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Everything posted by thetragichippy

  1. I kinda agree. I thought the reason for the tourney was to get a chance to meet everyone, outfish them and talk trash! ;D ;D
  2. BULLETS13, send me a PM so I can send you one. Did not see an option near your name.
  3. I have fished enough of them I am sure I could figure it out. If I could get some help I would be happy to get this going. The first thing is to is advertise this in the forum and get some commitments. Then we could figure out an entry fee and prizes. I bet with some help we could get some local companies to sponsor some giveaways.....
  4. tvc I can always count on you to point out the obvious! ;D ;D I'm too scared to bring my boat over what I know was metal boat pieces..........there are two barges still there and I have caught some fish!
  5. As mainly a Bass Fisherman, saltwater has always been difficult for me. A few years ago, before Rita I decided to really try saltwater fishing. I went out one day from Sabine Pass and spent most of the day trying locations I had heard were productive but with no luck. When I was just about to call it quits, I was coming back to the boat ramp and noticed some sunken shrimp boats 200 yards from the ramp. I started to fish next to the wrecks and came home with 10 flounder. Went out 4 days later with a buddy and fished the wrecks and came home with 20 flounder. It was so easy I would tie off to the wrecks and leave my boat and walk the top of the wrecks fishing vertical right next to the boat I was on. I did this until I had 60 flounder in my freezer and everyone who went with me had their limits. This was over about 4 trips. What I found was the fish only would bite 2 hours after an incoming tide. If I missed the tide, I would not catch anything. Before I figured it out I would fish for 2 and 3 hours without a bite. Then a couple hours after the tide would go out I would start catching them in the same place I had been for 3 hours. So a moving tide is the key to catching fish in salt water! Since Rita and Ike, the shrimp boat wrecks are gone.
  6. Its always been hit and miss for me there. When I do go down there I try to fish the GSU canal. Sometimes you can catch it right.
  7. I have not heard. If you dint do anygood there, try Texas bayou. You go down 87 past the 4 way stop in Sabine pass. At the dead end, turn right and go to the bridge. A few years ago, I caught 17 specs in 15 minutes.
  8. Noodles are mainly for catfish......I think. Depending on the creek flow, you may be chasing them down the creek. Lizards or worms work well on spawning beds, but you would have to find them. Your best bet (IMO) would be to go along the bank and cuts with a white 1/4 ounce spinner bait. Work the banks that have small cuts and creeks or drains around. You should do well. Also, the bends (were the creek turns) are usually deeper water, so fish the bank around there. Bass like deep water available to run for safety. Good luck and let us know!
  9. Its best to catch and release during spawn. I usually don't keep females, only males. I will only keep enough for a couple meals. I will not sight fish and purposely catch bass unless they are VERY big. Then I catch and release. Raider, read some articles on the Bass spawn. They do bite. They like nothing near their bed while spawning. You can't just decide to go catch that 6 pounder. It takes persistence and a loonnnggggg time!
  10. I bet tvc184 would be a blast to drink with.................of course we would all have designated drivers ;D
  11. Well, I had fun. Fishing was not as good as I hoped. Friday night, nothing! Saturday, about 5, 1 fish keeper. Sunday was better with about 12 fish. 3 keepers. The boat traffic Saturday was horrible. I counted 12 boats in one small cove. A lot of bank beaters which disturbs the fish trying to spawn. The bass are beginning to spawn, but I still think in 3 weeks it will be at its best. Who knows??
  12. OK Peeps, After my kids baseball practice(Friday sucks for a practice day BTW) going back to the lake. Gonna try some night fishin tonight. Tomorrow, its fish all day for the spawn. This warm week the bass should be rockin!!
  13. I'm sitting at Keith Lake right now and it looks good but I don't know if the fish have moved in yet. With this warm weather, it shouldn't be long. I talked to a guy a couple of days ago that was going out in Sabine Pass and he said that he has limited on reds at Texas Bayou twice in the last week. My favorite spot is the mouth of the cut(lake side) that goes to the intracoastal. Have picked up lots of flounder and specs there!! Good luck TVC!
  14. Matt has had an amazing career. Check this out!! [Hidden Content],Matt,3
  15. Keith Lake might be good near Sabine pass. Port Neches park you could go up Bessie heights, just watch out for the current. Deep in Sabine Pass past Texas Bayou on the bay side is shallow and several people wade fish there. You could also bring kayak. Just be careful, Texas Bayou and Keith Lake all have serious currents sometimes. You may end up in the gulf if your not carefull. Around Port Arthur, you could possibly put in at Taylor's Bayou and fish around there. Not sure what the storm did to the fishing.
  16. OLgabe, did you graduate from TJ? If so, what year?
  17. Memorial will never resemble, carry on or be Thomas Jefferson. It's basically a new school..........who knows what the future brings??
  18. As I am sitting here frying fish, I thought I would give you guys a fishing report. I went to Toledo Bend this weekend KNOWING I was going to freeze. The bite was fair. I came home with 5 good fish. All around 2.5 - 3 pounds. The fish was taken Saturday and Sunday. A buddy that lives up there caught 9 bass in 3 hours Friday. All from 3 to 7 ft of water. The cold front is what he blamed for my 5 fish weekend. My fish were caught 4 to 12 ft. If the wind would have stayed under 20 mph, I could have caught more. I was very limited to where I could fish AND because of that the areas that were protected from the wind caught a lot of pressure.
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