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Everything posted by 1989NDN

  1. Go one step further...if these reports are true, and the e-mails published in recent court filings suggest that they are true, then why is Kendall Briles coaching at UT, Casey Horny coaching at UT, and Phil Bennett at Arizona State? Aren't they all toxic? You mean to tell me that Kendall Briles, Horny, and Bennett did not know about the culture at Baylor? Yeah, right. They all knew. Under the Briles regime at Baylor, Monday-Friday = sex, guns and drugs; but, come Saturday = football wins; and, Sunday, we all go to church. Why are we surprised? It's Baylor. They had a men's basketball coach, Dave Bliss, cover up a murder by one of his players. Now, the Briles era. Time for the athletic death penalty in Waco. How do you argue against it? Baylor defender: "Well, no dancing was involved. It's all going to be OK." (sarcasm). I'm betting UT dismisses Horny. Tom Herman doesn't like distractions in his program. At UH, he ruled with an iron fist. No distractions. Horny will be a distraction. The brass at UT will not stand for anyone in its athletic department being remotely associated with the toxic mess in Waco. Perrin and Herman will say that new evidence has emerged and Coach Horny is no longer employed by Texas. The end. I wonder if Lane Kiffen and FIU will do the same? Or, if Todd Graham and ASU will do the same? Then again, Kiffen and Graham are no saints. Kiffen has his own demons and Graham would not know what the truth is if it punched him in the face. Ask Rice. They remember 'ol Todd Graham as he boarded a plane for Pitt saying, "I love Rice, I have not signed a contract at Pitt...(yet)." Go Indians...Go Coogs. Peace.
  2. The news story reported by KFDM (Channel 6) said nothing about free housing. It is a news story about affordable housing for senior citizens in a part of Beaumont where they can walk to and from stores that offer goods and services. Most senior citizens are on fixed incomes, be it from Social Security, or retirement investments, or both, and they need housing at a price point that fits within their budget. Many of those seniors likely paid into Social Security and Medicare in the form of payroll deductions. Are they not entitled to the Social Security benefits they are receiving? Where is the "Do Less, Get More" mentality? Why not use public funds to assist senior citizens? The story reported by Channel 6 was not about Section 8 subsidized housing for welfare queens and kings. Why bash Beaumont for being dumb? What is dumb about using public funds to assist local senior citizens in your community? Find common ground and work together to make American great again. Isn't that what President Trump wants? Conservatives push a Bible-based agenda, but they overlook the scriptures where the Lord said to care for the poor, widows, orphans, and society in general. See Deuteronomy 15:7-11, Proverbs 14:31, Jeremiah 22:16, Matthew 19:21, 25:35, and 1 John 3:17-18. 3...2...1...those in the center, or on the left are dumb, radical, too eclectic, too liberal, stealing from the rich to give to the poor, taking from the workers to give to the lazy, taking from the haves to care for the have-nots so they can push a gay agenda, etc. Response: No, not at all. Let's spend tax funds wisely to take care of our armed services, seniors, vets, and rebuild infrastructure. No one is advocating giving free money or free housing to the Jerry Springer crowd. That was not the story reported by KFDM. Peace.
  3. Trump won because he found an audience that Hillary Clinton took for granted, i.e., working class Americans. Trump vowed (and to his credit, thus far, he has kept his vow) to get Americans back to work. People of all color, ethnicity, religion, political affiliation, etc. want an opportunity to work and provide for his/her family. People in Michigan, Ohio, Indiana, West Virginia, Florida, Texas and all across this great nation want Americans back to work. That is exactly why Trump is pushing his agenda with Carrier, Ford, General Motors, Boeing, the steel industry, the coal industry, etc. It's time we stop sending jobs elsewhere, be it to Mexico, Taiwan, China, or India. Let's put the great people of the USA back to work making the goods and services we need. We can make refrigerators, toasters, steel bridges, cars, trucks, etc. right here in the USA. Let's give lower and middle class Americans an opportunity to earn decent wages and provide good products and services. Yes, business owners/shareholders should make a profit. No one denies that premise. But, CEOs and other executives making tens of millions while the common man and woman risks losing his/her job to an overseas job market is not what made the USA the land of opportunity. Trump figured out the frustration of John Q. and Sally Q. Public, and he made that his platform. Whereas, Hillary Clinton took that vote for granted and stayed focus on buzzword politics, i.e., Dem v. Rep, corporations v. unions, tax increases v. tax cuts, spending for social services v. spending on the military, a woman's right to choose v. pro-life, etc. It's like Bill Clinton used to say: It's not about who sleeps with who or any other social issue...it's all about the economy. Here's to the President (be it President Obama or President-elect Trump) being a good leader for all Americans. 3...2...1...let the hard core conservatives tear apart this post. Go Indians. Peace.
