. And as was said before,........Diamond, congratulations on your kids' acheivements...
  5. I thought this was a sports forum, my mistake! My kid makes good grades and enjoys sports. I guess he can walk and chew gum!
  6. the hardest thing to accept for some of us is to watch kids leave their hometown team and go play for another district The kids should listen to the coach..... and the parents(if they want to talk to the coach) should do so in private without the kids knowledge. I think it's a life lesson with the kids. If he or she is not playing enough, the kid should ask why, correct, and perfrom well enough that the coach notices and the kid EARNS the spot..........IMO
  7. I thought about applying years(and I mean YEARS ago), but the money was not worth the risk. Think about it, most people you talk to have a gun! The risk doesn't change with a pay increase. Does more money make it worth the risk? Yes............To risk your life making $35,000?? For some people that is their calling, for me I want to see my kids when I get home. Don't get me wrong, I respect what they do just don't like the pay scale versus the job description.
  8. When is this going to happen?? I would be happy to help............
  9. I'm always up for a tourney salt or fresh........ Send me a private if you want to hook up. I have boat as well.
  10. I thought about applying years(and I mean YEARS ago), but the money was not worth the risk. Think about it, most people you talk to have a gun!
  11. Well, due to conflicting commitments I could not make it out :'( So, I will try it again this wekend. Thinkin about making a toledo trip.......... 8)
  12. For all the "STUFF" they have to put up with, should be paid much more. Game Warden Cadet, $2,914/month, Entrance Salary Game Warden I, $3,183/month, Completion of Training Academy Game Warden I, $3,758/month, One year after graduation Game Warden II, $4,076/month, Four years after graduation Game Warden III, $4,389/month, Eight years after graduation Game Warden IV, $4,593/month, Twelve years after graduation Game Warden V, $4,811/month, Sixteen years after graduation Game Warden VI, $4,811/month, Twenty years after graduation Stipend for education or certification: $50 - $150/month Stipend for second language: $50/month
  13. Thanks man.......not sure I feel like getting wet.......we will see
  14. Judy, I agreed with the beginning of your post until you spoke of what we should and should not post. I'm not sure who you are but we can post anything we like as long as it is within the guidelines of this forum. I could also care less that the school administrators are viewing my post.
  15. When I was 18 (1984) I received a DWI. I was on probation for 2 years. Back then DWI was not as big a deal as it is now. I had to report once per month to probation officer and spend about 30 minutes with him. I could not go to bars, have a gun, etc...... It took away a lot of freedoms you take for granted. I learned my lesson and stayed out of trouble to date. Hopefully he will realize that 5 minutes of fun can screw up many years of your life.
  16. If my son did something stupid off school grounds, I would not want the school to take action against my child. That would be my responsibility! I hold my kid to a higher standard than the school district. IMO, the school district is there to teach my kid, but I am here to RAISE my kid. There is a difference.
  17. Good Luck Jefferson..............Keep your head up and your bottom out of trouble!
  18. Hey Yankee, Thanks Yankee.........will give it a try Sunday if the weather cooperates.........Your right about the flounder, thats what I like!
  19. They should be in the water. Thanks for the tip. When I launch in sabine pass on sunday, I'll make sure it's in the water. 8)
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