  4. Response to question from Remmus on page 1: She is a beautiful second generation American. Her family is from Matehuala, San Luis Potosi, Mexico. White Hispanic = American citizen classified as white and of Hispanic decent. My wife says the term refers to Hispanic people with lighter skin tones and European decent, e.g., Spain, vs. Hispanics with darker skin tones and non-European decent. My wife would be the latter...and did I say, she is beautiful! One more time, she is beautiful. She is more conservative than me...I'm trying to bring her over from the far right...back to the center. Go Indians. Peace.
  5. Why not build a wall to the north with Canada? It's an open border. Maybe the Muslims have a plan to crossover from Canada? After all, there are large Muslim communities in Minneapolis/St.Paul, Detroit, and Buffalo. Where are the large Muslim communities along the USA/Mexico border? Did I miss one in Harlingen or El Paso? Is there one in San Diego? Building a wall between the United States and Mexico is ridiculous. It will not stop illegal immigration, the flow of drugs from Central and South America, or secure any American jobs except for those few that get hired to build the wall. In 1989, the United States told Mikhail Gorbachev to tear down that wall in Berlin, but fast forward 28 years and now the United States wants to build that wall. Go ahead and build that wall along the Canadian border, too. Why stop there? Muslims might swim over from Cuba. We better put walls along the southern tip of Florida. Plus, we don't want "those Cubans" coming over, either. The right is too far right. Just as the left is too far left. We need someone in the United States to centralize political ideology and unify our nation...meaning we unify all of the people in our nation regardless of color, ethnicity, religion, and all of the other variables people like to cling to. Yes, I am a white male married to a Hispanic woman...and I'm a centrist with a slight lean to the left on most social issues...and a slight lean to the right on most fiscal issues (particularly when it is my money) (emoji with a smile). Go Indians. Peace. P.S. To BS Wildcat...I quoted you, but I am not attacking or picking on you. I understand there are many people wanting to build "that wall." Not personal...just part of the conversation/debate. Peace.
  6. It does not matter if the perpetrator is Dylan Roof killing nine innocent people during a prayer service in Charleston, SC, or if the perpetrators are four bozos torturing a disabled person in Chicago, IL. Wrong is wrong. Evil is evil. Take color, race, ethnicity, gender, and all other variables out of the equation. Condemn those who do wrong, prosecute the wrongdoer, and do whatever you can to help the victims and to help society move forward. Too much focus on right/left, republican/democrat, white/black, male/female, citizen/non-citizen, etc. Focus on doing what is right and good for all of society. Whatever talent you have, use it to make life better for you and everyone around you. Stop judging a group of people (all Caucasians/all African-Americans) by the senseless acts of individuals. Go Indians. Peace.
  7. Now that the hardware is in the trophy case, and the mission in 2016 is completed, let the debate begin. Is this the best team WO-S has ever put on the field? 1986, 1987, 1988, 2000, 2016? Perhaps I am forgetting a team worthy of consideration? I love me some 1980s football with Kevin Smith and his teammates, but it is difficult, very difficult, to look past the 2016 WO-S Mustangs. I have a slight lean towards the 2016 team. Others? Thoughts? Let's discuss. Congratulations to WO-S. Go Indians. Peace.
  8. The buyout is not out of the norm...it coincides with the number of years left on the contract, i.e., a sliding scale downward for each year left on the contract. UH Chancellor and President Renu Khator was not going to hire Lane Kiffin. He had too much baggage and his track record at USC and Tennessee left much to be desired. Dr. Khator does not want blemishes on the UH brand. Tillman Fertitta may get the headlines, and probably rightfully so given that he spends his money on the University of Houston, but make no mistake, Dr. Khator is a power player, too. She wanted either Major Applewhite or Todd Orlando. Dr. Khator, Fertitta and AD Hunter Yurachek reached a consensus that the choice would be Major Applewhite. Mack Brown gave a strong recommendation to Fertitta on behalf of Major Applewhite. I think that carried the day for Major. I'm a little surprised that Dr. Khator approved given Major's indiscretion at UT with a female staffer/trainer in the athletic department. Supposedly, Major owned his mistake, asked for a second chance, and has been doing all the right things since learning from the incident. Supposedly, he recommitted himself to his wife and family. I don't know if all that is true or false (or somewhere in between), maybe the UT faithful can speak to that. All I know is: he that is without sin, let him cast the first stone. Here's to second chances and making things right. I leaned in favor of Coach Todd Orlando...but, I'm supporting Major. He can recruit, he can coach QBs, and I think he is ready to run his own program. I think he can win at UH. If he does well and leaves UH in 4 or 5 years, well that's life. I'm not bitter. Having people want your coach is a lot better than nobody wanting him. Here's to hoping Major can find some good assistant coaches...namely a strong DC ala Todd Orlando because he is driving down US 290 toward Austin. All aboard the Major train at UH. Go Coogs...Go Indians. Peace.
  9. Art Briles will not return to the University of Houston. Chancellor and President, Dr. Renu Khator will not allow that to happen. She has worked too hard to improve the academic and athletic standards, and to improve the culture and national perception of UH to allow such a move. If it did happen, UH would be looking for a new Chancellor and President as well as several new regents, professors, boosters, and fans. We need to give Todd Orlando a shot to lead the football program. He is an excellent defensive coach, recruiter, and leader. He has a plan in place for our program. If Major Applewhite would stay as OC, great. If not, then Todd Orlando will find someone to keep the HTown Takeover moving forward. Now should be the time for Todd Orlando to prove he can be a good HC. UH did well to find Art Briles (version 1.0; not version 2.0 at Baylor), Kevin Sumlin, and Tom Herman. Heck, even Tony Levine went 7-5, so he was not too bad of a hire. Going forward, we can find another up and coming HC in Todd Orlando. If he, too, leaves in 3, 4 or 5 years, so be it. Having other programs want your HC is a lot better than no one wanting him. At UH, we just need to keep improving our programs, facilities, and overall standards. Move the university forward one step at a time. Hiring Art Briles, version 2.0, is not moving forward. I say give Todd Orlando a shot. Just my 0.02 cents. Go Indians...Go Coogs. Peace.
  10. Abilene and Amarillo? From the early days, 1940s and 1950s, I think those two programs were at the top of the pecking order. Just wild guesses. Go Indians. Peace.
  11. FBW is not a bad team...they have more size than PAM and they brought the heat last night just like the Titans did to the Indians in week 6 or 7 or whatever week it was when they played. FBW had some tall lean kids on defense that could run...they were grown men and when they hit you, they were in a foul mood. At times last night, FBW shut down PN-G just like PAM did...but, PN-G did not get rattled or curl up and stop playing...to me, it felt like RJ made some big throws in the second half, I would have guessed he passed for more than 130/140 total yards. The QB and RB run game found its groove...the new RB hit the hole fast and on that last run to close out the game in the 4Q, he showed some wheels. FBW came after him, but he ran 30 or 40 yards to the endzone. He was fast enough. Playing PAM, Nederland, Vidor, Central, and 22-5A helped PN-G...the size and speed of FBW did not rattle the Indians...it just took some time and adjustments to get 28 points. The PN-G defense gets overlooked...those 11 kids might give up some yards, but they kept FBW from big play scores. PN-G will not see a better RB than PA's #25. The PN-G defense knew what the challenge would be last night and they did what they had to do to get a W. Go Indians. Peace.
  12. I agree...it's just not his physical tools/gifts...he has poise...FBW had size and speed and they brought heat...even when RJ had to scramble just to get back to the line of scrimmage or if he had to take a sack, he never lost his composure...he never came to the sideline and looked rattled...a good example, after the early bad snap, FBW scored...they marched down the field and it looked easy for them...RJ and Indians came right back and marched 90 yards for a TD...or at the end of the first half, he threw a ball and FBW got the INT...no worries, in the second half, RJ threw two TDs...the ball to #9, the WR made some nice moves...the pass to #12 was a nice throw/catch for the TD...he has leadership and poise...and yes, he has exceptional physical skills. Watching the game last night, I did not realize RJ ran for 260+ yards...but, wow...to me, it felt like his throws were more than 130/140 total yards...when you're into the game, it's easy to overlook the obvious (his runs) and then get wowed by the throws, e.g., the pass to #9 and #12 for big yards/scores. I'm glad someone else is keeping up with the stats. And, anyone who went to the game will tell you that the PN-G defense is like RJ...it keeps getting better as the season goes along. The PN-G defense pretty much held a big play FBW team in check. Playing PAM, Nederland, Central, Vidor and all of 22-5A helped the defense evolve and grow. Go Indians. Peace.
  13. Proud of the Indians in Round 2. Despite some iffy snaps and penalties, the Indians got a good win. Willowridge had size...more so than PAM...I'm talking about kids that looked like grown men. Can't say enough about the leadership from PN-G's QB. He had to grind tonight and still found a way to make big runs and throws. To the fans complaining about the DBs - I understand what you are saying, but the Indians are not blessed with shutdown DBs like PAM. We do not have 6'2" and 6'3" kids, with 4.5 speed, and ball hawking skills walking the hallways at PN-G High School. The Indians have to roll with what they have on the roster. And, the kids playing DB are doing some good things. Are they perfect? No. But, they don't quit after a bad play. The same DB that gets heat from fans for playing too soft, or from those fans that like to gripe that he is too small, well, that same DB made another big play tonight in the 4Q when Willowridge had a throw down the field toward the end zone. He was in position and he made the play. All 5'6" or 5'7" and 125 lbs. of him made the play. Those teams on the other sideline (Barbers Hill and Willowridge) will make some plays. They are good teams. Give them some credit, too. Nonetheless, our kids fight, scrap, and they don't quit. We had another great effort on defense...11 kids getting to the football. The big guy at NG, #68, had a solid game. Not tall, but he is wide. When he gets going up the field, he ties up the OL and then the Indians LBs can make some plays. On to round 3...and how about the new RB? Not the biggest guy, but he hits the hole fast and will lower his pads for a few extra yards. I'm not an official stats guy, but I would not be surprised if the QB and RB each had 100 - 125 yards. QB made some big throws...I'm guessing 200+ yards through the air. Need to clean up the snaps and penalties. Glad the PAT kicking game was back. Much better this week. Better blocking, timing, and good kicks. Nice job special teams coaches and players. I'm still not a fan of the pooch kick. I understand the reasoning behind it, but it is a head scratcher to give the other team the ball at the 40 yard line. That is the end of my small complaint. Happy to roll into the 3rd round. Go Indians. Peace.
  14. His older brother, Marcus Oliver, plays OT for the Cougars. Marcus and Ed Oliver have a rock solid brotherly relationship. That played the biggest part in his recruiting. Also, Ed Oliver's high school coach joined the Cougars' coaching staff during Ed's junior year of high school. Finally, the UH DL coach, former Texas Longhorn Oscar Giles, has a bond with Ed that sealed the deal and got Ed Oliver to UH. Oscar Giles is an underrated coach and recruiter. He's helped Todd Orlando create a pretty salty UH front seven on defense. If Coach Herman leaves UH, I hope Major Applewhite or Todd Orlando get promoted to HC...and I hope they keep Oscar Giles, too. UH has a good coaching staff and they get the most out of the talent we have on the roster. No secret...a lot of it has to do with good players, e.g., Greg Ward, Jr., Chance Allen, Linnell Bonner, D'Eric King, Ed Oliver, Stephen Taylor, Cameron Malveaux, etc. I know we are not a P5 team, but we have some P5 coaches, P5 talent in key areas, and success breeds more success. We just don't have a lot of depth. If Coach Herman stays with Orlando, Applewhite, et al., the sky is the limit...the recruiting class should be one of the overall best we've had in a long, long time.
  15. One more thing...if you are a player wanting more playing time, then volunteer to block on PAT/FG attempts...we need the help there! Special teams players are STARTERS for their designated special team. Commit to do your job on special teams - PAT/FG, kickoff, kick return, punt, punt return...these are important jobs. Let's clean these up and not leave points on the field. Even in practice, bust it and make those special teams players get better. Much love for all of the 2016 Indians. Go Indians. Peace.
  16. I encourage all PN-G fans to attend a booster club meeting. You will learn about run/pass options, the progressions the QB reads, the combination routes the WRs run, the protections called for the OL, and other things about the program, i.e., defensive alignments/calls. I live out of town, but I have been to approx. 5 to 7 meetings in the past nine years. It is worth your time to attend. As for who plays and who doesn't, that is not for me to comment upon. If we have a young man that can contribute, then "Next Man Up." Given the injuries we have, we need some help with depth. If there is a young man that can help, and he has the ability and attitude to help, then I say give him a shot. Help in practice, help your teammates get better, and when your number is called for a game, give it all you got...do what you have been coached to do. Whoever contributes, be it at practice or in a game, you are an Indian and you have my support. Once an Indian, Always an Indian. Rally behind the coaches and players. Let's get another playoff win. Go Indians. Peace.
  17. Central fans...give your coaches and team some love...they battled and left it all on the field. What more can you ask for? Good job Central Jaguars...you exemplified what HS football is about...play hard, play with passion, fight for what you get, and add up the score at the end. Tip of the cap to NC. Go Indians. Peace.
  18. Central fans...give your coaches and team some love...they battled and left it all on the field. What more can you ask for? Good job Central Jaguars...you exemplified what HS football is about...play hard, play with passion, fight for what you get, and add up the score at the end. Tip of the cap to NC. Go Indians. Peace.
  19. It appears the teams from each district were evenly matched. Lots of good football played by the teams involved. I can only speak to one game: PN-G v. BH. After watching BH, they will be a tough out next year. They played several JRs and SOPHs. They are building a solid program. QB, RB, the slot WR, and several kids on defense have some talent. PN-G...just keep battling...fight to win each play...I love this team's will to win. And, we should be pretty good next year, too. Plenty of JRs and SOPHs making plays for the Indians. Good luck to all of the teams surviving this week. Go Indians. Peace.
  20. +1...survive and advance. Next man up, it's your time to go make a play. Get focused on each play and give great effort...usually good things will happen. Move kids up from the JV and FROSH teams...now is your time to contribute to the program, whether it be as a scout team member or on Friday/Saturday. We need YOU for 4Q...go do it. What does Willowridge do well...and not so well? What does PN-G need to do to be successful next week? For this season's playoff run, I like the saying, "next man up." Those "in the know" please update the injuries and who gets moved up. Tell us about our "next man up." Thanks. Go Indians. Peace.
  21. 1985 Houston Jack Yates...the next in line, whoever that might be, is a distant second.
  22. I heard from a third cousin's friend of a friend over in Beaumont that Coach Neumann accidentally knocked the trophy off his desk while filling out UIL transfer papers for a young man from PA...he wanted to ensure the young man would be enrolled with NISD before the secret spring game. I think BMT Soljua or Jag Insider know the whole story. Go Indians. Peace.
  23. Congratulations VHS. Anymore Quirante kids in the pipeline? Those kids make magic happen. Montana gives VHS the deepest playoff run since man landed on the moon. Maverick captures a piece of the DC for the Pirates since the disco era. Who's next and what will he or she do for Vidor? Go Indians. Peace.
  24. I like my crow with shrimp gumbo. Congratulations Vidor. Nice win...no great win. Major props to Coach Matthews, Vidor coaching staff, and the players. Time to rally the troops behind all 22-5a playoff teams. Go Indians, Titans, Pirates, and whoever the 4th place team is...bulldogs, jags, lions (I don't know; whoever it is, you have my support). Go Indians. Peace.
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